Tell me it's not true

Looking towards dad, I wiped my sweaty palms on my hoodie.

"This girl who keeps disturbing our peace and knocking like a mad woman claims she's here to see you. So?" He gestured to Dani. "Do you know her?"

"I d-don't recognize-"

"You fucking asshole!" Dani screamed so loud the servants had to hold her back. "You monster!" She continued, seemingly oblivious to the tight hold on her shoulders. "I'll strangle you with my bare hands when I get my hands on you, you fucking piece of shit!"

Dad's face reddened. You come into my house, disturb our peace, and threaten my son?!" He bellowed. Ashley gently placed her hand on his, tapping on it in a distracting motion.

Dani stood, unfazed. "Why don't you ask 'your son' what he did to my friend!" She spat, anger visible on her features. She met my eyes, anger and pain dancing in them. "Why don't you tell them? Tell them how you singlehandedly ruined Amelia's life."