"Liam, what happened to your face? I sat on the floor after dropping my bag. My sister dashed over to get an ice block, wrapped it in a napkin, and placed it on my face. "I got punched in the face because I bumped into him,' I try to talk to relieve the pain on my cheek. This guy punched me so hard, fuck him. I would have given him a taste of his own medicine if I wasn't working there. " "Who did you bumped into?' Elena inquired, her voice trembling. "He's known as Mr Henry,' I explained. My sister's eyes widened and she sighed. "Avoid him at all costs, Liam. He's a dangerous person; he must have come to the office to pick a fight with Storm,' she said, holding the ice to my face. "But why?' "Their family is up to no good. They're always fighting, and despite the fact that they're millionaires, there's no peace in that family. In public, they act as if they are family, but behind the scenes they are worse than enemies?' "Did he have to punch me because he was looking for Storm?' I grumbled. "They always act this way. And please be mindful of how you pronounce that name so that you don't accidentally call him Storm. For the time being, avoid him. Or else he'll cause a commotion, and Mr Storm will fire you without hesitation. He doesn't care about anyone, so please just put up with this job for a while,' she kissed my forehead with both hands. "Don't worry, it's only temporary.' After hearing what she had to say. I knew she didn't want me working there because she was worried about me. "Don't worry, it's just a punch anyway, and I'll get through it, sis.' I gave her a friendly smile. "Yes, I understand. But I'm concerned for you because this happens to you on your first day of work. What if something bad happens to you?' she wondered. "Nothing bad is going to happen to me. Besides, as you mentioned, I should avoid him and avoid getting into trouble, and perhaps the punch I received was just a warning to be more cautious in the future.' I stood up and lightly laughed. "Don't worry, we'll be fine, and I need to shower, sis." I grabbed my bag. When she said, "Be careful, Liam. That office isn't easy to work in.' She smiled at me. "Okay, I heard you sis, and I stink so badly that I need to go take a shower right now," I began walking to my room when I heard what my sister was saying. "Also, watch your face,' she warned. "Okay, I'll do it.' I yelled back. I entered my room, opened the door, and sat down on the bed, taking off my socks and clothes. I went into the bathroom, grabbed a sponge and soap, and scrubbed my body. I have to put up with it because I'm working there to support my family, and we need to survive because life isn't easy. I've heard that the so-called Storm is returning tomorrow, and I'll have to get up as early as 5 a.m. to make it there before 7 a.m. Elena says he must not arrive at the office before me; if he does, I will be fired. Because of this work, I'm getting scared, and I've never felt this way before, not even with bosses I work with when I'm on part-time Jobs. This is so fucking frustrating. Next day at 6:50AM. I dashed inside the building and saw a swarm of workers milling about, chatting amongst themselves. I walked to my seat, sat, and placed my bag on the table before looking up. Jack smiled at me and approached where I was sitting. "What's up, man?" He greeted me with a handshake, and I reciprocated. "I'm fine," I said. "How's your face now?" he inquired. "It's fine, and by the way, why are you guys so busy this early in the morning?" I burst out laughing. "Is this like a marketsquare?" I asked. "Mr Storm is coming today, but we are not sure if he's coming today anyways but we got to be prepared just in case,' He smiled. "How is he like.' I asked. "Who?' "Mr Storm,' I answered. "Okay, umm...a he's strict boss who doesn't tolerate anything him, any offense is rubbish. I feel sorry for you; buddy I can't imagine being his secretary. He's a terrifying boss, isn't he?' He stated, rolling his eyes. He's a funny guy, I thought. "I see?" "Yep. That is why everyone is preparing their files and papers that they have been asked to fix. If he arrives and no one has completed whatever documents he has assigned to that person. That person is going to be fired, which is why they are working so quickly. Nobody wants to be fired,' Jack explained. I looked at them and wondered if this man was truly terrifying. How am I going to work for someone like this, how will I cope, and everyone is so afraid of him. Is he really that terrifying, and even if he is. Why is it that they are only now realizing they are supposed to do what he told them to do? Someone tapped my shoulders as soon as I rested my head on the table. When I looked up, it was Laura. "Quick. Assist me in going upstairs and placing these documents on Mr Storm's table. Just get it done quickly. Alright,' she said and dashed away. I removed the documents from my table and proceeded to Mr Storm's office. I opened the door, walked over to the table, and set it down. My hands and forehead were both sweating at the time. It was as if the air conditioner was turned off. I took a deep breath and sighed to try to calm my nerves. I was unable to move. Have you ever felt this way at work, when everyone tells you how scary the boss is, and you're probably wondering how you're going to survive while also trying not to get fired and doing everything you can to stay on the job? I forced myself to walk, convincing myself that, while he was frightening, he was not a monster, and that this was only a passing phase. It will soon be over. I'm not sure how long I've been here, but I need to get out. I started walking, and there he was, just as I was about to open the door. The terrifying boss, everyone couldn't stop about. I stood there like a statue, ignoring Laura's hand motioning behind him, telling me to greet him because he was the boss. Oh my God, he was stunning. I've never talked or said anything like this before to a man. He was even more stunning in person than he appeared on television. So cute and so hot. Shit! For crying out loud, I'm a man, so think like one, I reasoned. I just stared at him, his blue eyes, white hair, and red lips. He was so fucking damn beautiful, I couldn't even put it into words, that I began to wonder what was so frightening about him. How can such a lovely doll be frightening? And he does resemble a doll, but not in the way you might think. I could tell he was muscular and a little manly from the suit he was wearing; if it hadn't been for the suit and muscles, I might have assumed he was a girl and asked her out. Seeing him in person felt like I'd won the lottery, and not everyone is fortunate enough to meet him face to face. This was the most fortunate day of my life. I kept staring at him until I heard someone clear his or her throat, at which point I looked up and Laura said. "Step aside, Liam. Can't you see the boss is right in front of you?' She said it politely, but she was staring at me and giving me a look that said "Wait a minute, what do you think you're doing?" immediately recognized myself and apologized to Storm. Well, I have to call him that, and I do that in my heart, because it's stressful saying, Mr storm all the time. But I can't say that in front of him, can I? "I'm so sorry, Sir," I quickly apologized, lowering my head and staring at the floor. I'm hoping this doesn't lead to me being fired, or else Elena will have my head when Laura tells her what happened here. "Who are you?" He inquired. Even his voice is smooth and calm, but terrifying. "His name is Liam, and he's your new secretary, Mr Storm," Laura said instead. "Does he not have the mouth to respond when I asked the question, Laura. Did I ask you?' He locked his gaze on Laura. "I'm so sorry, Sir. I was just trying to help you...' "I didn't ask for your help?" he asked solemnly. "I'm sorry, Sir," Laura continued to apologize. "And why is he my new secretary?" he inquired. "Elena has resigned, Sir.' She said. "And why?" she asked. "Because of family issues, Sir," she explained. "I see, and how did you get him?' "Through Elena, sir?" he asked, walking to his seat and taking a seat. "'Then get out of here,' he said to Laura before turning to face me. "'What is your name again?' he inquired, taking his laptop from the bag on the table. "Liam sir?" he inquired. "So that's your name, huh?" "Yes, Sir,' I said as I stood in front of him, fucking nervous. "'Come get me some coffee,' he said. "Yes, sir,' I replied and began walking out the door, only to realize that I have no idea how he likes his coffee made. I returned and stood in front of him. I hesitated, "Um...Sir.' "What is it?' he asked, his gaze fixed on me. "Nothing, Sir...' "Then get out there and get me some coffee?" He stated grudgingly, I'll have to ask him; I don't even know how he likes his coffee; is this even part of my job, and if I end up bringing the wrong coffee, I might offend him. So I'm going to muster the courage to do it, regardless of how he reacts. It's better than being fired, at the very least. "Ok, Sir. But, please how do you want your coffee prepared Sir?' I had no choice but to do this politely in order to gain his favor. "Isn't that a stupid question? Since when do I begin to describe how I want my coffee prepared. Are you sick, Didn't anyone tell you how things are done here?' Why is he glaring at me, and what have I done to offend him? "I'm sorry, Sir?" I said, I don't even know, what I did wrong. But, I still had to apologise, whether I'm at fault or not. Just, because he is the boss. "Tell that to yourself and get me what I asked for." He said and returned to what he was doing. I quickly exited the office, wondering why he was acting this way. Can I really put up with all of this? After all, I only need to work for a few months and then I'll have the money I'm looking for. I will resign immediately and leave this place. I can't wait to get out of here and start college. I can't wait?