Chapter 15: The Good, the Bad, and the Kirari

*Kirari POV*

Surprisingly, taking the life of a humanoid living being didn't affect me that much.

It was probably thanks to Gamer's Mind.

After seeing what I saw on my system, any trace of guilt that I could have possibly had was snapped to dust.

"Fif- FIFTEEN PERCENT?!" I couldn't help but shout.

Killing this goblin Nomu gave such a huge amount?!

At my current level, killing a hundred rats wouldn't even earn me one percent!

But this! Not even five minutes of fighting and I earned an amount that's equivalent to months' worth of grinding!

Greed instantly filled my head.

I turned my head towards the newly opened passage.

"I wonder how many of them I'll find in there…" I licked my lips thinking of the sweet, delicious, delectable exp.


I slapped myself out of my thoughts.

"No, Kirari. Bad, Kirari. If you start thinking that way, you might end up as a homicidal maniac. Once that happens, who knows what your next reincarnation will be…"

The most important thing I learned after meeting Dio-sama, was that something called 'karma' exists.

I don't exactly know what it is or how to obtain it.

I do know that it will somehow affect what happens to me after my death.

After researching, all I understood was that doing good deeds produces good karma, while doing bad deeds gets you bad karma. Obviously, it's better to have good karma than bad karma.

In my past life, I just obeyed the laws, didn't commit any crimes, and lived under the creed, "Don't do onto others, what you don't want others to do onto you."

I was a pacifist with a weird fixation on 'manliness' due to my parents' teachings and a love (addiction) for gaming.

I must have done something right, because look where that got me. A new life with cheats!

In this new life of mine, I no longer fully commit to my previous creed because of the goals I have set for myself.

I have to kill stuff to level up after all.

But I still try to keep karma in mind.

That's one of the reasons why I want to become a hero like my mom.

What's a better way to earn good karma other than becoming the thing that is considered good and righteous by the masses?

Not a lot of other ways, I suppose.

Plus, by trying to become a hero and staying near the protagonist, I can make use of my knowledge of up to season 2 of the MHA anime.

I'm also trying to work on those other ways.

"Wait. I just killed this thing. Is that good or bad? … Meh. It jumped at me first. I'd say my actions were justified self-defense."

This is the issue with good and evil. It's so hard to differentiate.

Say I was reincarnated in a world where murder was considered morally right and not killing was considered evil. How the heck should I grind for karma then?

Anyways, I derailed too much.

I once again looked into the passage before deciding that it wasn't the right time to go exploring there yet.

"I don't even know the dangers in that place. Just the gas alone is enough to knock me down a peg. Maybe after I make some preparations…"

I reviewed my fight with the goblin Nomu.

Honestly, I feel like I could have done a lot better.

In a normal situation, I could have just one-shot the Nomu with Electromaster.

But without it, I'm only at the level of an Olympic athlete. In a one-on-one fight against someone like All Might or Eraser Head, I would lose without a doubt.

Then again, I did have to deal with my trauma during the fight with the Nomu.

If I had been clear headed from the start, I feel like I could have shot three- no, four arrows in its head before it even got close.

"Hmm. I should learn some martial arts just in case a situation like this occurs again. But first…"

I looked that the corpse of the Nomu.

"I should make sure that I got over my trauma."

I picked up my stuff from the ground and grabbed one of the arms of the Nomu. I started dragging it away from the methane zone, which is what I decided to call this area.

While walking, I thought of what to prepare for when I decide to tackle that area.

When I got a good distance away from the methane zone, I got to work on practicing on the goblin Nomu corpse.

I took out an arrow and stabbed it twice in succession.

*Poke poke*

"Hurgh… Yup. Stabbing a fleshy body is definitely not the most pleasant feeling. But at least it's not as bad as before. Ugh." I said while holding in the rainbows.

After a few minutes of stabbing and getting used to the feeling, I moved on to finding the best spot to stab.

*Poke poke*

"Hmmm. As expected. It's got to be the exposed brain. Why such a weakness is so blatantly displayed, I will never know. I can only blame the creator of this guy."

After an hour of practicing, I figured I got used to it.

I was left with a badly mutilated corpse and bloodied hands.

I was starting to feel a desperate need for a bath.

Rolling around on the floor of a sewer is not exactly the most hygienic thing to do.

I probably also have to toss my black jacket. Shame. It was my favorite.

"I bet if I looked into a mirror right now, I would look like a walking murder crime scene."

I left the corpse as it is to lure some rats for the next grind. Although, after seeing the amount of exp I got from killing the Nomu, I'm not sure if I will still be satisfied with killing rats…

After leaving the sewers, I washed up a bit at a public restroom before going home and taking a nice long bath.

The mental fatigue I got from this grinding session was too much so I decided to have another hour of sleep.

Thank Dio for the Full Rest mod.

(Scene Break)

"You might be wondering why I have gathered you here today." I said while standing on top of a bench in front of two boys.

They were naturally my Nii-chan, Denki Kaminari, and my protagonist friend, Izuku Midoriya, or as I like to call him, Midori.

They were two characters who will later become classmates in the anime.

But right now, they are barely acquaintances.

Our mom is friends with Midori's mom, but because of his personality, Midori never really became close friends with Nii-chan even though he was invited to our birthday parties before.

"Didn't you say this was a playdate? Why did you bring us to this trash heap?" Nii-chan asked.

"D-D-Date?!" Midori reacted, his cheeks turning a shade of pink.

He's only nine yet he already knows the implication of that word? Well, he was supposed to be pretty smart as depicted in the anime.

But, man is his stuttering annoying.

Right now, we were currently at Takoba Municipal Beach Park. It was the same beach park where Midori is trained by All Might in the beginning of season 1.

Although I prefer the park that's closer to our home more, I don't want to bring Nii-chan anywhere near there after the opening of the methane zone.

Getting Midori with out of there was just a bonus.

As for Spiky? Since he likes blowing up so much, he probably wouldn't mind. If anyone is going to be the cause of blowing that place up, it would be him. Let him get a taste of his own medicine for once.

"You are correct, Nii-chan. This is a playdate." I stated. "BUT, it's not any ordinary playdate! It will also serve as fun and enjoyable training to become a hero!" I exclaimed while spreading my arms out theatrically, the morning sun shining behind me creating a stunning image.

At least, that's what it should look like to Midori.

Based on Nii-chan's expression, I probably looked like some shady businessman trying to sell suspicious wares.

'As expected. Nii-chan knows me best. I'm going to enjoy exploit- err, training you guys. Hehehehe.'

Chapter End.

A/N: After fight analysis/filler chapter. Not sure about the quality.

I had to overtime twice this week to meet a deadline.

Work is still not done so I don't know when I'll have time to write the next chapter.