Chapter 11 Getting Emotional

After arriving home.....

She created her account on the stock market and changed into much comfortable clothes.

She named myself as stock queen because it sounds cool to her.

Mr John had already transferred the money, and she was thinking now about her next ally, which will help her in opening her own company.

Thank God she is eighteen so she thinks she can register a company in her name but still she was too small and she to dosen't have time to look for a place for her company to open and managing after.

So, she has to get a capable man to help her in these.

But now, that's not the problem because she will find the man in one month as the man will come himself on her door.

Now she just has to save and earn the investment money for her company as it will be needed to invest in projects made by her company.

So, according to some knowledge of stocks from her previous life, she tried investing in some stocks.

This will work till she get better in stocks with the help of Mr John and will be capable of earning more.

At night after dinner and chatting with her family. She arrived at her room as she was also tired today.

The man that came to kill Mr John was weak but still they were five men and she had lost too much stamina today.

She thinks she should be going to school by running so her stamina can improve and the disal will also be save.

Still, she was in a trance for a moment as three days had already passed after her rebirth and sometime she was still not used to it.

She is afraid every moment that this will be a dream and everything will return just like before.

The warmth of her family and meeting again with her best friend.

She was afraid, afraid that it will be gone back to once it was.

She will be lonely again with no parents, no friend and she has to leave that boring and lonely life again.

In which she was every day longing for the warmth of her parents, the care of her friends.

She remembered before how much she missed them, the love of them. The love and care of her parents.

The concern of her friend was to not get into the trap of the friendship of that bitch again.

Remembering those days, she still somehow gets scared.

But she only knows one thing that these days she has to cherish it like treasure.

The days, she doesn't know how long they will last.

The concern and care she was felling right now and the goal of her life to change everything for her parents, her friends and the ones she cares about.

and for her, herself too.

She knows she is a little selfish; she wants god to never end this life till she is satisfied and that will take her whole life maybe to get satisfied with the care.

She doesn't know when tears started rolling in her eyes and she drifted off to sleep between her thoughts and with a mission to cherish every moment that God has given her and change the ending.

This time a happy one.