Chapter 33 Hospital

Ryna opened her eyes to meet with a pure white ceiling. She tried to sit up, but the pain in her body didn't allow her to even move. After finally breaking down from trying for few times. She finally stopped trying to sit up, she felt her throat dry. She looked around to find herself in an unfamiliar room.

Just then, her room opened. She looked towards the door to find her mom standing there with tiredness written all over her face. As she entered the room and saw her woken up, her face almost teared up, a smile blooming with relief.

"Ryna," she called out with her caring voice.

"Mom," Ryna replied with a small smile, trying again to seat up only to fail again.

Her mom hurriedly came towards her.

"Don't get up! Your body needs rest." She said, her voice worried and caring.

Ryna, obeying her words, just keeps resting there.

"How are you feeling now?" Her mom asked.

"Better!!" Ryna said, trying to keep her voice cheerful, so her mom's worries could lessen.

And true enough, listening to her cheerful voice, her mother broke into a smile full of relief.

"Now say, what were you doing there? And how could you leave your bodyguards behind and run into that type of situation? Do you know how worried I was?" She said her tears started flowing again.

"Sorry, Mom!!" she said as she knew this was her fault this time.

Looking at her innocent and guilty face, her mother's anger subsided a little, but still she toughened her voice and said "You can't act like this time from now. And I had discussed with your father, you would not go anywhere without your chauffeur and bodyguards. And no need to go to school, rest in the hospital until you recover." Her mom said.

"Ok! ok!! Mom" Ryna said to ease her as she knew there was no benefit to persuade her because she won't agree.

"But mom, see what state you are in, go and rest a little." Ryna said, persuading her.

Just as her mom was about to refute her, the door opened again as her dad came with a lunch box in his hand, not at all looking like the tough and cold president he behaved like. He was just looking like a warm and caring father with love for his daughter in his eyes.

"She is saying right, go and rest. I will take care of her now. At last, I am his father too. I could take care of her well." He said with a proud chest, trying to act funny and ease the atmosphere.

"You!!" Her mom said. Her eyes were covered with disbelief and no trust, almost, saying "You are telling a joke."

"What?" her father said with a baffled tone, seeing her behavior not at all believing him. "Are you underestimating me?"

"Yes! You can't even take care of yourself and you want to take care of our daughter?" She said, her tone stating the matter -of -fact.

Seeing that her father was losing to her mother. She interrupted in between trying to help her father "Mom, why don't you go and take a proper rest, see I was not there for you for some time and you are already looking like you have aged ten years old. Go and take a rest or if you lose your beauty, maybe father won't love you anymore. Right? Father." Ryna said, blinking an eye at him.

"No way.. uhhh… yes.. yes.. yes.. I won't like you anymore." Father said in his baffled tone, trying to look serious, almost failing in his attempt.

"Ok! ok, I will go. Happy!!?" she said fully knowing their trick but still helping them with their pretense.

"Yes!Happy" they both said in unison.

"Ok! Take care honey, and eat on time." Her mother said, looking reluctant, like she was going somewhere and won't come back.

"Ok,ok, mom it's not like I am leaving you, so you are overreacting. Go and let me spend some quality time with my father." She said,

"Yes, yes, let us spend some time. It's not like I am stealing her from you." Her father said, giving her full support in her teasing.

"You father and daughter duo!" Her mother said, shaking her head and leaving from there, giving them their time.

Just as she lived, both the father and daughter had a sigh of relief.

Her father turned toward her, seeing her face. Finally he had a sigh of relief and the worry in his eyes for her clearly visibly.

How much a man tries to appear happy, strong and carefree in front of his family, he can't hide his emotions. Men also have feelings and they are also worried about their children and love them just as a mother does.

"Dad! I am fine." Ryna said, seeing the worry that his eyes failed to hide.

Seeing that his daughter discovered him

He said to disport her, "Yeah, yeah, you are fine. Anyway, you don't listen to this old man nowadays. Now, just eat the lunch I had prepared for you, you would be feeling hungry."

"Yes Dad!!" she said, also feeling a little hungry.

Her father helped her to sit up and served her the dishes he had prepared.

All were her favorite and healthy food.

"Doctor has said that your body has been broken down due to excessive movements that were not in your body's capability. So, you need healthy food that can help you recover your energy back. And because you have to eat till your stomach is full, and I was afraid you wouldn't have much appetite, I had chosen the dishes from your favorites." He said with a normal face, but she knew the care hidden behind it.

"Thank you Dad, love you." She said and started eating the food.

"Dad! She called out to him to tell him what was on her mind all the time.

"I am sorry. Sorry for worrying you both so much." She said with a guilty expression.

"Um… so you remembered to say that, too? I would forgive you this time, but I hope next time you will be careful." He said this time his tone was rather strict, but she knew he was just trying to maintain his role of father and discipline her, so that she won't repeat the mistakes in the future.

"Ok Dad!! I will remember next time." She said with a big smile, this time her speed of eating a little fast, so she could recover as soon as possible.

"Ok! ok, relax, the food won't run away. Eat slowly.." He said with a doting smile, patting her back.

After eating her food, Ryna slept as her father left from there to let her have a good sleep.

All this time I don't know why Ryna was feeling like her dad was hiding something from her, but taking it as his worries, she ignored it. But still she wasn't able to ignore the unusual feeling in her heart….