Chapter 8: Celebration 

*Third Person POV*

In the Kaminari house, a party was ongoing. It was not a big party, but more of a small get together of family friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. The reason for the celebration was Denki Kaminari's sixth birthday as well as the announcement of his quirk awakening.

The average age of quirk awakening in children is four. Before, Haruto and Hikari Kaminari were quite anxious for their first-born. On his fifth birthday when he still had not awakened his quirk, they consulted a doctor and learned that it's not abnormal for late bloomers like Denki to occur.

However, this did not ease their worry, so they talked about it with some of their friends. After speaking with a certain mother who found out that her child was quirkless but still deeply cared for him, they made the resolution to always accept and love their children no matter how they end up.

Nevertheless, they were still relieved when Denki awakened his quirk.

"Happy Birthday, dear Denki~! Happy Birthday to you!"

*clap clap*

Everyone attending the party clapped as Denki blew out the candles on his cake.

"What did you wish for?" One of the children attending the party asked.

"Hehe. My wish… is a secret!"


The children gathered around the table and started chatting while eating cake. Meanwhile the adults also got together and were having a good time chatting as music played in the background.

Soon it was time for Denki to open his gifts.

"Wow! All Might action figure!" The first gift he opened was of course, from his parents. They got him exactly what he wished for that day when he awakened his quirk.

After thanking and hugging his parents, he got to opening his other gifts.

One by one he opened them happily and gave his thanks until he opened a certain gift which contained a purple girly hoodie.

Everyone turned to the gifter who had a slight blush on her face.

"I'm s-sorry. I-I thought it was Kirari's birthday today…" Honoka, Kirari and Denki's babysitter from time to time, said. To be fair, Kirari's birthday is also on the same day, the 29th. However, her birthday is in August while Denki's was in June.

Denki was disappointed that his favorite Honoka-nee gave him such a gift. Slightly ashamed, Honoka scratched her cheek.

"It's alright Honoka-nee. On my birthday, just get Onii-chan a gift. I will accept this one in advance~." Kirari, who just came out of her room to get her gift, said.

Trying to change the subject, she walked up to her brother and held out a medium-sized gift that was the size of her head to him.

"Happy Birthday, Onii-chan~!" Kirari said with the most innocent smile on her face. The people who were spectating this show of sibling affection felt like an arrow struck their chest.

Denki, who was the direct recipient of Kirari's smile, was especially affected.

'There's no way my little sister can be this cute!' He thought inwardly. But outwardly he had a stupid huge grin on his face as he reached out to receive her gift.

He grabbed the box on its sides, but the moment Kirari let go…


The gift slipped from his hands and dropped straight to the ground while making a dull heavy noise. It just so happened that the moment the gift dropped, the background music had stopped and was in the middle of changing to the next song. So the noise drew everyone's attention.

There was an awkward moment of silence. Denki stood there with his hands outstretched and his smile frozen on his face. No one knew whether he was embarrassed or ashamed for dropping his cute sister's gift. Meanwhile, Kirari stood there with a fox anime smile on her face.

Life only came back to motion when the music started playing again.

Denki looked down. Then, he looked back up. A sweat drop rolled from his head to his cheek.

"Sorry for dropping your gift, Kirari."

"It's fine Onii-chan. It's for you anyways. Plus, I made sure that it was durable since I expected something like this to happen."

Denki bent over to try and pick up the gift but he found it too heavy, so instead he opted to just open it right there.

When the contents of the box were finally revealed, everyone was confused.

"Umm. Kirari, what is this?" Denki asked straightforwardly.

Inside the box was something that looked like a car battery with some straps on it.

"It's a mini portable generator. I asked Dad about your quirk, so I got you this. I thought that if you kept yourself charged up by being electrocuted, you can increase your wattage limit and overcome your quirk's drawback that makes you an idiot for a while. You can also get stronger by carrying this around all the time. You must work hard and train so that you can become a good hero like All Might after all." Kirari explained.

Some pro heroes who were invited nodded their head in approval, while children were getting excited over hearing about training to become like All Might. A certain spiky hair and green hair duo had sparkles in their eyes.

Haruto Kaminari was happy that his children got along well, but he was confused by how Kirari was able to get such a gift. He did not know that Kirari had knowledge from a more technologically advanced world and that it was easy for her to purchase something online and then hide the history. He would not find the transaction record unless he knew exactly what he was looking for.

He thought about it but in the end concluded that 'it's because she's a genius'.

Hikari Kaminari had the same line of thought. 'As expected of Kirari. She already thought of the same method I use to train.'

Denki immediately wanted to try out his gift after hearing what Kirari said. But his gift was basically a block of metal with backpack straps.

It was tough for an untrained child like Denki to get it up.

"Do you even lift bro?" Kirari teasingly asked.

At his little sister's remark, Denki got fired up and eventually, he was able to put it on but his legs were constantly shaking.

(Scene Break)

The next day after Denki's birthday celebration, Kirari decided it was time to tell her parents about her "quirk".

She had waited all this time because she wanted them to focus on Denki while doing her own testing and leveling of Electromaster. She did not want to upstage her older brother because it was not something the best daughter in the world would do.

So, during dinner she decided to break the news.

"Mama, Papa. My birthday is coming soon." Kirari started the conversation.

"Oho. That's right. You are turning 5 soon. What do you want for your birthday?" Haruto asked.

"I want wires like Mama uses!"

Haruto raised an eyebrow after hearing what Kirari said.

"The ones she uses for hero work?" He questioned.

"Un! I want to become a pro hero just like Mama, so I want wires to start practicing!"

"Ara ara." Kirari heard her mother 'ara ara' for the first time.

Haruto shared a glance with Hikari and they had a conversation without words.

"Kirari, unless you have a quirk like mine, those wires are just rope. Why don't you choose a different gift?" Hikari explained trying to dissuade Kirari.

"But I do have a quirk like Mama…"


Haruto, Hikari, and even Denki dropped their chopsticks after hearing what Kirari said. They were all present when a trusted doctor had said that she was quirkless, so they were quite surprised.

"Ehhh. Kirari, can you repeat that? I think I heard wrong…" Haruto said questioningly.

"I have a quirk like Mama! Look!" She said before raising one of her metal chopsticks in each hand.

With a look of concentration, she used Electromaster to apply electricity to them. They started to glow with a slight purple tint. Then, Kirari tapped them together.


A small spark occurred between the contact point of the chopsticks.

"!!!" Hikari and Haruto immediately stood up.

Despite having electric sensing quirks, they weren't able to notice anything until the spark occurred.

"Dear! Call the doctor while I get the car ready!" Haruto said running to the garage.

Hikari took Kirari in her arms and followed soon after. Kirari looked at Denki who was still shocked and sitting at the table. It seems that their roles have switched.

"Onii-chan! Come on and let's go! Don't forget to lock the door!" Kirari called out, not wanting him to be left behind like she was last time.

Snapping out of his shocked state, he did as she said and soon the Kaminari family was able to confirm Kirari's "quirk."

Suffice to say, the doctor apologized for his previous miscalculation. Based on previous cases, there was no evidence to indicate that she was going to awaken a quirk.

But in the end she did, and the Kaminari family were overjoyed.

It took a bit of convincing from Kirari to make them push back the celebration to her birthday, just like Denki's.

Chapter End


Time skip next chapter! In this chapter, Kirari has started making changes to canon, especially with Denki.

She is one year and three months younger than Denki but she will attend U.A. at the same time as him. She is a "genius" after all so skipping a grade shouldn't be a problem.

Really though, this was just a filler chapter... I'll try uploading a chapter every Mon, Thurs, and Sat. Will inform in advance if I can't upload due to something coming up.