CHAPTER 25 "Getting Emotional"

"Didn't you agree to be my apprentice? So logically, I am your teacher?" She said, amusingly.

He looked at his friend with a sympathetic expression as can't imagine him to fall in love with his teacher..... sigh....

Looking at the sympathetic eyes of his friend, he just really wanted to strangle him....

He looked towards her but thought better to be quiet as the little rabbit is a little wild and Isn't tamed yet, why not let her take it slowly.....

Anyway, everything is ok with him till he can have just a relationship with her even appreciate will do....

"Weren't you hungry before go let's eat now" He said pamperingly not able to stop the gentleness in his eyes...

"Yeah let's eat first. I am hungry anyway..." she said without looking at him or after looking at his eyes. The fool she is... she would think he is teasing her to be hungry..




Looking at the lunch in front of her and after tasting it, she can say that it was not at all a bad choice for her to follow Si Yehan here.... because it was all of her taste.... And she liked it...

"Huh! Si Yehan, your friend really is should learn from him....."she said mumblingly sipping the noodles in her mouth.....

But she doesn't know how cute she is looking...

"So I am not capable" He said, jealously looking at her cute little face.....




"No", she wants to say this to him but she can't because first she can't hide her conscience because Si Yehan really is capable and second she isn't in the place to offend this big guy now god knows what will he do to her...

You can't only look at his innocent face now only she knows how much innocent he is from her previous life he is a devil hiding behind the mask if she play along with him she will be fine but when she'll try to run, she knows very well the devil hiding will run after her and she has not made her connections of a previous life that we'll till now.....if Si Yehan want I am only an ant for him to crush now...

But that's ok too I will play till he is tired anyway till I am listening him the one entertaining me would be him....And yeah you can't underestimate this guy... he is just toying with me when he is tired he'll live behind...

In her previous life she had known him too well. Maybe he is a devil king with an ice heart and no one can melt him.... she too is not capable... she is just a toy....a mare toy..

"Huh... she scoffed, hiding behind her sad expression....

"No you are very great," she said and after cleaning her hand "Ok! then Thanks for dinner.... I am going....."




Huh, What happened suddenly? he thought looking at her face.....The lill rabbit looks like about to cry did he said something wrong??

"Hey where are you going don't like the food here or I said something wrong??" Si Yehan asked her.

"Nothing, I am just tired. she turned and turn her expression back to normal....I will be going on, My driver came my dad, gonna scold me otherwise. Bye, take care, I will meet you later....." she smiled and left from nothing happened.... everything is normal....




Coming out of the restaurant, she took a taxi for home. Her mood was normal was just a teenager emotional up and down and from her experiences it was not a big thing to deal..

Anyway, her heart is now of a teenager and she could tell that it really is the very softest time for a girl....the time when a girl is easy to fall in is hard for her to control her crush on someone.....

But she is not a eighteen her soul is much older and she can tell that in this time of a teenager a little admiration too can turn into love.....And she don't love Si Yehan it is just a little admiration and she never did before it was just because she never knew love and understand admiration as love..... anyway she don't love him it is just admiration Nothing no need to concern or feel sad if he is whether treating me as a what??? She thought, telling herself and calming down.


Si Yehan came to his friend's side, but this time there was a he was not the one he usually is like. He was a lot colder like frost..not the one before with Ryna... like a completely different person.....

Ignoring his friend's expression as it was usual for him, but the expression he saw him treating to RYNA was sure shocking...

"Hey bro! You finally found a girlfriend, or I had thought that you were gay and was planning to resign....Thank God!! My job's save now" But your choice sure is good but don't you think she is a little hard to chase? Ah! she's too smart to fall in your trap but I know that from how smart you are... he stopped midway as he feels a cold atmosphere that almost froze him.....

The devil's out now who would gonna help him, he thought...




"Enough... Have you said..I am going now," Si Yehan his mood was not right...too.

He had a way too many problems in his life including his fiancee.....

Anyway, you got any news about her?

"No, I didn't". The usually funny guy said seriously, as he knew this is an important matter...

"Maybe either she is di...e..d" He said his word somewhat frighteningly as looking at his friend's eyes.

"I thought to increase your salary but I think there is no need now and the restaurant going well now so you could take the ongoing project now and about HER matter you don't need to worry either she's died or not here..."

He said and left from there, living behind a hint of chillness....