| Miss It |

I stared out the window with tears streaming down my face. My head fell on the window as I let out a harsh breath shutting my eyes close and covering my face as I cried. I shudder at every breath I took. The guy driving the glanced back after stopping at a red light and grabbed a tissue box handing it to me.

"Thank you" My horsed voice came through as I sniffle rubbing the tears away.

It's gonna be fine, Hunter will live peacefully without my family coming to disturb him. My father will finally leave me alone. I just have to lock myself up in my room and cut them off till I get over this.

I gulp as I see Max running out the front of the hotel and walking towards the car as I get out. He sighs pulling me into a hug. My hands didn't hug him back. But I nodded as he asked me if I was okay.

"I am so happy you are doing okay Eve, Common." I nodded stopping in two steps and looking at that guy to drove me. "Thanks, for saving my friends" He didn't nod nor did he gave a smile. Just lowered his eyes in acknowledgment as Max smiled at him and walked me inside into the penthouse of the building.

"I will be in my room. Lia will get you something to eat while I get refreshed" I nodded. He gave me a sad smiled before leaving and left me alone with Lia who opened a bag and pulled a simple dress for me.

"Thank you," I said grabbing it with the underwear and walking into the bathroom. I let myself cry in the bathroom again. The more I cried. The better it could be for me to accept that I will never see Hunter again.

I got my freedom at the cost of losing the only man who cared for me, I feared if I mentioned him, my father would hunt him down and make sure I never got the thought of even visiting him.

I wished to visit him and explain everything one day. But I don't it would possible for now.

I sipped on my late-night Tea a Max sat in front of me with grief in his eyes, "So that's what happens" I sigh setting the cup down.

"Thank you for what you did, I wouldn't have anyone else to go to for help. And then for sending that man. He saved my friends" Max nodded. "I just wanted you to be safe. I told everyone in the family about what happened. Your father-" He paused and I look at him.

"He let your sister chose a university of her choice and sent her away with a little allowance for daily needs, He said he won't have her back till this all settles down. But I can assure you she is in a good place" I nodded.

"Your father wants to see you as soon as possible When I told him how to hurt you were after all that you endured. He was really stressed, He didn't eat much. He just wants you back, I understand you might wanna take your time to meet your family and I am not forcing you. But everyone wants to see you"

I sigh looking down rubbing my eyes.

"I just, I am a mess Max-"

"Hey, It's alright," He said. " Hey, Max. Thank you for keeping an eye on me. You did so much for me And I left you at the wedding like that. I don't have anything to thank you with-"

"No- don't say that, Either way. I just want your happiness. Just being in your life is my pleasure. I just wanted you safe" I smiled.

"Still. I am sorry you had to put up with my father like that" He sighs.

"You are back now. Everything is loved. It will be fine now" I smiled nodding.

"I really would wanna go back and explain everything to the people who helped me. I know I can leave now that my father got me back in his hands. But promise you will accompany me when I everything settles down and I wanna go back just to explain"

He stared at me with a look I couldn't understand. It was gone the next second.

"Eve, I will do what you want if you promise not to run away again. We all just can't suffer losing you" I chuckled in sorrow.

"Bold of you think my father will let that happen after this" He chuckled with me.

"See you tomorrow in the lobby" I nodded as he gave me a sweet smile. "Just wanna say. I am jealous of Hunter who won over your heart" I stare at him.

I stood up in confusion. "But I never told you anything about Hunter-" He looked down laughing.

"I asked Alex, The guy who came with you here. He said you were very worried for him" I blink. Nodding.

"Oh-Ya" I reply as he walked out. I crease my brows.

How did that guy know Hunter's name? Was he stalking us? But that's impossible.

I stopped thinking after that, That night was my last night away from family. I wanted to see mother. I missed her so much, She was the only one who talked with me when Max got a chance to put me on the other side.

I closed my eyes but a sudden face flashing across them made me curl up to another pillow. I missed running my hands through his hair. I miss his tease as I warned him to stop or I would pinch his cheeks.

I missed his smile when he laid his head over my chest cuddling me while we watched movies.

I missed him. I wanted to go back. I wanted everything back. I gulp sitting up and staring at the closed curtains.

My eyes lingering over them for a second when I told myself that I will go back. Once my father understands why I did what I did. I am going to be free. I do not want that lavish lifestyle that others saw when all I saw myself was in sliver chains behind the doors.

I wanted a life with Hunter and Sofia. And his friends.

I opened my eyes to the sunlight softly peering in through the curtains. I leave a sigh sitting up and stretching before taking a shower and walking down to the lobby. I noticed Max talking on a call and he smiled as he saw me walking towards him.

"Hello there, Are you feeling okay?" I nodded.

"Max-"I pause grabbing his hand as he walked a step ahead and he looked back in worry. I bite my lip staring down at his shoes. I was scared. Of everything going back to the way it was. I was worried if I would get yelled at. Or if my father would lock me up in that house and take all my freedom away.

"Hey-" He grabbed my hand. "I am here for you" I gulp as he softly pressed his hands on my shoulder and smiled. I nodded walking to the car with him. "I will be there when you want" I smiled sadly.

I wish I could give him a thank you gift for what he did. But I don't think a materialistic gift would be appreciated. But there is nothing I can think of. I sigh in sorrow letting myself fall asleep.

"Hey, We are almost there" I opened my eyes seeing a familiar road. My heart was beating fast. I felt like a five-year-old about to see my father after doing something very bad.

But I didn't do anything. I wasn't at fault, So I shouldn't be sorry for it. I held my head up high as the butler saw me. His eyes stare at me in disbelief as he opened his mouth to greet me when I just give him a smile.

"Hi, John" I mutter as he nodded while I walked in, My eyes following the living room and look up to the stairs.

"Evey?" I snapped my head to my right to see my mother walking out of the drawing-room and I feel my throat suddenly do dry. My eyes blur out with tears as she walked towards me hugging me tightly.

"Hi mom," I said hugging me back.

"I knew you would be okay. Thank you for helping her, Max. You are hurt anywhere? Oh, your hair grew longer" I smiled nodding.

"Your father will talk to you later, He had some last-minute work things" I bite my lip and see Max stare at me from my peripheral view. I frown following her. We talked for two hours. It was different, she seemed worried that I was home but didn't want it to show on her face.

"Is something wrong?" I ask as we went quiet after I explained to her what happens back in the city I was in.

"No, nothing. Just wish I could help you, I wish I can help you" I crease my brows and stare at her with a confused frown.