Chapter 19: Another Loli Genius, GETTO!

*Third Person POV*

-The Yaoyorozu Mansion -

In one of the lavishly decorated great halls of the Yaoyorozu's, a small dinner party was taking place. It was to celebrate the new partnership between the Yaoyorozu's and the Goro-Goro Company.

The people attending were some members from companies also partnered with Yaoyorozu, a few of their family members and board of directors, and the three people who had presented in the meeting earlier, Kirari, Mei, and Haruto. Unfortunately, the head of the house was not present. It wasn't surprising since he was a busy man after all.

"I must say Kaminari-san. We were not expecting much from a new start-up company such as yourselves. No offense." One of the board members who attended the meeting said after taking a sip of the high-quality beverage that was being served to them by the maids and butlers.

"None taken. I also did not expect that I would have to present to people in high positions like yourselves." Haruto said, causing the people to laugh. As a previous manager and current CEO, he had learned how to flatter people.

"After all the things we heard about your company, we just had to come and see what all the ruckus was about. And we surely weren't disappointed." Another member said.

"Indeed! Your company will become the pioneer of new technological advances with all those things you showed us. To think that it all started with two little girls… I don't know why but, I feel old." Said another member, causing another round of laughter.

While the adults were talking, over on another side of the hall, the children who were attending the party had gathered.

"Behold! My adorable baby number 3!" Mei said while showing a gun-like object to the others.

"Grappling Hook, Mei."

"Right! What Kirari said."

Kirari and Mei were having fun showing some of the inventions they brought with them to the other children.

Being here at this party meant that these children held quite the background. So, Kirari and Mei would definitely take this opportunity to make friends with them. They might be able to assist them later on with some of their projects.

Especially a certain someone they were looking out for.

Mei pointed her grappling hook at a roasted chicken that one of the butlers who just came out of the kitchen was about to serve.

The hook fired and flew through the air with a line attached. It pierced the chicken, then it was pulled off the tray and reeled back towards Mei like a fish caught on a fishing line. The butler was surprised at first, but after analyzing the situation, he simply went back to the kitchen, and got another chicken.

'What an experienced old man.' Kirari thought.

"Tada!" Mei exclaimed while raising the chicken.

""Ooohhh!"" The children applauded at Mei's display.

"Amazing! I wonder how it's made… Will it be able to carry a person's load?" A girl with black hair in a ponytail and wearing a stylish dress asked.

Seeing this girl, Mei and Kirari's eyes sparkled. They looked at each other and made eye contact. After having a conversation through their eyes, they both nodded.

"Ah. Unfortunately, since this was one of my first inventions, the components that I used to create this baby weren't that great. I had no money at the time and only scrounged the materials from a trash heap with Kirari. It can only withstand a max weight of 10 kg." Mei said while faking a disappointed look.

"It's alright Mei. Once we get our first paycheck, we can buy all the materials you need." Kirari said, supposedly consoling her downcast friend.

Although they were hired as specialists in the Goro-Goro Company, they also sometimes worked as their spokesperson and promoted their products, like what happened in the meeting earlier.

Since it wasn't considered a hazardous occupation, such as becoming a Pro Hero, they were exempt from the loose child labor laws of this day and age.

"Out of curiosity, what sort of parts did you need?" The ten-year-old, ponytail girl asked Kirari and Mei.

With a side glance, the two girls had another conversation with their eyes. It went something like this:

'Kirari, the primary target has taken the bait! You were right. She does like helping others needlessly.'

'Affirmative Mei. It's all going according to plan. Good thing she showed up. Executing phase two.'

Of course, only the two girls could understand this.

Before they even came to the meeting, they had planned out all possible outcomes.

Meeting this girl was one of the best possible ones.

Now, they just had to execute their three-part plan.

1. Attract the target.

2. Build up a nice relationship with the target without arousing any suspicion.

3. Invite the target to "help" with projects.

"It's not much. Just more durable metal for gears. Why do you ask, um…?"

"Oh! Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu."

"Ah, a family member of the new partnership that my dad's company just got. My name is Kirari Kaminari, and my quirky best friend over here is Mei Hatsume."

"Hiya~" Mei waved while taking a bite out of a chicken leg and passing the rest of the chicken to the other children.

"So… since there are other Yaoyorozu family members here, it will get confusing if I call you Yaoyorozu-san. Is it alright if I call you Momo? In return, you can call me Kirari." She proposed with an innocent smile and a genuine expression.

Normally in Japan, calling someone with their first name meant that they were friends or had a close relationship.

Momo paused for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Un. Then please, call me Momo from now on."

"Sure. And like I said, please call me Kirari."

"Hey! Don't forget about me! You can call me Mei, the genius inventor who will d-"

"Nice to meet you, Momo! So, why were asking about Mei's grappling hook again?" Kirari said while cutting off Mei.

If she had let her continue, she would probably say something like developing the cutest babies or something. She did not want Momo to get the wrong idea.

"I wanted to see if I could be of any help," said Momo with her chest puffed out and a sparkling aura around her.

'Impressive development for a ten-year-old.' Kirari thought after slightly perving on Momo.

"My parents taught me that to be a true hero, I should not hesitate in offering a helping hand to someone as long as I have the ability to."

'Hoh. What wonderful parents. This will be easier than I thought.'

From what she knows from the anime, Momo was a genius who was able to utilize her quirk at a young age. Her quirk, Creation, let's Momo create any non-living material/object from her exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of her fat cells. However, she needs to understand the molecular structure of what the material/object is made of.

Kirari could not determine how high of a Mental stat Momo must have to be able to memorize and create all those things she did in the anime.

"How admirable. As expected of the Yaoyorozu. Let's see… the only help we really need is to get some carbon steel with certain properties…"

Kirari started explaining about the material they needed, with Mei pointing out some more details.

After a while, a pink glow started to show from Momo's chest. It was noticed by the other children.

'Oh no!' Remembering how Momo acts in the anime, Kirari reacted and moved as fast as lightning.

She quickly appeared in front of Momo and shielded her from everyone's sight.

With a pop, a small, jagged lump burst out from Momo's chest, tearing through her dress before landing in her hands. Some sweat could be seen on her face, showing that the lump she created using her quirk was quite a challenge for her.

"Whew. My apologies. Although it's not exactly to your specifications, this is the best I can do." Momo stated while holding the lump out to Kirari, not minding her current state.

Kirari, however, had a front row view.

'Why is it so pink?... No wait! Stop, Kirari! Bad, Kirari! Don't lewd the loli! The FBI will come knocking.' She inwardly screamed and shook her head. Her face turned crimson, and she got a bit of a nosebleed.

"It's fine, Momo. More importantly, you should fix your clothes like, immediately!" Kirari said while keeping her line if sight on Momo's face and doing her best not to look down. She also didn't forget to block everyone's sight from Momo.

"Oh, right." As if only just realizing, Momo started fixing her clothes with and indifferent expression.

'How can you be so nonchalant about this?!... Wait. Aren't I also a girl AND a loli right now? Shouldn't it be fine to look? We're both girls after all…'

After thinking and making up excuses for herself, Kirari came to a conclusion.

'Stupid past life memories are confusing me. As a man, how can I not eat a delicious meal that has been placed in front of me? I have the perfect cover. A loli looking at another loli's bare chest is not a crime. The FBI has got nothing on me. I should be free to observe. I can use it as a reference and compare her growth with mine. Umu umu.'

With that, Kirari decisively looked to Momo's… newly fixed clothes.

"… And done. Making clothes is easier and faster than making metal. Hm? What's wrong Kirari? Why are you kneeling on the floor?" Momo questioningly asked.

"No reason… I just feel like I lost an opportunity…" Kirari explained before getting right back up. "Oh well. More chances in the future."

She examined Momo once again to make sure nothing is out of place. Yeah. Let's go with that.

'Hmm. Is it just me or do they seem… smaller than earlier? Don't tell me that to create the metal lump, she used the fat from her…' Kirari thought inwardly before shaking her head out of such thoughts.

Momo could only tilt her head confusingly at Kirari.

"So, this carbon steel you made. It's not the right shape but it is indeed the correct material." Mei interrupted.

While Kirari and Momo were distracted, she had taken the lump that Momo had made and examined it.

"Kirari, if you could please." She handed it back to Kirari.

"Un. I got it."

With the carbon steel lump in between her hands, Kirari started using her quirk.

By generating a high frequency, alternating current to run in her hands, she was able to heat up the metal through induction heating.

This was a move Kirari called, Electro-forge. However, it can only be used on metals.

"Your turn, Mei." Kirari electromagnetically held the hot glowing metal in place and turned towards Mei.

"Leave it to me!"

Out of nowhere, Mei pulled out some tools and held them in her hands.

With precise movements, she started working on the metal, hammering and reshaping it.

Her eyes darted around as she used her Zoom quirk for the finer details.

The other children gasped at the display, especially Momo.

She wasn't expecting such experienced movements from two girls around her age.

As someone born in a prestigious family and with an amazing and versatile quirk, of course, she was quite proud of herself.

However, she was raised to be kind and humble.

While growing up, the people around her continuously showered her with praises.

Because of all this, and though she wouldn't admit it, she grew slightly arrogant and maybe a little overconfident.

But these two girls were now showing her a true reason to be humble and not to get too ahead of herself. After all, they were fixing something that was a result of her inadequacy.

With Kirari's Electro-forge and Mei's absurd eye for details and workmanship, they were able to finish various projects without the need for heavy industrial machinery, like Kirari's Amos bow.

"Almost done! Momo, can you bring us a cup of water to cool this down?"

Mei's words brought Momo and the audience out of their stupor.

Momo quickly grabbed a cup of water from a butler and brought it to the two girls who made her feel slightly inferior.


When the carbon steel cooled down, Mei took it out of the cup to reveal that the originally jagged metal lump had turned into a set of connected gears.

With a final hammer, Mei split up the gears individually and chipped off the small excess metal that held them together. She then quickly disassembled her grappling hook and reassembled it using the new gears.

"Behold! My new and improved adorable baby number 3 version 2!"


Before Kirari could correct Mei, she had already fired the grappling hook towards the ceiling at a chandelier.

After it hooked on, Mei pushed another button and suddenly, she flew towards the chandelier.

After reaching a certain distance, Mei swung and then unhooked the grappling hook from the chandelier.

Before she could start falling from her swing, she fired the grappling hook again to another chandelier and swung once more, moving around like a friendly neighborhood spider hero.

This repeated a few times before Mei did a backflip and landed right back where she started.


The children applauded, even along with some of the adults who witnessed the performance.

"Hahaha! Thank you, thank you! Remember that this performance was made possible by the support gear created by me, Mei Hatsume! Oh, and with the help of Kirari and Momo." She said while giving a bow.

'The advertising was great, but I don't know how I should feel about being added in at the end like I was just a second thought… Oh well. This one was mostly her design anyways, and I only did just help.' Kirari thought.

"Mei-san! That was amazing! Not only your acrobatic skills, but also the way you used your quirks and that equipment that you made! To think that you were able to create something out of the failure I made…"

Momo, whose self-confidence was shaken, had newfound respect for Mei and Kirari.

"Eh? Why did you add honorifics? Just call me Mei! And I don't know what you are talking about. You did a great job."

"Yeah. What do you mean by failure? You were able to create the material exactly how we explained. Just because it wasn't the correct shape, doesn't mean that it was a failure. Even if it was a failure, there's a saying that goes 'Failure is the mother of success.' Without you, we would not have been able to successfully upgrade the grappling hook. Don't bring down your own achievements, Momo."

Seeing the two girls trying to comfort and encourage her, Momo started feeling a new feeling that she never felt before.

It was… warm.

As someone who was always the top one in her class, including her background, the others around her always felt that she was out of their league and that she was someone they could never reach.

So, Momo had always felt out of place around children her age. A little isolated even.

But Kirari and Mei's performance made her realize that there were people her age that are above her.

She unconsciously started viewing them like how she views adults and the pro heroes that she admires.

Yet, they were trying to tell her that she was on their level and that they could match well with her.

"Mei-san… Kirari…"

For the first time, Momo was experiencing the feeling of true fellowship.

Seeing that Momo was at a loss for words, Kirari and Mei shared another glance.

'Begin phase 3!'

"In order to celebrate our meeting and the successful creation of this baby, how about you have this Momo?" Mei said while extending the grappling hook towards her.

"W- What?! No, I- I couldn't possibly…" She tried to refuse.

"Of course, you can! We made it together. This gear is yours just as it is mine and Mei's. So just take it as a sign of our friendship." Kirari forced the grappling hook out of Mei's and into Momo's hands.

At this moment, the warm feeling Momo felt spread across her body.

"If you feel like you owe us something after receiving this, just hangout with us and maybe help us out with other projects like this one." Mei said cheerfully.

"Mei-san… No. Mei. And Kirari..." Momo clutched the gear in her hands.

The feeling started to deeply embed into her chest.

With a hopeful look, she said, "I gratefully accept this as a token of our friendship. Please, take care of me from now on."

She said that while bowing, which Kirari and Mei did not expect at all.

They looked at each other.



Hearing strange noises coming from the two in front of her instead of a reply, Momo looked up and saw Kirari and Mei with puffed up cheeks.

""Hahaha!"" Suddenly, they couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing, dumbfounding Momo.

"Why did you suddenly speak so formally… It sounded so stiff. Hahaha!" Mei said.

"Un. Friends don't need to speak like that. Just speak casually with us. Though it was kind of cute. Haha!" Kirari said causing Momo to blush.

She was a little annoyed that her heartfelt words were being laughed at.

"Moh! I just said what I felt like saying!" Momo said in protest.

"There you go!"

"Much better. Now you're talking like how friends should."

Seeing the two girls with smirks on their faces made Momo realize that they weren't laughing to mock her. No, they were trying to become closer to her and make her be more casual to them.

"Hehe…" Realizing her mistake, Momo let out a small chuckle which the two noticed.

Kirari and Mei shared one more eye conversation.

'Target captured!'

Originally, Kirari wanted Momo to join her group because her quirk is just too useful and broken.

But although it started as a scheme with ulterior motives, she did not expect that Momo would be this cute and she had to re-evaluate her plans.

It wasn't long before the three of them started hanging out together and meet up on several occasions even though they lived in different prefectures.

Kirari, Mei, and Momo became best friends.

They liked to talk about hero stuff, designing support items, drinking afternoon tea, and even exercising due to the insistence of Kirari.

Momo had reduced workouts though because she needed fat for her quirk.

Sometimes they also worked on some projects.

Momo liked how their projects were not only useful to heroes, but also good for all civilians.

With another loli genius joining their group, after a few months, Kirari was finally able to complete everything that she needed in order to revisit a place she had left alone all this time.

The methane zone.

Chapter End.


Sorry for the delay. I was busy fixing my requirements and I had a long flight. Here's a super long chapter to make up for it.

Hope this chapter didn't give anyone diabetes or cringe too much.

Also, I have a question. Since I changed Deku a lot compared to canon, I have to ask.

Do you guys still want him to get One For All from All Might?

I can't decide. Let me know what you think~