Faye's POV
"I'm sorry. I got no other place to bring you," I said to Brianna.
She couldn't stop crying. "I-it's okay."
"What is this little chick crying about?" Jessica offered me a beer but I declined. "Okay, more beer for me."
"Is it alright if we stay here for a while?" I asked Jessica.
"And stay in that tiny storage room of yours?" She pointed at the door in the dark hallway.
"I got no other place, Jessica."
She sighed, "fine. Whatever suits you. How long do you olan to stay here?"
I took a glimpse of Brianna who still can't stop herself from crying.
"Might take a while," I answered.
"Just explain to her that I am not changing mg habits just because of her."
I nodded.
Brianna sniffed really hard and continued to cry.
"Ew, seriously. What is she bawling her eyes for?"
"Her mother found out about us." I explained.
"She's against our relationship."
"Oh. Well," she drunk the beer from its can. "That does deserve a lot tears."
"I...don't...understand why...she's like that...now," Brianna sniffed.
I brushed her back with my hand to try and calm her down.
"She's usually...quiet. She's acting as a mom now...but at a wrong time..."
Jessica placed a box of tissue on my hands. "Please don't leave any stains on my leather sofa."
I used the tissues to wipe Brianna's tears.
"Of all the time...she could act as a mother...why now?"
"Hmm," Jessica tapped her lips as she starts thinking. "Maybe it's not your mom."
"Angels work in mysterious ways, Miss Cho."
"Right, she went home early today," Brianna remembered.
"The Angels might have done something about to so she would witness you two then they kinda tweaked her mind into thinking that she's against same sex relationships. You know, Angels aren't really the kindest beings."
Brianna held my hand, "can we do something about it?"
Jessica laughed playfully, "Oh poor, Miss Cho. Aren't you an Angel yourself? If you can't do anything, what makes you think we could do something? We were forsaken of God's grace, remember? Apparently, forgiveness is not for everybody. Only to the selected believers."
Brianna's grip tightened. "I don't remember Angel being this irrational."
"Hey," I made her look at me. "It's been a long day. Why don't you take a rest?"
"I am not tired."
"You might be. You just don't know because your head is all over the place." I pulled her and lead her to my room. The poor storage room.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm just going to have a chat with Jessica. Don't worry about anything else, Brianna. Just rest."
I guess Brianna was actually really tired because as soon as she rested her head on the pillow, she fell asleep.
I went back to where Jessica is. She's fiished four cans of beer already. "The crybaby has finally fallen asleep?"
I nodded.
"Hmm.." she opened another canned beer. "You look troubled. What is it?"
"We met the half-demon earlier."
Jessica's eyes widened, "oh, my dear. How is she? Haven't seen her in a while."
"She still looks the same. Anyway, that is not the point."
"No, I want to talk more about her. I don't care about your girl at all."
"Jessica, please. Focus," I groaned.
She rolled her eyes, "fine. What is it?"
"Brianna is not familiar with her kind. With the half-demons."
"I know. It's weird."
"She's an Angel and her memories have returned. Is it a selective memory?"
I shook my head, "I don't think so...but the woman things that there's something wrong with Brianna. Now that I think about it, back then...Brianna is still able to perform miracles even in a human body. Not big miracles like when she was still an Angel but miracles nonetheless."
"And she's not performing miracles anymore?"
I nodded. "It's like...pieces of her are missing, Jessica. Is it possible the Brianna is becoming more and more human?"
"She's been here for a thousand years already. I doubt that it will not change her even just a little bit."
"That's a big problem, right?"
"If she becomes human, isn't that less of a problem for you?"
"If she becomes human, she will forget her life as an Angel. She will also forget her past lives. She will live as a normal human."
"And? Isn't that the point?"
"She will forget about me. Who knows where she will reincarnate next? Who knows if she will recognize me? Do I have to reintroduce myself to her over and over again?"
"Oh right, you are still immortal. Right...I see why this could be a problem. But I guess it's much better than you two forgetting each other altogether. At least one of you could always find the other."
I shook my head, "fine. Let's say that is alright. What about the Heavens? Don't we have enough problems as it is? Aren't they going to be mad if she ends up completely losing her halo and wings?"
Jessica chuckled, "you love annoying the Heavens, huh?" She crumpled the can if beer and threw it on top of the table along with the other beer cans.
"I am not joking, Jessica. This might be a big problem. I don't want to give Brianna anymore problems."
Jessica frowned, "you know the answer already, Faye. I don't know why you're still talking to me. Unless you want to hear from someone else?"
I gulped. Do I?
"You have to kill her. You need to die. That's how all of these will end. That's the only answer. There you go. You're welcome."
I sighed. "It's much harder to do than said."
She shrugged.
I pinched the bridge of my nose. Right when I decided not to kill her anymore, this problem came in and ruined my decision.
But Jessica is right. The only way for this to end is if I kill Brianna and I die. She returns as an Angel and I reincarnate like a normal human. But that will only happen if I die...
I stared at Jessica. "Jessica..."
She raised a brow at me.
"I think I know the answer to your problem too."
"When I killed Brianna and I'm on the edge, you have to finish it off. You're the answer to all of this."
"And if you die...I die too..." Her face lit up. "Finally, I will be able to rest!"
"Okay, when are we going to do this?" She asked excitedly.
I frowned. "I still need to explain this Brianna..."
"I cannot tell her this now. She still has a problem with her mom."
Jessica was obviously disappointed, "well...just don't make me wait a thousand years. I may be patient but not that patient."