
Jason Davenport

I was exhausted as I walked through the doors of the fourth convenience store I'd been to today. I was trying to find a job. I didn't know what that entailed, nor had I ever had one before, but I was determined to make an effort. And getting a job was a first step.

I timidly walked to the counter, conscious of my damp clothes that had begun to give off a weird kind of smell.

The salesclerk ignored me until I cleared my throat loudly. He paused in his typing and glared at me, scrunching his face as the stench hit his nose. Holding a napkin briefly to his nose he snapped, "What can I do for you?"

My fists clenched at his snarky tone. How dare he disrespect me? People like him were my servants!

My anger slowly began to dissipate as I realized it was past tense. I was a nobody now.

Trying my best to ignore the attitude I said, "I'm looking for a job?"