| Unrequited love |

"I am not surprised. I just wonder who he tricked this time to sell me off too and get profit off of it" She gasped, "Evey, Don't say that, At least I hope the man you marry is good to you."

"Good?" I chuckle.

It was the next day in the afternoon already when I woke up. I had nothing to do in the room. The Tv was taken, My phone was taken. The windows were locked shut. I couldn't open them.

As I took a shower and brushed my hair tucking it away in a bun after drying it. I took a random dress and wore it, taking my chair and standing on it.

My hands reached or the top shelf of my closet and I grabbed three boxes. Sitting on the floor and opening them. Looking through some childhood things, photos. I thought had the perfect childhood. I was known as the typical spoiled rich kid in my school because had the prettiest clothes.

The perfect food. The prettiest shoes. But inside this house. I was still locked up.

All of the good things were given to me by my mother. My father was a nice man back then. He never showed emotion, but he was never like this. Filled with rage. He cared. At least I thought he did.

The sudden noise of my door opening grabbed my attention and I stood up and walked out my closet. A man standing at the door looking for me.

"Oh, you have been called downstairs right now" I stare at him for a couple of seconds.

"I don't wanna go" He blinked once and sighs walking straight at me. I took a step back before he grabbed me by my elbow and dragged me downstairs. I snatch my hand back from his and stare at that old man's back as he drinks his alcohol. He notices me with the guard and sat his glass down leaning back on the couch as I stood in front of him.

"You must have gotten the news from the maid. Prepare yourself to walk down the aisle in four days. Everything will be prepared. If you even try to do something against me. Be prepared to take your punishment after it." I clenched my teeth holding myself back from crying and cursing the shit out of him.

"And who is this new man you are profiting from by using me?" He glanced at me for a second.

"I expect you to watch your tone while talking to me. And that man, you know very well" I crease my eyebrows.

Was It my cousin brother's friend Kyle? He was the first creep I ever met when I was seventeen. Or was it that man's son who my father worked with once and forced me to dance with at a party?

Was it That creepy old man's son who gambles or did my father just pick someone up from a filthy rich family who will treat me like a dirtbag?

"Who?" I asked but he didn't acknowledge me. "At least tell me who that man is I am supposed to marry and will be probably locked up for my whole life with!" I yell.

The sudden frame of my mother appearing from my peripheral view. I was scared. As my father stopped drinking and stared at the TV.

" You speak like that one more time in front of me. And I'll make sure he locks you up for your entire life till you die of regret" I couldn't hold my anger as my mother ran to me and grabbed my hand.

"Eve, common. I will take you back to your room-"

"What's new about that anyway!? Huh? You locked me up all my life anyway! You were planning on locking me up whether I came back myself or by force! You are planning on locking me away from everyone I once loved after this marriage bullshit anyway! What's new in that Father? Weren't you all proud to find out how your precious daughter got pregnant because of the drunken night-"

The loud shattering of the glass in his hand echoed through the living room as he stood up in anger glaring at me.

"Eve" I heard a voice as I stopped mid-sentence. Our eyes shifted their gaze on him as he walked inside. His eyes were over the broken glass and then at me.

"Clean this up," He said as the guard beside him and the maid started cleaning the broken glass and alcohol off the floor.

"You went overboard Eve" I rose my eyebrow at him and that old man sighs looking away and then at me.

"And why are you here to tell me I went overboard when my father sells me off to a random man ?"

"He isn't a random man" Maximillian spoke as I let out a frustrated breath.

"I don't understand why you are in this house at this time Max" I mutter as he glanced at my father and then towards me.


"Because I am that man you are gonna marry"

My closet was empty, The small amount of jewelry was now packed into boxes. I stare at the bag filled with some of the books and artifacts I got as gifts from my childhood. I was told to take them with me or they would be thrown out.

This room, which I spend my entire life in. Was no longer mine as my father said. He wanted nothing In the house that belonged to me.

"I am surprised he kept mom around since she was the one who births to me" Lisa gasps. "Eve!" I rest my head back on my lap staring at the floor as she packed my clothes.

Who knew, The person who I trusted the most, more than my family, who helped me for such a long time would end up doing what I ran away for. Betray me, humiliate me. I was so frustrated, tired, embarrassed. I cried all night yesterday. My mother talked through the door. Explaining how it was better I was married to Maximillian than any other man.

That he would treat me better.

But I saw it. I saw him change his personality like a switch. The moment he shut me up by calling my name in that angry voice. I knew then, that was his real face. All he did, all the things he did to help was only because he wanted me back.

Not because he cared.

Lisa left after packing my things, I heard the door lock as the room fell silent. In my own thoughts, I was all alone. I couldn't run, I couldn't;t go back to the people who treated me like humans. I was the one who betrayed them and now I was being punished for leading a good man into liking me and leaving him stranded like that.

The thoughts soon clouded my mind and my eyes turn blurry yet again. I left a shaky breath as my chest felt heavy. The soft cries coming out of my mouth as my tears fell on my hands. I was so lonely.

I never realized when I fell asleep. From that day, The next two just passed like clouds in the sky.

I didn't remember seeing Lisa coming in to give me food. I didn't remember when I fell asleep or how long I stayed in bed. But I remember the amount of pain I felt in my chest every time I found myself thinking about Hunter.

"Eve? Wake up honey" I opened my eyes seeing my mother and Lisa standing next to me. My eyes moved to my cousin as she smiled walking towards me and setting a small bag on the end of the bed.

"Hey, You don't look well" She seemed concerned as my mother glanced at her helping me sit up.

"How will she? You never ate your lunch, You ate your dinner. You were crying all night. Your eyes are red. You look so tired" She said, I saw tears showing up at the corner of her eyes but she suddenly moved away opening my bathroom door and talking about other things.

"Go and take a shower, Amber and her friend will be getting you ready and we can leave for the venue," She said walking out the bedroom door.

"Mom-" I called as she looked back. "I'll just go prepare some things. Don't worry. I'll be right back" she assured smiling at me once before leaving.

Amber and Lisa forced two bites of the sandwich down my throat as her friend did my hair. But any more and I was gonna throw up. I felt like throwing up the whole time. I was so out of it. I just zoned out and I was getting ready.

"We have to leave" The man at the door suddenly spoke, driving everyone's attention to him.

"Okay, we'll we down in a sec" Amber replied as she pretended to do my hair till my mom closed the door and she sighs.