Chapter 27: The Abengers Part 1

*Third Person POV*

In Abegawa Tenchu-Kai's base in Tokyo.

"Stupid… Rojiya… making me babysit… *Snoring noises*"

Kirari woke up after hearing someone grumbling and making strange noises.

She slightly opened her eyes and peeked around her surroundings. She didn't want anyone to find out that she had awakened because they would start asking her questions.

She found herself in a bedroom that seemed to be some sort of temporary guest room judging by the lack of furniture.

A middle-aged man was sitting and napping in a chair near the door which was the only exit from the room besides the window to her right.

Looking out the window, she saw that it was still dark so she thought that she still had some time before her parents would wake up.

After confirming her surroundings, she checked her status.


Character: Fischl

Name: Kirari Kaminari

Age: 9

Level: 29/30

Health: 173/290 – Regen: 1 per 10 minutes

Energy: 290/290 – Regen: 4 per minute

Physical: 15 (Max)

Mental: 20 (Max)

State: Some small wounds and bruises. Mentally fatigued.


This was the first time in a long time that Kirari woke up with injuries.

The Full Rest mod had always taken care of any injuries she got while grinding and acting as a vigilante.

Since she had unequipped it, it was natural for her to wake up feeling like shit after what she had been through.

She must have been out for a few hours considering that her energy had regenerated back to full after she had put everything into Electric Shield.

But her efforts paid off. She survived that explosion and even gained exp from it.

She was surprised to find that her exp bar had been half filled despite leveling up just before the explosion.

It seemed that since her Electric Shield had been a cause of that explosion, all the things that were killed by it and were near her had given her exp.

However, she knew that she probably got some bad karma because of the explosion and that left a sour taste in her mouth.

Kirari knew that she had no other choice at the time. She could only pray for the unfortunate fellows and hope that Dio-sama will reincarnate them into a better life.

She will make up for it by going after the guy that pushed her to do it.

'No use crying over spilt milk. What's done is done.' Thinking that, Kirari focused on her current situation.

She re-equipped Full Rest and put the rest of her points on Sonic again. Even though she wanted to go back to sleep, it would be useless because the mods won't take effect yet due to mod cooldown, and she needed to get home before her parents found her missing.

After checking her status, Kirari checked her body.

Like it said on her state, she had some cuts and bruises but those were bandaged up.

'Looks like the people who had found me aren't that bad. I wonder why they didn't take me to a hospital though? Not that I'm complaining…' She thought.

Kirari didn't remember that it was because of what she said before passing out that the members of Abegawa Tenchu-Kai didn't bring her to a hospital.

She was relieved for a moment but then turned bitter after checking her equipment.

Her black trench coat and clothes were full of holes. Her mask was smashed to pieces after the blast impacted her. She lost almost all her knives save for the two in her boots. Her Air Trecks were broken off and were who knows where. Her phone was burned and busted as well. To top it all off, even some parts of her hair was burnt.

Kirari had lost a lot this time and she won't be able to go on nightly grinding sessions for a while until she can restock on stuff.

The only upside was that the wires that she got for her birthday were still intact.

"*Snores* ... not… pedo…"

Kirari was brought out of lamenting her lost equipment after hearing the man, Tetsu, sleep talking.

'Pedo?...Pedophile? Shit, did they not bring me to hospital because they were going to…! I need to get out of here!'

Kirari could have attacked Tetsu, but they were nice enough to treat her wounds and put her in a bed.

Although it could be just her misunderstanding, she would rather not risk it.

She quietly got out of bed, careful not to make a sound and wake up the sleeping Tetsu.

Since he by the door, Kirari opted to go over to the window and exit from there. She tried opening it, but it was a bit stuck so she had to put some force into it.


Unfortunately, the window must have not been used often as it made a rather loud creaking noise when Kirari pried it open.

"Huh? What?"

Tetsu woke up due to the noise and because of his profession as a Yakuza, he immediately jumped into action and activated his quirk which put on his armor.

He pointed his hand towards the noise ready to fire a beam but he only saw Kirari who already had one leg sticking out the window.

She had wanted to quickly jump out, but when Tetsu used his quirk, she was surprised and got distracted by the armor appearing from nowhere.

The armor he put on looked similar to a certain superhero from a movie in her past life.

"Iron… man?" She spoke unconsciously.

Hearing her speak, Tetsu finally fully woke up and started processing the current situation.

"Oh. Um, I'm not this Ironman that you keep calling me, but I don't think it's very nice of you to leave without at least giving us, your rescuers, an explanation." Tetsu said while lowering his arm.

Since the girl seemed to recognize Tetsu in some way, it was decided by the other members that he would be the one to watch over her while she was resting, much to his dismay.

Kirari pondered what to do before deciding that she had time to spare. She could get some information from these guys about what had happened after the explosion and before she fainted.

If she found them to be villains, well, she could also get some exp and maybe max level her Fischl character.

Kirari brought her foot back inside the room and looked at Tetsu who after seeing that she wasn't going to run away, put away his armor.

"Nice to finally talk to you. Name's Tetsu. You are…?"

"… Archer." Kirari said, randomly thinking up a fake name.

"Riiight." Tetsu rolled his eyes. It was obvious that it was a fake name. But he wasn't expecting her to tell the truth anyway.

"So then, 'Archer', mind telling me what you were doing in the sewers when a gas explosion occurred?"

Although she was still mentally tired and feeling the slight after effects from using Mega-Mind, Kirari forced her mind to come up with a believable story.



When she was about to explain, her stomach started making noise. It had been a long night for Kirari. From killing that villain, exploring the methane zone, and surviving an explosion to waking up in an unknown place with an unknown person. She had worked up quite an appetite and her stomach was letting her know that.

She started feeling embarrassed but she wasn't going to shamelessly ask for food from a stranger she just met.

"*Ehem* I was trying to say that-"


Unfortunately, her stomach was protesting this decision of hers.

"… BAHAHAHAHA! Alright, it's fine. We can grab some food first before we talk. Hahaha!" Tetsu chuckled.

"… Then I will be in your care." Kirari meekly replied.

Led by Tetsu, they walked out of the room and headed towards the dining room.

"So, you are Yakuza and right now, we are in your base in Tokyo?" Kirari asked to after talking with Tetsu for a while.

"Yup. Rojiya and I were the ones who found you after you came shooting out of a manhole. Almost blasted you too. Good thing I have good senses and caught you instead. No need to thank me." Tetsu boasted while taking a bite out of a sandwich he made.

Kirari similarly ate her own sandwich. It was enough to settle her hunger. It didn't taste that bad but it wasn't great either. Her taste buds might have started to change due to all the high-quality food that Momo brings along whenever they hung out.

"I see. Thank you for saving me. I always thought Yakuza were bad guys…"

"And they are. Don't get me wrong. Yakuza are not good guys. But just because we don't necessarily stick to obeying the laws, doesn't mean we won't help out someone in need." Tetsu explained.

"We have a moral code that we follow. It's what differentiates us from those scum-of-society villains."

After hearing his explanation, Kirari felt sorry for Tetsu and his gang. From her initial impression, they seemed like cool guys, but because of the current hero focused society, they were labeled as villains.

"Why don't you guys change your ways then? Based on what I saw earlier, you have a pretty good quirk. You could become a hero…" Kirari proposed to which Tetsu just snorted.

"Hah! You're just a kid, Archer. You don't know how the world works. Heroes are not all what they seem to be. Don't go putting them on a pedestal just yet! Besides, I was born a Yakuza, raised as a Yakuza. It's my way of life and I ain't gonna stop or change my ways just because society says I should! Even if All Might himself is staring me down, I will stick to my guns and remain as the proud Yakuza I am!" Tetsu pumped his chest and declared confidently.

*Clap clap*

A clapping noise was heard and Rojiya along with two other men walked into the dining room where Kirari and Tetsu had been eating and talking.

Kirari had noticed them long ago with Electroreception.

Since she was out of the methane zone, she could finally freely use her skill.

She was confident that she could escape from here at any time which was why she was taking the time to talk to Tetsu.

"Well said Tetsu. I couldn't have put it any better myself." Rojiya, the one who was clapping, said.

He took a seat next to Tetsu.

"Could have been quieter about it though. Your damn shouting's gonna wake up the whole neighborhood!" Said a big man covered in scars and was wearing a two-piece kimono.

He had a cigar in his mouth and he puffed out a cloud of smoke before sitting on the other side of Rojiya.

"Haruhisa. I would advise against smoking near children." A man with long blonde hair and wearing some sort of sleeveless construction worker uniform and hard hat said.

There was a short sledgehammer attached to his belt. He sat on the other side of Tetsu.

"It'll be fine, Souji. The smoke will put some muscle in her lungs. Hahaha! Besides, if she could handle being in a rank place like the sewers, then this amount of smoke should be nothing." Haruhisa said, putting all their attention back to Kirari.

They all had heard the story of how Rojiya and Tetsu encountered Kirari. Naturally, they were curious yet suspicious of her.

Abegawa Tenchu-Kai (ATK) had deep roots, going way back to even before quirks appeared in this world. They had lots of enemies and Kirari could have been an assassin that was sent by one of them to take them all out. Although their current state had degraded from the past and they only had a few members left, that didn't change the fact that their name and reputation still held quite the influence in the underworld.

Honestly, seeing four big adult men in front of her and knowing they were in a Yakuza gang, Kirari was slightly intimidated. Adding to the fact the she wasn't in top condition, then she would be in quite the predicament if they decided to gang up on her all at once.

Besides Tetsu, she didn't even know what their quirks were.

Thankfully, Rojiya spoke up before anything started.

"Now now, everyone. No need to scare her. I'm sure the little miss will have an explanation for everything. But before that, why don't we introduce ourselves." He said.

"I am Rojiya Yonenaga. You can call me Rojiya. I'm sure you already know Tetsu." Rojiya introduced.

"Haruhisa." The big guy in the kimono with scars all over his face said.

"Just call me Souji." said the blonde guy.

"Archer." Kirari said while nodding her head and sticking to the name she told Tetsu earlier.

Rojiya glanced at Tetsu who only shook his head.

"Okay. Archer then. Can you explain what you were doing before you met us?" Rojiya asked.

By now, Kirari had lots of time to polish the rushed story she made up earlier. In a way, she was thankful for her stomach for buying her time.


Chapter End.


Kirari has her stomach while I have my Dao of Cliffhanger to help me come up with something. Hahaha.

Don't worry. No innocents were killed in the explosion. Only some leftover Nomus and sewer critters.

Even if there were some casualties, Kirari would only feel some guilt before moving on. She knows that there is life after death after all.