
Faye's POV

I tried searching for her everywhere. I searched the areas I thought she would go like the place where we first met in this life of hers; at the school. Then at the birthday party's building, the mall...her apartment but nowhere. She is nowhere to be found. The sky has gone brighter. It was the next day and strangely, I had grown weaker. Being weak is not common for me. The only power I use is transportation but even so, that shouldn't really take much of my energy.

I found a wall in a tight alley where I could lean my back and rest for a while when a bright light appeared before me.

"Ma?" I called.

The figure nodded, "Faye, she's gone."


"I was sent by her to send you a message."

I shook my head. "Impossible. She would not leave me. At least not like this." My hands were trembling.

"She's chosen to become one of us again."