Chapter 30 Dilemma

Just as she was again lost in her thoughts, she heard Reena calling beside her.

"Hey Ryna! You alright?" Reena said, concerned.

"Oh.. yeah... I am fine." She said, removing her gaze from Si Yehan.

"Huh! Let's go!' Ryna said, intending to go from there.

"Ryna" A deep and smooth voice with gentleness carrying entered her ears.

She looked back and saw Si Yehan coming towards her.

She looked at him with questioning eyes.

Si Yehan just stopped beside her, looking at her eyes, which were full of questions. He said, "Ryna!" again.

"Yeah," she said indifferently, but only she knew she was kinda nervous inside because of the look he was giving her.

"Why are you ignorin...." Just as he was about to say something further, his phone rang. He took out his phone frustratingly. He looked towards the caller ID and after hesitating for a moment, he picked up the phone.

After picking up the phone, he once again turned to his usual side. She started to pity the one on the phone because, from what it was looking, Si Yehan's mood was awfully terrible. Maybe he doesn't like people disturbing him.

After a cold "Mhmm.." He silently cut the phone.

After looking at her and hesitating he said to her "We would talk again Ryna, and hope very soon" He said and left from there living behind the confused and guilty faced Ryna.

After saying goodbye to her friend, Ryna was on now her way to home. She was just walking down the path to her home, lost in her thoughts. Talking to Si Yehan she was having a bad feeling, and she was correct too although he doesn't complete his sentence, she can already imagine asking as why was she ignoring him. And she was relieved when his phone rang, saving her from the question. Because she was really not capable of answering it because she herself doesn't know. She just can't say that she was ignoring him because she doesn't wanna expose her feelings again when she had already buried them in her heart. "Ok, let's not think about it. Let fate decide for me. And anyway, he is already booked by someone else, his fiancee." She doesn't want to be a third wheel or villain in anyone's story.

Ryna vaguely listened to some voices coming out from a valley. 'Who is it?' She thought and started moving towards it. She hid herself so that the people in the valley didn't notice her. She saw some man encircling a person. She can't properly take a look at the person because of the figures standing in the way. From what she can see, they were looking like professional bodyguards. They had well-built figures, and they were carrying weapons in their hands. One of the man was also pointing a gun towards the person. Some man was also laying on the ground unconscious. Probably the person that was attacked is good a fight and had knocked down them unconscious. But he can't fight them all because of the weapons and there were many of them too. It looked like a planned attack. The attacker had known that the person was good at fighting, that's why he had arranged proffesional and strong hooligans.

Even if she can't handle them alone with her current strength and even if she can she would be at disadvantage because of the weapons they were holding, mainly the gun. She could only wait for a perfect time to save the person. Maybe the secret bodyguards her father had arranged should be here soon after finding her. She should wait for them. But the situation doesn't allow her to pull the trigger anytime soon, and she doesn't want a person to lose her life in front of her. Only if she doesn't have tricked her bodyguards from losing her tricks. She just wanted to have some free time. After her father knew that she was not having her driver with her on her way to school. He arranged for bodyguards for her safety. After much pleading, she was allowed to walk home herself, but then she had to endure the bodyguards too that were following her like a tail. She told her father that she doesn't need her, but he didn't agree and assured me that the bodyguards would follow her secretly that she can't even sense their presence. She knows her father is just concerned about her safety. Still, her father doesn't know from how trained she is. She could even sense a bee's presence from far away. Her training from her teacher has made her five senses very sharp. She once had a fateful meeting with this teacher in her previous life and she then decided to be his disciple because of his pestering. Till her meeting with him, she thought she was very well practiced in self defense, but she was wrong. There were hundreds of people that can easily crush her with their fingers. And because she was a successful businesswoman too, there were many eyes on her, so it was necessary for her to train. And her teacher was even more powerful. Learning from him was a great experience and a little painful because of the devilish training he gave her. She even shudders now, remembering it. She should meet her teacher sometimes. She wonders what he would be doing now. Is he pretending to be some old pitiful man again as it was his hobby? She should meet him sometime. And she can recover her strength much faster with him. And she doesn't want her master to not have discipline in his life. Because of how he acted like a mental old man, no one would have thought he was from an ancient martial arts family. Much more accepting him as their master. But she should train first. She doesn't want her impression to be bad. Anyway, let's think of that old man sometime. Time to save a certain someone. She said, taking a stone near her leg and aiming at the hooligan's hand that was holding the gun.

It was a perfect plan, but it went bad because of the sudden appearance of Ryna.

"Ahh.." The hooligan shouted "Who dares to throw the stone at me?" He said, his eyes looking bloodlust.