Changes in his body temperature

Luckily for him, Zhi Qiang came to his senses immediately. His sharp ears trained for decades, awake every night when he ventured out of the palace. His eyes were wide open. His eyes immediately fell on Xuan Yuan. He saw his face was deathly pale. As pale as the color of the mist that lined this Gangrim Iceberg. His lips are dark blue. He jolted awake, anxious.

He crawled closer to Xuan Yuan. He rubbed his cheek, feeling very cold. He was like a corpse lying on the street left to die there. But he's still alive here. Zhi Qiang's face was panicked. He holds his palm. he felt the same way. He looked into his eyes full of horror. "What happened to you?" he asked in a worried and bitter voice. His voice was almost choked.

His panicked voice woke the two men. They woke up with dazed eyes. Seeing the panic on Zhi Qiang's face. Their spotlight turned to Xuan Yuan who was lying on his side. They jolted awake. They are like seeing a ghost that appears in the daytime. Horror appeared on their faces.

The slender man asked, "What happened to him?" even though they had only seen each other for a few hours. But he had a worried look on his face. As if worried for his relatives, was on the verge of death. He had never seen his relatives lying lifeless, because he had never seen them leave. It was a stroke of luck for him not to witness that. Because he was trapped in this Iceberg for a century.

"I don't know, I woke up seeing him already in this state" replied Zhi Qiang frantically. His brain was spinning violently, his body was very cold. The first thing to do is to warm his body first.

He lifted his head, looking around. Look for any material or object that can make a fire. "Fire, we need to light a fire to keep his body warm" Zhi Qiang shouted to the slender man in a panic. Zhi Qiang opened his bag, rummaging through its contents. He took out the extra thick blanket he had brought with him. He swiftly covered the blanket on Xuan Yuan's body.

"Right, fire" replied the slender man. He turned his head to the stocky man. And immediately greeted with a nod of his head.

He got up and stepped away looking for dry wood, where in this iceberg it was very difficult to find. Because everything is covered with snow. This makes the wood moist. But there was nothing they could do, with the damp wood they tried to make a fire.

A century stuck in this iceberg, making them adept at making fires out of damp wood. In a short time, they managed to make a fire out of it. The fire was blazing, smoldering on the wood, which was now no longer moist but dry, little by little it started to burn. Turning red orange, shimmering amidst the embers.

Zhi Qiang swiftly carried Xuan Yuan's frozen body close to the fire. He held him in his arms. While rubbing his cold palms, to make it warm.

A chill escaped Xuan Yuan's open lips, his chest heaving erratically. He was having a hard time breathing, his chest felt tight, oxygen was precious to him now, and he needed it now. The problem wasn't the oxygen not filling his cold, frozen lungs. But the lungs are difficult to receive the oxygen.

He hiccups. It's like someone who is on the verge of death. Being near the fire made his body recover gradually but very, very slowly. Because he was surrounded by snow. Even though the fire warmed his body, he was surrounded by thick snow. Does not bring significant changes.

Right now, he needed a huge sense of warmth. Wearing a thick coat, covered by two thick blankets and sitting in front of the fire. His body was still shaking. It was as if the coldness didn't want to leave his body. The strange things is, before falling asleep he was no problem.

What really happened to his body? What was the meaning of the dream he just had. Was he unable to find the sword? just like the voice said, if he found the sword just to give it to Chi You then his efforts were in vain. Plus, the last words of the voice kept ringing in his ears.

'Nothing remains kindness from your past, kindness? The kindness he has done, or the kindness he has done has been forfeited, turned back by the crime he has done? But which crime? He couldn't even remember what crimes he had committed in the past.

His lips parted slightly, his teeth chattered, he shivered with cold.

"I don't think the fire had much effect on his frozen body. We have to get him out of this mountain" said the stocky man, his face grimacing, not having the heart to see Xuan Yuan's condition. He looked very miserable.

Zhi Qiang realized that from the start. He just kept hoping that his body would warm up again. He scowled. His words are true. The only way is to get him out of this Iceberg.

He just moved his body to stand up. But his movement was blocked by Xuan Yuan's tight grip. Zhi Qiang turned to him, which was greeted with a shake of his head.

"Your body has drop to the lower cold, you need to get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise you will freeze to death" Zhi Qiang said in a worried voice, his eyes full of confusion. His chest seemed to be squeezed by a strong and sturdy hand that was ready to crush his body.

Xuan Yuan did not utter a single word. He just nodded weakly. He should have followed their advice, but his heart told him that he should stay. He didn't know what had happened to him. An extreme decision indeed, when you are on the verge of death.

Suddenly from inside his body he felt a little warm, second later his body began to feel the warm that spread throughout his body. His hands were no longer cold. His bluish lips started to turn pink. His cheeks also turned red, like he had been basking in the hot sun. His body was no longer shaking either. He can breathe easy.

Both Zhi Qiang and the two men, saw this change. Their faces did not look worried but smiling. Finally, his body was back to normal. But for Zhi Qiang this change was too drastic. He did feel the warmth from Xuan Yuan's body. But this warmth made him feel worried. There is something strange.

Xuan Yuan's body temperature returned to normal. But the warmth kept rising and rising. From warm to hot. His cheeks were now red as if they had been exposed to hot steam. He started to feel sore all over his body. The heat is getting more and more intense.

He found it strange, if his body temperature froze being surrounded by snow it made sense. But hot! This doesn't make any sense at all. even this impossible to happens. And nothing triggers the heat.

Zhi Qiang felt the change. panic appeared on his face again. Xuan Yuan broke out in sweat. He's so hot. Quickly he tossed aside the two thick blankets, as well as the coat. Not until there he also took off his clothes. His body is bright red.

Xuan Yuan looked hot. He was rolling in the snow. He felt the coldness of the snow reduce the heat in his body. His body stretched. He groaned and kept groaning.

"What happened to him? why is his body turning hot now?" Zhi Qiang shouted at the two men in front of him.