Chapter Five... Training classes

The next day the students were shown to their various homeroom classes which as said took about three hours,

"now for your traning classes, there are several categories, and for the first week, you can switch how you like but after that it is permanent, so the categories are, weaponry, elemental, non-elemental, martial arts, communication and support so go ahead and pick" he comcluded and  walked out of the class,

"so what you picking" Garry asked Chris while playing with a water ball,

"mine is obviously" he said pionting at the water ball in his hand,

"I think I'll go with martial arts or weaponry" Chris said as he stood up and left to find the martial arts training room until he bumped into a certai someone,

"hey, you're one of those new kids right, i let you go yesterday because you're new here but if you walk out one me when I'm talking to you ever again, I'll kill you" Bruce said and then noticed Chris walking away again,

"na, this isn't the place, maybe the next room" Chris spoke to himself and then a diary flew at him and he barely dodged it,

"what's your problem, juice" Chris asked still with a numb face,

"it's Bruce" Bruce shouted as a he ran to Chris and threw a kick but then a palm came out of nowhere and hit his leg sending a shock wave through his body,

"it seems you're looking for the martial arts room" an old man came out and put his hand over Chris's shoulder,

"am i supposed to know you old man" Chris asked removing the man's hand,

"I'm the teacher for the martial arts training course" the old man replied with anger,

"Mr. Wong" he said and then walked into a dojo looking room,

"how didn't I see that" Chris said as he jumped over Bruce ans entered the dojo only to find only two students,

"hello" Jason said sitting down in a Japanese position and another thin guy pretending to be fighting,

"hello" he said and continued his fight. The old man stood in front of them holding a staff,

"I think this was the wrong place" Chris said slowly backing away towards the door but suddenly Wong appeared behind him,

"why do you think so" he said,

"I don't want to join a club of wierdos led by an old man, no offence Jason" Chris said and then something unexpected happened, Wong threw his staff on the floor and bent down,

"he wants to fight you" The skinny guy said,

"no I dont beat old people" Chris said still slowly going towards the door and the next second he fell,

"ouch, ok Oldy, let's do this" Chis got up and pit his fists in front of him like a boxing stance and attacked with a kick to Wong's leg but then it disappeared and a leg landed on his face sending him to the ground,

"that was quick" Skinny said laughing and then suddenly he flippef and fell down while Wong stood in front of him,

"hmmm?" Wong looked at Jason but he put up his hands signalling peace,

"if you stilk have your crooked mentaility then you are free to leave" Wong said sitting down. After everyone settled down, Wong showed and taight them a few moves and when it was nearing the end of the lesson,

"now strength won't be enough when fighting speed and thesame is the case backwards, so a good way to render an enemy useless is by hitting in between the chest and the shoulder, in the middle of the ribs, on the neck and one move that only works on boys, the ultimate nutcracker" Wonh ended,

"actually, that doesn't surprise me anymore" Chris said standing up and bowing down and so did the others,

"next lesson will be sparing using only the moves i taught you". And they left.

Chris stood in front for a while waiting for someone,

"hey" Garrt said waving his hand Chris noticed the people he walked pass gave him that stare of fear or hatred or annoyance,

"what'd you do?" Chis asked and Garry started rubbing the back of his head,

"well, in the elemental class, the teacher said to improve our abilities we must become one with the element we control and a good idea popped into my head so with a volunteer I conducted my experiments but it was very draining so I stopped and to my surprise the kids wasn't so fine" Garry explained avoiding direct eye contact,

"anyway, let's go" Garry pulled on Chris's arm and they went one. School was close for the day so they were free to roam around until it was time for curfew and the duo decided on going to play a VR game. When they got there, there were two sections, on one side there were several pods and on the other, beds with mechanical helmets on them,

"sir cam you explain these" Garry asked the cashier with excitement,

"sure, the one were you see big pods are the normal ones were you would be scanned to gauge your ability you the best fighting experience, while the second one does thesame but this time it creates something like a dream in your mind connecting it to others so your physical body remains the same way" the cashier explained with obvious lack of enthusiasm,

"is it safe" Garry asked,

"No" the cashier quickly responded,

"we'll go with the first one" Garry paid and they left to the pods only to find Jason also there,

"Jason, what a surprise" Chris said entering the pod and Jason looked at him with an angry face,

"Sorry, you didn't strike me as the kind of person to play games" Garry said getting into his own pod. After all three of them were scanned Garry gave a suggestion,

"why don't we have a best of theee match" and immediately Jason agreed and they both turned to Chris,

'shit, this game didn't recognise my ability since it isn't really mine so Garry has an advantage and in fighting Jason is obviously the best, there's no way I can win this' Chris thought and then a smile appeared on his face,

'which just makes me want to do it more' Chris accepted the offer and they began.