| A Chance to Getaway|

Half working the day I took off to the bedroom I was given as had my dinner in there, The girls invited me to have dinner with them but I didn't feel comfortable. I kept chewing on my food until I heard my cell phone buzz. I gulped looking at the door. I had carried two cell phones with me. The one Ruth took was just a decoy. I sigh taking the phone. It's been a while since I received a text.

"How are you?" It said,

"I am doing fine," I replied and stuffed the phone in my bag after switching it off. It was better we kept a time distance of at least 24 hours between the texts, or there is a chance we might just get mingled in texting and get caught.

Yak, it was my strategy, it was stupid, but it has kept me from being caught.


I heard the door open and close. I opened my eyes to see Aaron. "Aaron, what are you -"," Shah" He whispered keeping his finger on my lips. My heartbeat picked its pace up.

What is he doing?

I watched him in my shocked state as he shrugged his jacket off and slept beside me." How - ", " This is my room that you are sleeping in Eve. I am allowed to sleep in my bed" Blinking twice before staring at his intense eyes and dropped myself back in bed turning the other way and closing my eyes.

I remember him waking up and walking out of the bedroom in the early morning, I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

"Can you clear the other tables, I have to get going" I nodded as one of the girls spoke and walked away, I closed the doors and left the key on the desk of Aaron's cabin. I sigh walking into the bedroom and plopping down on the bed.

It's hardly been three days and I am already getting tired of this works. I roll my eyes taking my phone but I froze as I heard the door open. Swiftly hiding the phone under my leg I look up to see Ruth, "Hey, you want something?" I spoke. He just stared at me. Making me super uncomfortable. "W-What?" I ask and he took two steps ahead and suddenly I was alert.

"Ruth "I questioned and he gave a sigh." Nothing, just...go sleep "He said slamming the door shut making me confused.

What the fuck?

Watching down at my phone I see a text pop up.

"You have been running really fast, I can't catch up"

I gasp standing up. No way was he searching for me too, I closed my eyes throwing my phone in my open bag and laying on the bed. I wonder if I should just let him know. I puff my cheeks looking out the window and walking over to it. " The moon looks pretty," I said, " It does " I got shocked but regained my posture, I saw him walk beside me and lean against the window.

"I will be going out of the city tomorrow. Do you want to join me?" I frown, "Why would you want me to join you?" I asked, He chuckled, "Just thought, "He said. I bite my lip as his eyes look away.

"Are you wound fine now?" I asked and he nodded. "I would like to go out, but I know many people out at that side. I don't want to risk it "I said, he turned to me "Why do you fear getting caught so bad?" He said.

" Well let's say my father isn't someone to let things slide out his hands " I reply, " I know " I whip my head towards him in confusion, " You know ?" I ask, "Well, every man is like that, "He said and walked out real fast.

I blink raising my eyebrows, "Are they?" I ask myself. He was hiding something from me. I can see it.

My mouth opened as I feel him slide in the bed beside me. I thought he had a house he lived in, Why would come here? I held my breath, my eyes o wide as I feel his hand over my waist, "A-Aaron?" I called, " Shah ...Just ...sleep " he seemed tired, I look at him and suddenly my stare is held on his face.

I blinked twice closing my eyes, suddenly I open them.

Why -Why am I letting a stranger sleep next to me?

I look at him again and frown, "Can you just sleep "I gasp turning the other side and closing my eyes as soon as I heard him.


"You don't have to open the club today, Just stay inside," Aaron said I hummed in sleep. I opened my eyes to see him putting a blazer on. I sigh as he looked at me. I lean back in the pillow as he leaned over me. His hand brought the sheet up to my neck while his eyes stared at mine.

"There is no need to work today, I have arranged food for you, and you can order more with the work phone in my office. The number is written beside it "I nodded.

"If anything happened call the last number on the diary next to the phone, understood?" I nod once. "Take care, we'll be back by evening "I bite my lip as he suddenly kissed my forehead and walked out.

EH? Why is my heart beating so loudly?

I was eating some chips and going to the back of the house since they had a T.V there; I walked across the cabin but stopped and walked inside it.

I saw two cell phones on it and realized one was Aaron's. It started ringing and I just stood there thinking whether I should take it, Then Ruth's name popped up, I was about to grab It but it stopped ringing. I took his phone to call again and let him know the cell was left at the club when suddenly my heart stopped.

The number below Ruth's name in the call logs, Familiar.

It can't be. I gulp scrolling down, the same number popped three times again, the date was yesterdays. I thought these people were helping me. I smile in sadness, why?

I heard the club door open and I turned the phone off keeping it back on the table. I looked back at the cabin door which opened to see Ruth; He seemed shocked but relaxed too. His expression was weird.

He grabbed Aaron's phone and gave a sigh. "He forgot "I nodded looking away. He turned around about to walk away when he spoke, "I assume you must have realized something by now, you better take the chance before it goes away forever "

God no.

My mouth hung open as he walked out, I ran behind him and grabbed his hand but he shoved me away softly. "This place has cameras, they are switched on, "He said and I bite my lip." Is it true? Does Aaron know my father? Does he know I am here?" I asked. I could easily figure out Ruth's answer, "Why? Am I going to be sent back to him again? "I asked.

"You better leave; we might come back before you know it, "He said before leaving.

I stepped back and ran straight to the room, got my bag, threw in all my things, and jumped out that club back door running away.