A land above the clouds

"Come, sit down. You must be tired" she said as he pulled away from her embrace. Because she felt her body trembling

Nhamso hesitated, she glanced at Xuan Yuan. And again, got a nod of assurance from him. Reluctantly, she followed the woman in front of her. Go to a chair not far from the bed.

After the two of them sat quietly, Ru Qing's gaze which had been attached to Phoenix, turned to Xuan Yuan, asking "Where did you find her?" she knew if she asked Phoenix, she would not get an answer, judging by the reaction on her confused face.

Xuan Yuan's mind was currently filled with the safety of the Phoenix, if she was here, she would be fine for the time being. But not for the long term. Because she must go back to earth to complete her mission.

On the bright side, Chi You believed he was dead. Is it safe enough to bring her back to earth? As long as he didn't present himself and let him think he was dead, she should be safe in Tham country. It was just that if he kept hiding that wasn't the way out, he would still have to find Chi You to retrieve the Mei Long Sword. before he takes action to threaten Earth's peace.

But if he brought it back to earth, it would also make Chi You suspicious, because he was sure, he saw it, He sent her away before he drained his power earlier. 'Hmm, I think it's best if she hides here for a while, until the situation in Tham country back to normal' he was sure that after his fight with Chi You, the people of Tham country became chaotic and would be ready for sudden attacks, if any.

"Hmm Nhamso, can you stay here for a while?" he asked in a worried voice and face.

"Hey, I asked you a question first, why don't you answer my question?" shouted Ru Qing annoyed, she was annoyed with Xuan Yuan. From the start they never got along, not then, not even now. Even with him being on new human form just now. Their nature remains the same. That really pissed her off.

"Huh" Xuan Yuan was confused "Are you asking me a question?" he asked reassuringly. His eyes stared at Ru Qing, with a confused look.

"Of course, I am" Ru Qing hissed, irritated.

"What are you asking?" again, Xuan Yuan asked with a questioning look.

"I asked, where did you find her?" she ask in a sarcastic tone.

"Hmm... on earth, in the land of Tham" his face was full of confusion, when Ru Qing asked again, his face immediately relaxed. If that was the only question, of course he could answer right away. Without wasting time, he answered immediately.

"I already knew she would be reborn as a human, I just didn't think she would be reborn in a land above the clouds" yes, another name for Tham country is a land above the clouds. Because the land is high, of all the land on earth. Not without reason why it got such a nickname, because the air in there is thin. If newcomers come there, they will suffer from dehydration due to lack of oxygen, because they are not used to thin oxygen. They will suffer from dizziness, nausea and vomiting. And it will last for days. Until their lungs can receive a thin intake of oxygen.

"Well, but that's much better, because the Land of Tham, is a land of very high spirituality. At least there she can muster the virtues to complete her mission. I hope so" muttered Ru Qing, relieved. She could not imagine if she was born in another part of the earth. Of course, she will have difficulty in completing her mission.

But now she couldn't relax for a while. Why not, with Xuan Ti's expression, let alone with him asking Phoenix to stay here for a while, also with him suddenly appearing here. She was sure something had happened. She just needed some patience to ask Xuan Ti. Hopefully she has that patience, facing the Xuan Ti nature she knows.

Xuan Yuan paid no heed to Ru Qing's muttering, his focus fell on Phoenix. he repeated his question. "Nhamso, can you stay here for a while?" his voice was attentive, waiting anxiously for her answer.

Right now, what was on Nhamso's mind, was her mother. Anxiety was evident on her tiny face. She had left her mother just like that, amidst the chaos of the two men's fight. And right now, she didn't know how her mother was. She was very worried, because from one of the attacks launched by the Banquan leader, hitting her house, almost half of her house was destroyed. She really hoped that her mothers safe.

On the one hand, she realized that Xuan Yuan had immense power. Her eyes fixed on Xuan Yuan. She didn't think he had such great power. If it weren't for her, being held hostage by the Banquan leader, he couldn't have just given up and given what he wanted. On the other hand, she felt guilty. Because of her now he had lost his power.

"M-mother..." only one word escaped her trembling lips. Also, a face full of anxiety, staring sadly at Xuan Yuan.

At that Xuan Yuan came to his senses, his eyes wide open. Nothing crossed his mind, Nhamso's mother. Even if it doesn't really matter toward Phoenix right now. But still he had to think about it too. Rationally, of course, Phoenix cares about her mother's safety, in her current life. How stupid he is. He tossed himself inwardly. "I need you to stay here for a while, and I think your mother's safety is also in danger, what if I bring her here, so you both can stay here for a while?"

Nhamso didn't answer right away, her gaze immediately turned to Ru Qing. She thought that the woman in front of her was the owner of the house she was in now. She wrung her fingers, anxiously. Worried about whether she could stay here for a while, seeing how angry this woman was when she saw her in the room a while ago. She also hasn't had time to say sorry for trespassing on her house. And now Xuan Yuan also wanted to bring her mother here. How could the woman in front of her would now give her permission.

Seeing Phoenix's reaction, Ru Qing immediately smiled. She brought her both hands on the table, gripping her right hand tightly. Said "You don't have to worry about me, Nhamso. You can bring whoever you want to this house" she said very softly to her ear, she wanted to give the impression that she could stay here as long as he wanted. 'This is your residence after all' she said inwardly, she couldn't say that out loud to her, since she didn't know her truly life as phoenix.

Even if she wanted to follow her heart's desire, she wanted Phoenix to stay here again, just like before. Before she runs a crazy idea. Live quietly, peacefully and serenely as before. But that only made her swallow hard. Seeing the great desire of Phoenix to complete her mission, she had no choice but to support her, completely.