Chapter 31: Aftermath of War


"Kyaa! Lord Alard is awoken!" I heard aloud shout, before the door was slammed down.

While, the maid that had just entered began rushing out from my room.

'Ugh..! What the fuck was that?' I grunted, while feeling my body still alittle weak, I snuggled in the warm lonesome bed.

*Tap! Tap! Tap!

When soon enough, some footsteps echoed in my ears.


Soon, the door to my room busted open. Where, I get to see some familiar faces.

Margrave Aaron de Vanelland.

Count Robord Whitlock.

Two other commanders.

And some unknown subjects too were presented, while Count Dustifer don't seemed to be present here.

"Young Lord! You are awake!"

"Yes, Sir Vanelland do you thinking I am sleeping right now?" I said, causing Vanelland to scratch his head.

"Hohoho, Young Auguste It seems like you have fully recovered."

"Yes, I feel the same too beside some fatigue still remains in my body."

"Well, You should have expected that! I didn't expected you could run off to solo a army of 10 thousand, brat!" suddenly an old majestic voice echoed the room, making everyone to turn around.

"Greeting, My Lord!" when Vanelland immediately greeted, kneeling on one knee.

"Greeting, Your Grace!"

"Greeting, Your Grace!"

When, other also greeting and giving him a noble bow.

"Teacher?! What are your doing here. I thought you were in the Ministry doing those crazy researches."

"Brat! What do you mean by crazy research, brat! They are the future of the advance magic! And I am here, because I received the report from Aaron. You really have guts don't you." Fluder Paradyne, the Imperial Court Magician of the Empire and my teacher commented.

"Well, you lot don't have to kneel. You are here to check on my student here."

"Thank you! Your Grace!"

"As you wish, My Lord." said the subjects, slowly rising in there two feet. They looked toward Fluder with reverence.

"So, Teacher? You didn't tell me, what are you doing here." I again asked.

"What! Can't Teacher come to check on his students when they are injured!"

"..." I have him a blank look, causing him to cough, before...

"Well, In report I heard you used some kind of sorcery that caused the enemies to fall without even getting into physical contact with them. So, Tell me what was that! You discovered a new magic, and didn't even told your teacher!" Fluder shouted, making a puppy face. He really is hungry for the knowledge of any possible magic, isn't he?

"Well, Teacher I don't know what magic it is. You can say it is a Talent I was blessed with." I said, with the most possible reply I could.

"Talent? But I was sure when I checked you, You only had Magic Talent .. don't tell me one can be blessed with two Talent!" Fluder gased, his eyes flaming thinking what if his guess is true.

"Well, Have a good day discovering something new then Teacher. I am sleeping." I said, covering my head from blanket. I was still tired, making me soon fell asleep.

"Damn brat! No respect for your Teacher. I guess you have already reached your rebellious age!" Fluder complained, while Vanelland and other subjects were surprised seeing Fluder demeanor.

Fluder was known as the most noble person of Empire, he had served upto 3 Emperor of the Empire, he was also said to posses the power comparable with Thirteen Heroes.

But, right now he was arguing with his student like a...


[Re-Estize Kingdom]

In Ro-Lente Castle, the heart of the Re-Estize Kingdom, it was called so because it housed the Valencia Palace which was the center of important news and information in the Kingdom and the home of the royal family.

Currently, a huge court was being held in the throne room of the Castle.

Currently, King Ramposa III, an 40 year old King sat on his throne.

He was a handsome man, he had a perfect warrior body, while a golden crown was on his head representing his standing of the King.

Currently, he was looking at the kneeling Count Völkchenheim infront of him, depression gripping his mind and heart.

While, His court like always was divided into two faction, them being Royalty faction and Nobility faction.

Royalty faction were the royal-borns who were blood related with King Ramposa III as he leaded this faction, while Nobility faction consisted of Nobles who wanted to take control of Kingdom from him while it was under the control of Six Great Nobel, who were leaded by Marquis Boullope.

"Count Völkchenheim, Is what you saying the truth. I want you to repeat your report again." King Ramposa III asked.

"Y..Yes Your Majesty! We had suffered the casualties of 25,000 soldier, while 6,000 estimated soldiers are heavily injured from this war and ...and General Zuga has also fallen in this war."

"Moving onto the war report, First General Zuga proposed the Empire for sending there one commander while we send our 10,000 soldiers because we had twice the number of there soldiers."

"But, It all changed when they send there Commander, Alard von Auguste." Völkchenheim taking a pause, continued.

"Like a War God, Alard when he entered the battlefield. He single-handedly began to slay our soldiers like grasses. He was by my estimation should be a 4th or even 5th tier magic caster!."

"Wha-what! A possible 5th-tier caster! Impossible! Didn't you bfore said he was a only 13-14 year old lad! How can your estimation be believable!" an Duke from Royalty faction shouted, but ignoring him Count Völkchenheim continued.

"Plus, He was also a martial artist, while he also knew swordarts." Völkchenheim words echoed the court, making everyone in the court gasp again like the first time they had when they heard this report.

"No way! An 14 year old 5th-tier caster, martial artist and also a swordsman! Not even the Theocracy can create such monster in that young age! Count Völkchenheim, you should know giving fake report to the court calls for a capital punishment!" Noble's shouted, trying to deny the report of Völkchenheim.

"Marquis aon Rovan, you can ask all the surviving soldiers to confirm either my claim is wrong or not. I am ready to be stabbed by thousands spears, If my report is fake." Count Völkchenheim said, while turning to King Ramposa III.

"Your Majesty, What I say is the truth."

"*Sigh*, Count Völkchenheim even if what you say is the truth. It is still hard to believe your report. Not even in the historical events did such talent had ever been seen." King Ramposa III sighed, he was really tried with this war and violence. He just wanted to end this war and focus on prospering his land and common folks that lived under him.

But, Because of the pressure of both Nobility and Royalty faction. Each season he has to deploy the Kingdoms military to join the Seasonal War.

'King? What joke! It has been nineteen year since I took over the throne still I can't stop the inner conflict between my own subjects and protect the civilians from monsters. How can I be still called King?' King Ramposa III mocked himself.

He was a humble man who believes it is the duty of those in power to protect their people. Despite being a King of a nation that places such importance on background, he ironically judges people based on merit and generally treats everyone with the same respect.

"Then Your Majesty, What should we do the land of Margrave Zuga? We can't keep his land lordless can we?" when a Nobel from Nobel faction proclaimed, making many other to raise here proposal of controlling the land of fallen General Zuga.

'Sigh! Always greedy, I can't believe a fellow loyal subject to Kingdom just falled. But instead of praying for his peace, they are here fighting to claim his land.' King Ramposa III shook his head, before raising his voice.

"Silence! This is my court! This isn't your home! Refrain your voice."

"As for the issue of General Zuga land, I will give it's temporarily authority to Count Aldean ante Zuga. The younger brother of Margrave Zuga!" King Ramposa III declared, making many to click there tongue secretly.

"Count Zuga! Step forward!" when a announcer behind the King shouted, making a man who was in his early 40's to walk in forward.

"Count Zuga, I want to give you the temporarily authority for the territory of Margrave Zuga. If you can handle the territory probably, you will have the land permanently. Do you accept?" King Ramposa III said, causing a trick of tear too fall from Count Zuga. He had always respected his big brother and tried becoming a man like him. But, today he just heard his big brother died.

He didn't even knew what to think, his heart quivered in disbelief, confusion but mostly in pain.

'I.. I will, Atleast try to protect the land of my big brother. Even if I wasn't able to save his life.' thought Count Zuga, while he accepted the authority from the King.

"Good! Then the court is dismissed! And if any new report about Alard Von Auguste is known, The report should be informed to me immediately!" said King Ramposa III, while soon everyone of two faction began to walk out of the court, discussing about Alard.

While soon the throne room was isolated, leaving Ramposa III alone in the throne. He rested his head in his throne, sighing he closed his eyes.

'Will I ever be a good King?'


[Slane Theocracy]

Kami Miyako, the capital city of the Theocracy.

It was bright sunny day outside, common-folks like always prayed the Six Great Gods, while they continued there daily lives.

While in a dark room of the main church in Theocracy, six figure stood tall.There face hidden in darkness, they look toward a kneeling figure infront of them. They were the Six Cardinals of the Slane Theocracy, the highest authorities of the Theocracy.

"Your Graces, I have brought the report of Kingdom and Empire from this season's Seasonal war."

"State the report, Thousand Leagues Astrologer." The Cardial of Water asked, making the 7th seat of Black Scripture to detail out the report.

"This season war of between The Kingdom and Empire was a little unusual, A young noble Alard...."

Thousand Leagues Astrologer quickly began to tell her details on how General Zuga proposed the 1 v 10,000. How, Alard massacred the entire 10,000 soldiers of the Kingdom. How, Alard had a mysterious magic of killing the enemies without even getting into physical contact.

While the most shocking news that hitted the Six Cardinals hard was the age of Alard. He was only 10 year old!

"What! 7th seat! Are you sure there aren't any errors in your information network! This report is to absurd!" The Cardinal of Light shouted in the absurdity of the report.

"As much as I wished my network to have a error. There aren't any errors as I myself have also personally checked the detail, Your Graces." said the 7th seat, making all Six Cardinals to carry a serious expression.

"Is there any chances of him being a player?" The Cardinal of Darkness, then asked. Because existence of the race called Players were the top-most secret of the Theocracy, that only the Cardinals and some top-selected members of Scriptures only knew.

(A/N: Okay, To those who don't know. Inhabitants of New World thinks that Player are actually a race of themselves who come from YGGDRASIL.)

"No, My Grace, I also had that doubts at first. So, I had checked his background." said the 7tu seat before she brought out a report file.

"Alard Von Auguste, thirdborn of House Viscount of Auguste that has served the Baharuth Empire for 100 years. He is also the direct student of 6-th tier Magic Caster Fluder Paradyne." 7th seat stated out the entire birth details of Alard, while Six Cardinals sighed in relief.

"Then try getting him to our side! He is a blessed child, If he is on our side! We the humanity will have one more pillar to protect our human race from those fliths!"The Cardinal of Darkness said in disgust.

"As you wish, Your Graces." 7th seat of Black Scripture said, then getting up she walked out of the dark room.
