chap. 8 - My team .... What?

Today is the academy's testing day, and I see some students a little nervous. Now in the room there are only me, Naruto, Hinata and Shikamaru left. Iruka comes up to us and calls Naruto.

As we had agreed before, he looks nervous, rubbing his hands together and mumbling incomprehensible words. I approach him.

"Don't worry brother, you'll be fine, the three of us here are rooting for you. Go out there and show them all your power." I put my fist closed for him to greet me, which he does smiling and nods, following Iruka sensei.

Soon after was Hinata, followed by Shikamaru and me last. Once I finish the test and pass, not that I needed to, I go looking for the rest of the class and see that Naruto is not with them.

"Where's Naruto?" I ask as soon as I approach, with a worried face.

"He said he wants to be alone now, it seems he took his words too seriously, and failed to do the requested jutsu. He has been failed." A Shikamaru with a strange expression tells me, as if the puzzle in his brain is taking shape, but comments nothing.

"Damn Naruto, because of him now I'm going to get a scolding from grandma and sister Shizune." I say in defeat, but still showing a worried countenance.

They all realize that I said that just to lighten the mood, it's not normal for me not to worry about my brother.

Looking around the courtyard, I notice that he is on his iconic swing, and next to him Mizuki, who was saying something to him. Shortly after, Mizuki disappears and Naruto rushes off. I say goodbye to my friends and undo my shadow clone.

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi is smoking his pipe, Grandma is drinking tea, and I am reading a scroll given to me by Kira. A little later Naruto enters.

"Mizuki asked me to get the forbidden village scroll, telling me that it is an extra mission of infiltration and information extraction, and that if I take it to him, he can graduate me from the academy." he says catching his breath.

I sense Mizuki's presence approaching the office, I signal to Grandma and Naruto to hide, while I hide the tea cup and hide as well. We hear knocking on the door and the Hokage allowing entry.

"Hokage-sama, I have talked to the children and many of them would like to have their picture taken holding their diplomas with you among them. Would you please join us?" Mizuki asks half apprehensive.

"Sure, let's go, so I can get away from all this paperwork for a while." replies the Hokage and they leave the office.

Granny takes a blank scroll and uses a transformation jutsu, making it look just like the forbidden scroll. She hands it to Naruto and he goes to the meeting point.

Thirty minutes later the Hokage returns, sits in his chair, counts to 10 and calls an anbu.

"Call all the chunnins, the forbidden scroll has been stolen, find Naruto." he gives the order and the anbu leaves.

The rest happens just like in the anime, except for the time to hurt Iruka. He didn't have time.

After Mizuki was arrested by Naruto and I, with the arrival of the Hokage, everything was explained to Iruka sensei, who took his own protector from the village and put it on Naruto. When he turns to show me his, I show him mine attached to my neck. We laugh at each other and go home.

The other day we arrive at school, greet our friends, explain what happened and why Naruto needed to fail the test, laugh when we say we beat the crap out of a chunnin, and take our seats when Iruka sensei walks in.

"Well, I am happy to see each of you no longer as my students, but as my fellow ninjas. My last mission today, is to inform you of your teams and wish you good luck and to look after each other." he tells us this with a smile and a tear of joy streaming down his face.

"Team 7 - Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha"

"Team 8 - Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga and Kiba Inuzuka"

"Team 10 - Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara"

"As for you Nox, you are on a separate team, as support for the three newly formed teams, and should any students graduate early, they will be integrated into your team.

"Thank you all for being my students and look forward to the arrival of your leaders." Iruka says and leaves the room.

While I was talking with Shino and Hinata, the door to the room opens.

"Team 10, come with me." a man smoking a cigarette says.

As we say goodbye to Ino-Shika-Cho and turn to talk more, a beautiful woman shouts from the door.

"Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga and Kiba Inuzuka, come with me".

Now it's me and team 7 waiting.

The sun almost setting, a man with grayish hair caught in a ponytail, a scar on the right corner of his mouth enters the room.

"Nox Senju, I will be your instructor and leader from now on. Let's go to training camp 9." and his body shakes and he disappears.

"See you guys around then." I jump out the window and run after my instructor/leader.

Once we arrive, we sit down on the roots of a tree, and he begins.

"My name is Hayama Shirakumo, I am a jonin, I like peace and quiet, my dream is to grow old and die sleeping in my warm bed. I hate to lose my friends," he introduces himself. He seems like a pretty calm person to me, it will be nice to get away from the crazies for a bit.

"I am Nox Uzumaki Senju, I like my family and friends, I don't like hypocrites and corrupt people, my dream is to live well and in peace." I tell him looking into his eyes.

"I see we will get along super well then." He says as he straightens up better. "I should do a test with the graduates, but being just you, a spar will be enough. I see you also like swords, so tomorrow we'll do a spar so I can see your weaknesses and strengths. We will use wooden swords so we don't kill each other by accident." he says as he stands up. "I will bring the swords, be here tomorrow at 8."

I watch him start to walk away, until he stops.

"And sorry I'm late today, I'm not in the habit of that. I came back later than I thought from a mission. See you tomorrow." and again, his body shakes and disappears.

I'm excited for tomorrow.