cap.5 - Danzo Surprise

My first year of school was quiet, I made some good new friends, I have a not so secret admirer (Ino), my little brother Naruto is not obsessed with the crazy girl Sakura, I've been helping Hinata to be close to Naruto, which has been working out, since he's no longer the clueless guy with no knowledge of the love of canon, life is good.

I've been training with my sword using shadow clone, which I made grandma teach Naruto and me, of course, she explained the pros and cons of the technique, which for us didn't have so many cons other than the mental wear and tear.

Every day I create 3 clones, one trains the control, another trains with the sword and the other learns and improves the basic ninjutsus of the school. And I do this so that I can use the basic ninjutsus in a fluid and natural way, just as I already do with my chakra control.

With my main body, I train meditation and taijutsu, with the training prepared by Might Guy sensei, who explained the basic taijutsu training to me, without flashy techniques and poses or name-calling. I just focus on the basics, to have an extremely strong foundation.

I started to feel a strange atmosphere in Konoha, which told me that the Uchiha massacre was near. Grandma knows how sensitive I am to murderous intentions, so it was no surprise when I talked to her.

"Grandma, I sense an atmosphere of death in Konoha, something big is about to happen. Be careful please." I tell her making the begging dog and sad face.

"Don't worry, Grandma has everything under control. You and your brothers can relax," she assures me.

I go to the training yard, where my clone is standing next to Kira.

"I have a mission for you master Kira, something I will need your clan's help with. I know that there will be a massacre in the village, in the Uchiha compound, I would like you to send a message to Fugaku Uchiha. Of course, you can't be seen and we need to make sure he believes the message."

"I will deliver it boy, and my clan will help you, don't worry, this Fugaku will know that the matter is true."

I start writing:

"Lord Fugaku Uchiha, I am sorry to inform you that your intent against Konoha has already been noted. There will only be two options if things continue as they are. The first will be your clan fighting against all of Konoha, the second is Danzo and his friends arming against you and assassinating you without a trace. I'm more inclined to the second option.

I propose a third option, given that some of your people have already been bought off by Danzo, who has promised them something he won't pay for, save those who are against the rebellion and just want to live a quiet life. Don't let everyone pay for the crime of a few. If you want your clan to survive, I await your answer soon.

From an unexpected friend. Hollow."

I finish writing, tie it with a red ribbon, and hand it to Kira.

"Master Kira, depending on the man's response, I will need you to deliver two more messages. I hope you will forgive me for using you as a messenger." I say as I give him a kowtow.

"Don't worry kid, your heart is in the right place, I'm glad you are our contractor." he says as he lifts me up, and then disappears.

Meanwhile I prepare two other letters, in case Fugaku accepts.

"Lord Itachi Uchiha. A man who chose the village over his family. I hope this letter finds you at a time when it may be possible to save innocent lives.

I hope your father will agree to what I have proposed, so that you will have less work and a lesser burden on your conscience. I want to save those of your clan who have nothing to do with the rebellion.

Just let me know when you commit the act of murdering your own family in the name of Danzo, so that the innocent don't become victims.

May you be well and healthy. From your unexpected friend. Hollow"

I roll up the parchment and tie it with a red ribbon. And I move on to the second one.

"Lord Shisui Uchiha. I hope this one finds you still with dreams of peace. Danzo will try to steal your eyes, since you dumbly presented them to him. Your naivety of believing Danzo is what will cause the death of your entire clan.

He already intends to massacre the Uchihas, and steal their eyes. He knows about your Kotoamatsukami and consequently Mangekyo Sharingan, he also knows how to use the Uchiha eyes for Izanami.

Do not accept his call when he does, it will be the beginning of the end Uchiha.

I hope this one finds you in perfect health. From your unexpected friend Hollow."

I close the last card the same way as the others and return to training, awaiting Kira's return.

Twenty minutes later, Kira appears holding a scroll, which I open and begin to read.

"Lord Hollow, I don't know how you know this information, but I appreciate the warning. I sincerely wish and thank you for your help, even if I cannot reward you for it. I no longer know how to stop the clan elders, and from what you have informed me, I don't even have a way. I already knew about the bribe Danzo won from them, but I didn't think they would be so stupid and arrogant.

Until your next message. From a soon to be departed friend. Fugaku."

As soon as I finish reading, I hand the two letters to Kira, and tell them who to give them to, and he disappears.

I go back to training, while I wait again for Kira. Almost three hours later, the sun is setting and Kira appears. Handing me two scrolls of parchment.

"Thanks for the warning, friend Hollow, when your message came, that was the moment an anbu asked me to meet with Danzo. I left in search of my friend Itachi, to warn him and when I arrived, he was reading a letter. We are ready to save the clan if it is possible."

I open the next one.

"It will be tomorrow night."

Geez Itachi, give me a little more time, damn.

I run into the house, and grab a map.

"Master Kira, can the Racoon clan teleport people here?" showing the iron country.

"Yes boy, my clan and I can, we know this world like the back of our hand," he assures me.

I write the last letter.

"Lord Fugaku, unfortunately you only have 3 hours to gather the people you wish to save. Unfortunately the information came too late and we have almost no time. Gather them at the Naka Shrine and we will take them to a safe place. Appoint Shisui as leader and ask him to talk to the leaders of where we will send them.

Wishing your clan all the luck in the world. Hollow."

I hand the letter to Kira and ask, "Wait until the massacre begins, as soon as he sees the first murder, teleport everyone to the Iron Country. Leave some in the Uchiha compound, as soon as the killing happens, steal the eyes. I wish you luck Kira, an assassin will save lives.

As soon as he disappears I give another evil laugh, which is getting closer to what I want. I burn the cards and get back to training.

I train happily, despite my fatigue, which makes my grandma suspect something, which widens my smile even more.

"What are you up to boy?" she asks me raising her eyebrow.

"Nothing Grandma, just Master Kira brought me some good news about my training. No big deal." I say with the best excuse I could come up with. "Speaking of training, when are we going to test the affinity of NAruto and I?" I ask my grandma anxiously.

"When you start the third year of school. That way you will have time to further hone your basics." she answers me and goes back inside.

The moon was already high in the sky when a haggard and tired but happy Kira hands me a parchment.

"Thank you for your help Hollow. Countless innocent people and a clan are indebted to you. I hope that in the next life, we will have the opportunity to have tea. I say goodbye in a grateful way.

Your friend. Fugaku Uchiha."

I make a space on the bed for Kira who accepts, snuggles in and sleeps. And I accompany him.

DANZO POV --------

"We've already eliminated those filthy Uchihas, now it's time to take what belongs to me, and be one step closer to becoming the Hokage." says a Danzo in the shadows upon seeing the arrival of his root.

"Master Danzo, the clan is decimated, only the child Sasuke remains alive and has been taken to the hospital. Regarding the eyes we were supposed to recover, we have not found any, in any of the bodies. And all the bodies have been burned."

My anger is so great that I couldn't stand it, and I started vomiting blood.