Chapter 28 Frustrated

Ryna woke up feeling better than and a lot more comfortable. Not as emotional as yesterday.

She was just ruffling her hair drowsing in sleep when her one eye caught the clock right in front at the top of the wall, indicating that she has to really hurry now as she was late.

"Oh! No" she said and hurriedly ran towards the bathroom jumping from her bed.

It is the result of sleeping late at night.

She looked in the mirror and yeah, it was their, as she was afraid. She had dark circles under her eyes. It was not so as visible as she had applied some tea bags on it, but it was still visible a little.

Ok no worries she said and ran to get a taxi because she had no car and she can't take a run from here as the school is much more far away from here and it would take more time and she has gotten late already.

Arriving at school.....

She came into the class with her breath quicken due to being in a hurry.

"Thank god I am not late," she said as she made her way towards Reena, ignoring the class voices. But it had gone less recently looks like they had gotten used to her presence.

What is going on? Missing your bestie!She said with a smile, taking a seat beside her.

Reena looked at her playful friend different from her previous silent behaviour.

"Um..... Let me think if I was missing you or not" she said in return, making a thinking expression like in deep thought.

"Really!" Ryna said pouting her lips, making Reena laugh.

"I am joking," Reena said controlling her laugh.

Just between it the teacher came and said in her strict voice, "Ok class! Keep quit" she said, gaining the attention of the students.

"Today is going to first surprise test after the winter break. Hope all of you are ready for it and give your best,," she said and started disturbing papers to students.

The class got silent suddenly.

Student First; Oh god! I didn't even prepare for it.

Second one; I was hanging out with my friends all day.

At that time, as usual, Si Yehan entered the class, being late as always.

With his hands in pocket he entered the class with carefreenes, ignoring the chaos due to his entry.

Out of all the seats in the class and all students, his gaze just stopped at her and then Reena probably aiming on her seat.

She held her friend's hand protectively.

'If he thinks he can take her friend's seat. Then in his dreams,' Ryna thought.

Then he walked towards them all, along ignoring teacher. And the teachers were also acclimatize to it and ignored him too.

He walked over and stopped right beside her seat.

'Oh no, she was having a bad feeling about this,' Ryna thought.

He smiled innocently with a naughty glint in his eyes, seeing her sitting beside someone else. Looking towards her and the hand she was protectively holding of her friend like he was going to eat her, he doesn't want to but still to let her trap in her own plan 'Really he have to do this' there was clear unwillingness written on his face'

Finally sighing and deciding over it, he said, "Teacher, where should I sit?" He asked innocently.

Here Ryna, seeing his glance and unwillingness she was sure he was going to do something big and after listening to his voice and the whispers that started she can't help being red spread all over face. "This is so embarrassing"

Probably the whole class was talking about it.

But still making a face clearly saying 'I don't know you'

Seeing her face and the words clearly written all over her face, he said with an amused face. "What you are going back on your words?"

"Sit wherever you want," she finally said, breaking the silence frustratingly.

He just keeps silently looking at her and the seat beside her.

She was getting more and more frustrated why in the whole class he just have to sit here.

Finally looking at the teacher who was continuously staring at them ready to say them something basically scold them for distributing the whole class.

She said, looking in the front seat "Don't create trouble anymore. Sit right there" she, said pointing at the front sit with her eyes and in such a tone that the listing one feel a chill run down their spine. Looks like she had really gone really very frustrated now.

Seeing her aura and a little satisfied with it and more unsatisfied not to sit with her. He silently sat in the front seat. His little rabbit got a little aura like him.

The lunch break...

"After hours of torturing by the exam papers, the students were finally released from the clutches of their teachers. The emotions like the war has finally over even if they win or not but they were free.".were clearly visible on their faces.

She also walked out from her seat taking Reena. Just as she was about to go see turned around and said to her front seatmate,

"Now sit in this seat as long as you want." She scoffed and walked out from there.

"Ok, looks like this time his little rabbit really got mad. He has to do something about it."

He thought as he followed her outside.

"Ok, Ryna What's this all about?" Reena said making Ryna stop in her tracks. She was probably asking her about the previous commotion caused by Si Yehan.

She was just about to answer her when they heard a commotion and turned towards it to find Luna coming towards them.