Chapter 36 Si Yehan; She is good at hiding emotions.

Si Yehan's (P.O.V)

As Si Yehan set foot in the classroom he was greeted by the students' stressful and loud voices. He glanced towards the anterior of the room where the teacher was standing, only to find written "Surprise Test" in big, bold letters behind the teacher on the class board.

So, that's the reason for these youths to shout so much.

Ignoring them, he once glanced around the classroom to find "her".

And there he saw her sitting with her friend, ignoring his gaze.

He smiled and started moving towards her.

Just as he came nearby her, he looked towards her and then her friend, maybe her name was Reena. She holded her friend's hand like he was stealing her. Now she doesn't even want to let him sit beside her. 'Ok! Now let's see who will win."

He just kept standing there looking at her.

Finally he did what he didn't want to do but seeing her stubbornness he had to and said "Teacher, where should I sit?" His eyes were mischievous and full of innocent teasing.

Then he saw her face go red from neck to her head like a tomato. After some time as if feeling the teacher's gaze and students gossipfully whispering, she said looking in the empty seat in front of her "Go and sit there."

Finally, not wanting to tease her anymore, he obediently sat there. And about the seat, letting her sit with her friend once won't do anything. Though there was a devious plan going on in his brain, of what Ryna wasn't aware of.

As the test was over, and it was lunch time. The classes were having a sigh of relief as they had won a great war. For him he only felt that the test was boring. He turned back only to find the little rabbit once again in her full spirit to run with her friend.

He too followed after her in his slow long steps.

Then outside the classroom in the hall, he saw a girl coming towards his little rabbit.

She first looked at her for some time and then,like noticing someone, the girl moved towards his direction.

As she stopped in front of him and asked why he hadn't visited their home then did he realize that this girl's destination was him and also remembered that this girl's mother was his mother's friend. She had visited their home with her mother many times and he had seen her.

Thinking that her mom might be asking to meet his mom and she hadn't visited them, he said "I would tell mom."

Seeing that she was still not going, he looked at her and said "Anything else?" As he couldn't understand why she was still standing there.

The girl finally snapped out of her thoughts and after saying goodbye to him, she hurriedly ran away.

He listened to the little rabbit saying something, so he turned to look towards her, and unknowingly to him, his face turned very gentle and more bearable than the face he was making previously with Luna. She said he was a cold guy. "Was he cold?" And when she turned towards him, their eyes met and the girl stopped midway, flustered. Her face a tint of red and she appeared to be in daze.

Seeing her in daze, her friend asked about her wellbeing, answering that she again intended to go from there, leaving him all alone.

He hurriedly called out to her, his voice gentle completely opposite of the cold voice he has. She stopped midway listening to him call her. She looked at him, her eyes questioning. He again called out to her, only to listen to her indifferent voice. But he could feel a tiny bit of nervousness in it. This girl was very good at hiding her emotions.

He asked her as if why was she suddenly ignoring him but his phone call rang, making him stop halfway. He doesn't want to pick up whomever it was, but seeing it was his assistant's call, he still picked up. Because this guy never called him if there wasn't anything important.

He picked up the phone, "Boss, we have a meeting today." His assistant said from the other end of the phone, his tone professional.

He kept his silence intending his denial.

His assistant, who had worked with him from the start to now, has known his boss's silence very well, it meant that he doesn't want to do the thing.

The assistant continued knowing it was important for him to come, "Boss, this is an important meeting between the shareholders and it is important for you to come and the detective has also found a new clue about your fiance." He said knowing that his last words were enough to let his boss agree.

"Mhmm.." came his ice cold voice meaning that he would come and he cut down the phone.

At the other end of the phone the assistant put down the phone, and shaking his head he said "What a man of few words"..sigh.

He was thinking of retiring but remembering his salary, the thought went down as fast as it had come.

After cutting the phone with a face which was as looking as a statue without any emotions. He looked toward Ryna and after saying goodbye to her which was no less than a threat or warning you say, for Ryna.

At Si Corporation Limited (SCL),

Si Corporation Limited has been the company of the ancient Si family. From the starting, the company had gained profits and always was in the top 10 best companies, but after the company was handed to Si Rehan's grandson who was still a mystery for the media, the company skyrocketed in its business and was now the top 1st company of the country.

Now, Si You was in his office talking to the detective in case he found his fiancee.

"I think someone doesn't want you to find your grandma's childhood family or it is just that they had been separated from their roots." The detective said.

At first when he was offered this case at such a high salary, He despised the case because it was just to find a girl. But it has been years now and he still hasn't found the girl except some of her educational background which include the school's she is reading in.

"Mhmm…" Si Yehan's voice came out.

Making a serious thoughtful expression, Si Yehan said "Now, you have to find her in a few months, I think you have already eaten up enough of the company's money." So Yehan said give him a warning.

"Yes, yes sir. We will find out their whereabouts soon." The detective continuously nodded his head.

Si Yehan gave him an eye as he strode toward the meeting room, where the company's shareholders were waiting for him. He was wearing a black suit and tie, looking more professional when he was wearing the school uniform. In his school uniform, he looked rather carefree and indifferent and the suit makes him look professional.

Just as the meeting was about to be over, Si Yehan's assistant came and whispered something in his ear. He doesn't know if his boss would care about her accident or not but he had previously let him investigate her, so he thought to inform him, maybe the girl was someone important.

Si Yehan's brow furrowed as the room felt pin-drop silent from the cold aura he was emitting. After some time as his expression eased a little he said "Meeting adjourned." And got out from there leaving the scared shareholders behind who almost got a heart attack from his anger.

At the hospital...

Si Yehan now was facing Ryna's dad head on. From the time he had come to now, this man was guarding him like a predator.

He should have known that Li company's boss is good at guarding against people, he has now seen with his eyes and this matter maybe applies more when it comes to his daughter. The girl had woken up and they were still having eye to eye competition.

Finally, he greeted him only to listen to his cold reply. Then he introduced himself to get the awkward atmosphere out, only telling his name without the surname because as the Li company's boss, he may know about him a lot and he doesn't want to expose his identity.

Just as the atmosphere was freezing with the presence of two cold man's presence. Ryna came there. He was relieved seeing her fine but was worried seeing that she was out and not resting. He wanted to go and help her but her father beat him to it.

Then the girl introduced him to her father as a friend, he was happy but still there was a little dissatisfaction in his heart.

Just then her mother came, intending to take her father home.

Her mother was sweeter than her father and from what he knows, she till now have even agreed to let him be his son in law.

And here is the proof, getting her husband out to let him and Ryna have some time.

Such a good mother- in- law. Si Yehan was smiling in his heart.

Finally, when her father was about to go, he could clearly read in his eyes "Stay far away from her." Like he was stealing her though he was.