Chapter 29: Interlude: Mei

*Mei POV*

My name is Mei Hatsume! First name, Mei. Last name, Hatsume.

My goal is to become a famous inventor and spread my super cute babies around the world!

Before, I wanted to become a hero. They got to be on TV and got tons of attention. They also got super cool toys that they use along with their quirks to defeat villains.

My parents tried to discourage me from becoming a hero because they thought that my quirk isn't suitable for one.

They showed me videos of heroes fighting villains and other stuff to convince me that being a hero is too dangerous for someone with a weak quirk like my Zoom.

I realized that they were right. I'm a smart girl after all.

But how could I give up without even trying?!

So, I thought of the toys that heroes use and figured that if I had one, maybe I could become strong enough to be a hero!

But, my parents didn't want to buy me those "support items"!

They buy me useless ugly dolls and plushies, but the super cool hero toys are no good?


No matter how much I cried and begged, they said "No!"

Huhuhu poor me.

So, with no other choice, I decided to make my own!

Good idea me!

It took me a while to do it. Studying, saving my allowance to get the tools and materials, building it… All while keeping it a secret from my parents.

But I was somehow able to make my very first toy!

It was a pair of googles that worked like "binoculars" or "magnifying glasses" that I read about.

It was super cute!

All the adults say that babies are the cutest, but how are those wrinkly, smelly things cute?!

No, my toy was the cutest!

It was my cute baby number 1!

My thought when creating it was, "If I could use Zoom strong enough, maybe I could poke holes through villains just by looking at them!"

Thinking back, it was quite childish thinking. Ehehehe…

In my defense, I was only five years old at that time!

When I first used my cute baby number 1, it was… amazing!

The difference it made when using my quirk with it and without it was huge! It changed my view! Literally!

Everything became upside-down! For a moment, I thought I was flying in the sky!

It was exciting!

My cute baby number 1 worked. Sort of… I was able to see much farther with Zoom than just by purely using my quirk!

But I was left with questions.

Why did my view turn upside-down?

Why didn't it allow me to poke holes through stuff just by looking at them?

How can I get it to let me do that?

So, I studied, and I got my answers.

Now, I know that I won't be able to poke holes through stuff with my quirk. It's just not possible. Sad…

Instead, I focused on fixing my baby and making it better!

I eventually did fix the problem with my cute baby number 1 and even improved its capabilities.

I really had fun making it and when I showed it to my parents, they looked surprised and happy as well.

They weren't mad that I secretly made it and even encouraged me to keep making more babies instead of trying to become a hero.

And so I did!

Lovely baby number 2, adorable baby number 3, pretty baby number 4…

One time, I went with my parents to a store to buy some tools for making babies. It's not like I broke some of them or anything… not on purpose at least.

There, I met a girl around my age who was also looking for some tools.

Her name was Kirari Kaminari!

Unlike those other girls who only play with dolls, ugh, she was playing with tools like me!

I got curious!

So, we talked. I asked her questions. She answered. She asked for advice. I gave advice.

Interesting! Kirari was interesting!

I learned that she was making a baby of her own.

Before that time, I never thought about using electricity in my babies.

Something to study!

Sadly, my parents and I had to leave… But Kirari gave me her contact number saying something about "making her first same age female friend."

But I'm one year and a few months older though?

Anyway, we talked a lot over the phone since then and soon I realized… She was someone who I can make babies with!

I found out from her that for babies to use electricity, they need something called "circuits".

Kirari had a lot of weird ideas, which after I studied more about, found that they weren't so weird.

In fact, they were great! Super!

Even though we live in different places, we were able to meet up a few times after begging for permission from our parents using what Kirari called "Puppy dog eyes".

We found a junk yard at some beach and recycled some junk to create babies.

We cleared out an area with some help from Kirari's brother and a green-haired boy.

The place was still hidden behind a mountain of junk, but it was our secret base!

We combined our small allowance to buy stuff we needed but couldn't find in the junk yard.

Super lovely baby number 5, super adorable baby number 6, super pretty baby number 7…

I really enjoyed making babies and I thought that it was much more fun making them instead of becoming a hero!

But then I thought, what if I made babies for heroes?

I thought it was a great idea and when I told Kirari this, she said something that blew my mind!

"Why only heroes? Why not make babies (inventions) that everyone in the whole world can use? Besides, making babies (support items) needs a license. Also, heroes use babies (support items) to save people's lives. If you made babies (inventions) that can save people's lives, wouldn't that make you the same as a hero?"

My reaction was, in Kirari's words, "MY DIO!"

It was then that I found my goal in life!

Babies all around the world! Worldwide babies!

All the people in the world using babies made by me, Mei Hatsume!

The thought of it gets my heart pumping every single time!

I got very busy trying to achieve my goal.

All my time was spent on creating babies, testing babies, watching babies explode or catch fire, study why they exploded or caught fire, talk to Kirari, find a solution, recreate babies, retest babies, success, create another baby…

My parents got mad at me for not bathing or sleeping. Who has time to bath or sleep when I could be making babies?!

… Of course, I had to listen to them when they said they would take away my allowance if I didn't take better care of myself.

I need money to make babies after all.

Kirari also told me to listen to my parents otherwise she would not make babies with me.

Although I could, it's hard making babies alone…

Got to stay balanced.

After three years since meeting Kirari, my baby making skills have improved a lot!

My baby number 1 is now on version 25. It's the one I use the most and is really handy when it comes to the finer details of baby making.

We have created over 17 babies together and already have a bunch of designs lined up.

We would have created more, but sadly we did not have the money or resources…

Good thing Kirari's dad started a new company. Kirari and I have been hired there! Child labor is not illegal here in Japan, however it is heavily regulated.

So, instead of actually "working" at the company, Kirari and I just continue to do what we have always been doing, which is making and designing babies on our own.

The only difference now is that we are getting paid! We just have to share some of our designs or findings with the company. There's also a lab there that we are allowed to use sometimes.

The improved smartphone design that Kirari and I came up with is being manufactured and about to be sold commercially.

However, because it is only an improvement to an existing design, I don't consider it my baby. It's more like my pet.

Worldwide pets aren't my goal. It's all about my babies!

So, what baby can I make that will achieve this dream?

In our society, a Villain attack can happen at any time. What can ordinary civilians do when they suddenly find themselves in the middle of a Villain attack and no Heroes are around?

Only two things: Call and wait for a hero to save them or run away!

However, if people aren't fast enough to do these things, then they might get hurt.

So, let's make babies that can solve this issue and save people's lives, like heroes!

Kirari already has plans for the first thing, but it's too complicated for me to understand, so I'm working on the second thing.

What am I making to help people run away from Villain attacks?

Of course, it's baby number 18! Kirari calls them "Air Trecks".

Originally, they were supposed to be a pair of electrically powered, motorized in-line skates. But Momo, our new friend, suggested to just make them be able to attach to any shoe. That way, it would cost less to manufacture because we wouldn't need to make the shoe part. Plus, it would be more portable, and people won't have to constantly be wearing skates!

Kirari and I slapped our foreheads at the same time for not thinking of this.

It's really great that we got Momo to join our group~!

There was only one problem left with baby number 18 before it can be manufactured and sold.

Battery life!

Only Kirari can use baby number 18 for long durations because of her quirk. I need a battery that can let them last at least one hour for a satisfactory result.

So, that's what I'm currently testing!


Ah, battery test number 9 is no good.

After showing Momo baby number 18, Kirari and I were able to convince her to use her quirk to create a bunch of different batteries based on our designs. She's a really good girl and doesn't want to use her quirk in public because it's "against the rules".

We had to bring her to the lab at the company because using quirks in private property is allowed.

Good thing I can use my quirk whenever and wherever I want without anyone noticing.

It took Momo a long while to figure out how to create the batteries. Even now, she was only able to make 30 out of our 68 designs.

I secretly took some of the batteries out of the lab to test them here in my house's garage. Couldn't help it. I was too excited!

Kirari and Momo will forgive me. Tehee~

Oh! I just thought of design 69 while examining test 9 results.


Ah, battery test number 10 is also out. I had high hopes for that one… Oh well~

I need to take notes of the results…

There are still 5 left running and we're about to reach the forty minute mark…

*ring ring*

Hmm? Someone's calling. Unknown number? But only my parents, Kirari, Kirari's dad, and Momo know my number…

"Moshi moshi? Genius inventor Mei speaking~"

"… Hi Mei. Good morning."

It's morning already? Oops. I lost track of time and stayed up all night.

Looks like I will be absent from school today so that I can catch up on sleep. I wish I could be homeschooled like Kirari, but my parents won't let me. Huhuhu.

"Kirari! Good morning! What happened? Why did your number change?"

"This is my mom's phone number. I sort of lost my phone. It's fine. I will be getting one of the new ones that the company made."

"The one with the 8k resolution camera or the super durable one for pro heroes?"

"Both combined into one. Custom made."

Kuh! I can hear the smugness in her voice! No fair! I want one! It's my pet after all!

"I'll drop by your house later to give you yours. I convinced my dad. Consider it part of the Employee benefits."

"Yay! Thanks, Kirari! I knew I could count on you!"

"Anyway Mei, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Sure. I'll do it."

"… I haven't even told you what it is yet?"

"Doesn't matter! Anything for my best friend!"

If it wasn't for Kirari, I wouldn't have been able to create as much babies as I can like now. I was planning to enroll in a Hero Support department for high school in the future so that I can have free access to tools and materials.

Of course, I still plan to do so for the license. But because of Kirari, I can start earlier than planned!

Stuff like phones and skates that the general public can use are free game!

"I see. So, if Momo asks you for a favor, then you'll accept it immediately as well?"

"Only if she offers snacks!"

The snacks that Momo brings whenever we hangout are so good! *Drools*

"Uh huh… Well, my favor is a bit… complicated. So, is it okay for you to sleepover at my place tomorrow night?"

"*Gasp* Kirari! I thought you'd never ask! I'll be there! If my parents don't let me then I will refuse to take a bath for a week!"

"… Mei. That's unhygienic."

"I don't know what that word means!"

"Haaa. Guess I'll be the one to ask your parents for permission later when I come over."



Ah. Battery test number 11 is out. Four batteries left.

"… Mei. What was that noise? Are you testing stuff at your house again?! How many times-"

"Ah! No! That was just- ah- um- the toaster! I was just making breakfast before going to school!"

"Meeeiiii… toasters don't make 'boom' noises."



"Hai. I 'borrowed' some of the batteries that Momo completed and was testing them... But don't worry! I took the proper safety procedures!"

"Haaa… Share the results with me later after you're done with school."

"Right! You got it! After school! Which I totally need to get ready for! GotToGoNowSeeYouBye!"


Whew! Safe! If we kept talking then Kirari might have found out that I was planning on skipping today. I should save Kirari's mom's number. She's a pro hero after all.


Oh. Three batteries are left. And there's still ten minutes left.




… Good thing I already ended the call with Kirari.

Oh well~ Maybe the other batch of batteries that Momo made will do better!

For now, I should take a bath and sleep!

Chapter End.


Yeah… This chapter ended up longer than I expected. Might have gone overboard with the whole baby thing with Mei. Hard to portray an eccentric 10-year-old genius.

This is like a flashback through Mei's perspective. The call takes place the day after Kirari met ATK.

Next chapter will be continuation of ATK arc.