chap. 13 - A Surprise Conversation

While they are talking, I take Sasuke to Sakura, so she can heal his wounds, and make him recover, while I pick up Naruto and move away from them a little.

I make an area suppression seal, meaning that no chakra can leak from there.

"Kurama, I know you can hear me, so come talk to me for a bit."

A lying down and red eyed Naruto looks at me "How do you know that name?"

"There is much that I know Kurama, and unfortunately I lack the strength to solve numerous problems that will appear. I need your help."

"Me, the great Demon Fox, helping a human? That would be funny to hear to say the least." she snorts in disagreement.

"Let me tell you something Kurama, the guy who attacked Kushina, is free and intends to collect the bijus again, bringing the ten tails to free Hagoromo's mother."

"If that happens, one thing that will be the same for both bijus and humans is extinction." now I'm looking directly into those red eyes.

"If you take a closer look at Naruto's soul, you will see that he reminds you of someone. Naruto is the son of the Kurama Prophecy. He is the one who carries the burden of the world, and you are the one who protects him. Just as Hagoromo once asked you to."

"My soul doesn't belong to this Kurama world, I don't know how I ended up here, but in my world, Naruto's story is told, and it's not pretty. He will suffer a lot, you've seen it happen for a long time, but things will get worse."

"I'm not the smartest guy, nor the strongest, so I need your help. We have two ways to do this. Advance the process, or acquire more allies. The war between survival and death for our world is already counting down."

"We have little more or little less than six years Kurama."

"And how can I help you boy." she asks me.

"I need Isobu, or Chõmei, or Saiken. If I can enlist their help in secret, just like you are with Naruto, I will be strong enough to help."

"I know you want to be free. I more than anyone else abhor the idea of imprisoning you. But unfortunately, it is necessary for now. Because only united, can we win."

"Isobu is in a sleeping state, regaining his chakra and form. It would be the best time for you to seal him in you, he wouldn't have the strength to counterattack, and it would be easier for you to talk to him." he replies half grudgingly.

"Is there any way I can show you everything I know?" I ask him, wanting him to understand the situation.


"Then how do I get you to see what I know?" 'dumb fox costs to answer directly.'

"I will put a chakra syrup on your forehead, and you mentally visualize everything you want to show me, and I will see it."

He stretches out a chakra tail and I start going over the entire Naruto anime, everything I can remember. It was more spaced out information, since I only remember a few points from the anime and more just so he could see that I really didn't belong in that world.

Once we are done, he is silent for a while longer, I believe pondering things.

"I will help Naruto, but I will keep things as they are. As much as I understand him now, I know that if I change, he will change too. Then everything could go down the drain," he says.

"I understand, I just hope it doesn't make his already difficult life too hard. I see him as a real brother," I tell him, hoping that things will work out.

"I've seen your idea, and I think that for his intellectual level, it's a good one. But I will make one improvement, I will ask the other bijus not to warn their Jinchurikis that you are one too, so we can take Akatsuki by surprise." I see his smile through Naruto.

"Top, can you inform Isobu beforehand? By showing who I am, so it can be done quickly enough to throw off the Zetsus?" I ask hopefully.

"I will, now our time for talking is over, the deal there has been made, and so has ours." he returns to the seal, and I undo the seal. I begin to do a basic healing jutsu, pretending to be doing it all along.

I return carrying Naruto on my shoulder, as I see Mei talking to Kakashi. I sense in the air the interest of both of them in each other. But the shitty villages will always find a way to get in the way of things.

"Wow, who is that beautiful sister Kakashi sensei?" I approach. Mei looks at me, looks at Naruto on my shoulder.

Kakashi has that look on his face that I just stepped on his foot.

"Beautiful lady, my name is Nox Uzumaki, it is a pleasure to meet you. Could the beautiful lady tell me if she is married and what kind of man she likes? As soon as I am an adult I will pursue you.

She laughs heartily as she hears, I see Kakashi looking at me with that one visible eye, it looks like I stole his things and gave them to a beggar.

"I like him Kakashi. I'll wait for him to grow up so I can marry him." Mei laughs shamelessly at Kakashi's face.

I strike a pose of the one who won first place.

"I'm Mei Terumi, and I hope you get strong and handsome, so we can get married." she winks at me. "I'm going, my mission here is over. Until a next one Kakashi. And you too Nox-kun."

She gives a smile and leaves with her escort, Zabuza and Haku.

As soon as they walk away, Kakashi punches me in the back of the head "Traitor" and walks away.

As he walks away, I am laughing at him, and he realizes that I was teasing him. We continue our journey and a few days later, we arrive at Tazuna's house.