Chapter twenty... First exam begins

Chris paused for a while and there was the usual movie dramatic moment for a while and it seemed like that was what it was like to Garry as he sat there quiet and was eating imaginary popcorn,

"I.... Just can't tell you yet" Chris said and Garry dropped his popcorn and folded his hands in annoyance,

"I'll tell you after the exam" Chris said and stood up about to leave to avoid any more questions,

'Why do I feel like I won't need to tell them' Chris thought and sighed walking to his new training ground,

"Good day Sensei Wong" Chris greeted slightly bowing. After seeing Wong's strength, it made his respect for the old man grow stronger and there was a worrying thought in his mind,

'what is his ability like'. He went into a dogo like room that was empty at first until Chris breathed in and spoke,

"Ready" He shouted and plenty dummies started shooting out from the ground and flying towards Chris, he used his skills thought by Wong to easily beat them,

"twenty down" He mumbled and continued to take them down empowering his body with Ki, making his strength practically double which didn't seem like much but was really,

'this kid isn't normal, I can't even sense his Ki because every time I try, I get this scary sensation and killing intent like someone is tell gme not to try it, I fought in the allied war and have seen horror, heck my son is the embodiment of horror, but yet this is too much, he already had monstrous strength and his Ki made it more stronger, he would probably be able to beat anyone below the rank of C' Wong thought. In the ability enhanced world, it wouldn't be surprising if there was a ranking and like in, everywhere, there was a ranking going from F to E to D to C to B to A to A+ to A++ to A+++ and finally S. Wong was on the rank of B and so was the fat man they fought in the first mission.

  Chris continued to fight until he defeated fifty and then the simulation stopped,

"Don't tire yourself before the exam" Wong was seen walking in and fist bumped Chris on the chest,

"Good luck, make me proud" Wong said and walked away,

"sure, DAD" Chris joked and also walked out to prepare.

  The trio met again in the Assembly hall, it was quite big, big enough to fit over 200 people and served it purpose well. Chris and Jason were excited but unlike Garry who was acting like an overgrown child they were calm, suddenly everyone started to cheer and they all saluted at who just came out in front of them,

"Alright, being the head general and all I have to come here since it was the first year's first exam, so good luck" The head general said taking a puff of his Cigar and walking away. There was silence for a while since that a very short speech but then one of the sergeants came out a book and a rather enthusiastic attitude,

"so, you will be sent to different locations using the school's teleporter for your mission, you are free to move around when you get there but in one week, you should be back at thesame point you started, the more missions you complete, the more points and finally you will be free to pick your group and a group leader who will be given a button for emergency situations only, so go on young ones" He said with a single tear running down his face and everyone had thesame thought

'weird'. As expected the Trio met up since they decided before hand to be on thesame team,

"So the fourth and fifth member should be..." Garry said scanning around looking for someone,

"There you are" Garry screamed waving and Carin came over,

"For the last member, it should be a support type" Jason said scanning people until he found the right person,

"hey would you like to join our Team" Jason asked and the guy he was asking gasped,

"You're the super swordsman" Garry and Chris almost burst into laughter at the ridiculous name,

"Jax was telling us about a mysterious swordsman that was able to take him down even when he was almost at his limit" He said and Garry couldn't hold it anymore, he burst into laughter and Jason was still waiting for a response,

"y-yes, sure I would" He said regaining his composure. They later decided that the team leader should be Carin, Garry was childish, Chris disagreed and so did Jason, Tom, who was the new member also disagreed due to him thinking he was not worthy and Carin was just good at commanding. She was given a pen with a button on top and they were sent through the teleporter and landed safely in a village that seemed to be in the middle of a forest, there were trees surrounding the village,

"Classic" Chris said with a sign as they went into the village, the village was quite lively and they were getting stares from everywhere and it wasn't strange as some weird looking strangers just entered their village,

"Welcome" They heard and a man wearing a robe and beaded necklaces,

"Follow me" He said and started to run away which greatly startled the group and as usual Garry made it into a contest,

"First to reach the man wins" He said and ran away as well, so as not to get separated, they followed.

  After several minutes of running they arrived at what looked like an olden days guildhall,

"This is a mission board" the weird guy that led them here said pointing at a board with many papers pinned to it, the ranged from F class to S,

"You guys are only allowed to do from F class to B class according your school, F missions carry 5 points, then D 25, C 125 and B 625 and A 3125 points" He paused waiting for questions but the group asked none,

"Alright, you can start anytime you want, to be honest we needed people, there have been a lot of trouble lately, well, there is an Inn not to far and it's free so good luck" He said and started to run away again and it seemed like Garry was about to chase again but then Carin froze him and used her powers to move him with us,

"So what now" Chris asked Carin and she seemed to have a smile,

"what else?, We go for the A ranked mission" Immediately she said that, everyone in the room went silent and turned towards her,

"What the f*ck" She mumbled getting ready for a battle,

"Hey, Carin come look at this" Chris said looking at the discription and when she saw it she no longer had her usual boastful grin, it read,

'There are a pride of B ranked lion based monsters that seems only to attack when you get too close, they are blocking the way in and out of Vigard village'. A pride meant a handful of beasts and hearing the word B ranked brought back memories of a certain fat man that took Chris, Jason and John to defeat. However there was another A ranked mission,

'there is a terrorist organisation known as the Black phoenix's, they are strong enough to beat any B ranked group'. They both sounded impossible but since beast lacked intelligence, they decided to check that one out first.

  They went to the area the pride was last seen and the group couldn't help but be frightened,

"Damn" Garry whispered as he stared at the beasts. They looked like lions alright but it was far bigger than any lion and it had red eyes, they had muscles that looked slightly human,

"the only was we can beat them is through stealth" Carin said as they began to formulate a plan


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