Am I a failure?

Amelia Forbes

The days that followed after graduation were miserable for me. There was no school to attend, no classes to keep me busy, and no studying to distract me at all.

I had nothing to keep myself busy with. So all I did was think. So much that I began to overthink, which meant I started to worry a whole lot more, about every little thing. My anxiety level shot up. And soon, I refused to leave my room.

I was three and a half months pregnant, and inevitably I had begun to show. The corset was too tight to be comfortable and I had to stop wearing it.

I didn't know what to do. Every time I saw Nana coming in my direction, I would duck into my bedroom and attempt to conceal my stomach with my duvet or blanket.

Soon, she would notice. If she hadn't already. What would I say to her? How would I explain this. . .