Chapter one... Demon child

"oh my God"

"shit...,... Be prepared, i think what we have hear is a..."

"it can't be"

"yes it's definitely an..... Angel"

Currently in a hospital, there was a newly born child and a recently became mother and father,

"he's so cute" the mother said,

"Terrisa my love, you gave me an angel" the father said and soon tears of joy started to roll down the eyes of both parents,

"let's name him Chris"

"I'm sure he'll grow to have a strong ability"


"I'm sorry Mr Wilston your son has a low tendency to develope an ability" a doctor said sitting down and there was silence in the room,

"oh, that's unfortunate" Wiltson mumbled with a smile but the doctor could feel his sadness,

"dad, does that mean i wont be special like my friends" Two year old Chris said while sobbing and then Wiltson gave him a hug,

"you're special in your own way" and then a voice resounded in Chris's head,

'yes, you are'.


Chris was currently in a school for people with abilities even though he didn't have any. He had jet black hair with strands of red hair that went with his orange eyes. The only school in the city Chris lived in was one which taught control of abilities so it was Ultimately the only choice but because of a scuffle he had with a student, he wasn't bullied like how he would have been,

"hey isn't that the one they call the demon child"

"yeah, they said he almost destroyed johnny"

"they probably let him off because his parents have strong abilities...,... Unlike him" and then they burst into laughter until Chris looked at them with anger in his eyes,

"what you gonna do about it?" they mocked as they continued laughing and walked away,

'I can take care of them for you if you want' a voice resounded in Chris's head,

"no, not again" Chris responded,

'you can't hide me forever, eventually the old man's seal will breaak as your anger grows and piles up' it said again,

"well, till that day i guess" Chris replied and walked into his class,

'stop being so stubborn BOY" the voice shouted but Chris ignored and sat down only to notice his desk shifted to the egde of the class away from everyone else except from one,

"look, it that guy they call the demon child"


"that white nigga with no powers"

"ohh yeah"

'that day might come sooner than expected' the voice said and then started evil laughing.


Hey. I'm a new writer on webnovel, but I'll try to improve on my writing, hope you love the book.