Chapter twenty three... John's group

In Tyr's mind space Chris was screaming as images of Tyr's life flashed into his head and an unbearable pain, the seal was slowly breaking,

"Tyr, calm down" Chris shouted and then Tyr stopped and looked at Chris,

"Calm down?, calm down?" Tyr said in a numb voice, then Chris stood up and walked to the seal wall and stood firm bearing through the pain,

"I know I have no right to tell you to calm down but if you continue, you not only destroy that guy, you destroy the whole forest" Chris tried to convince,

"Let them all burn in hell, dying will even be pity for you humans" Tyr shouted at Chris and through the cracks came out fire that was rapidly Burning Chris yet he still stood,

"you won't understand" Tyr said and turned around to continue what he was doing,

"Look at me Tyr" Chris shouted and Tyr turned back around seeing Chris's burnt body,

"Do you know why I don't fight back and burn you myself...,... It's because I'm weak" Chris shouted and fell on one knee,

"I've been oppressed all my life, yet now that I have gotten more powerful, do you see me killing everyone" Chris asked, his second knee going down,

"Yes, I don't know your pain and I'm not telling you to get revenge but don't start killing everyone else for one man's mistake" Chris said turning around about to leave,

"BTW, you're also killing us" Chris said and left. On the outside, Chris was still standing and his arms were almost completely gone but then while the two were having their argument, Jason got in front of Chris and used his ability on him, He put his head down but after a second, Chris raised his head up again,

"Thank you" He mumbled and then passed out again, his body turned back normal, as for the Light user who was almost dead, he stood up and started to move his hands in weird ways, then there was a bright light and the guy faded away,

"Tell Tyr that my master said he was sorry" He said and vanished, Garry regained some strength and carried Carin while Jason carried Chris.

  They got to the Inn and Tom started to do his job healing them and after a while he said,

"I've done all I can, Carin is alright but I can't say thesame for Chris" Tom said with a sad face and laid down to rest since he had been healing all day.

  After a while, Garry went to submit their accomplishment to the weird guy from the old guildhouse,

"What the f...." The guy paused looking around at all the staring people,

"That's a..." He was about to say but then Garry brought out watch, pressing a button suddenly a head dropped and it was a head of one of the Lion beasts and then a red crystal landed in Garry's hand,

"That's the head of the...,... And that's the crystal in the head of the" He was about to pass out but Garry caught him and handed him the head waiting for the man to input their score,

"oh right" He said and brought out a tablet inputting some things and then he said,

"S-sent" he said and then showed the leader board to Garry which read the highest as their group with 3125 points and not to far behind was John's group with 2500 points.

  John and his group were currently in a city like area on a C ranked mission, John suggested they take on a B ranked but the group was tired from all the missions, it was currently the second day so they had five more days to complete the exam. Three people wearing bandanas were seen running with bags in hand and John's group was following them,

"Damn their fast" one of them complained as they continued their chase only to be met by a wall that was made of wood, they broke through easily but then the bandits disappeared,

"Wood binding" They heard and then wood came out from the floor and held them in place, it was surprisingly strong and it held them in place,

"you think you can stop us, we have been in this town long before you were born" The bandits said and a wooden bat formed in his hand,

"I'm gonna teach you a good lesson" He said about to whack one of the students but then he bent causing the man to break off his own binding on her,

"Fool" She said and a black blade formed in her hand,

"Take that" She said and instead threw it at John, it pierced him and then the bindings on him got loose,

"wow, Stacy, your Buff powers are quite useful" John said lifting his hand and the bandits started to float in the air,

"what were you saying" John asked with a grin as he waved his hand causing all of their necks to snap,

"that's plus 125, still below Carin's group" He grumbled and walked away leaving the clean up to his group,

'They just suddenly got 3125 points, meaning they either took multiple missions at thesame time or they took on an A rank mission' He smiled and folded his hands,

'I expect nothing less from my cousin" John thought and got back to work.

  Two days past and Chris still didn't wake up, the rest have been doing D, C and B ranked missions so they wouldn't fall behind, they racked up another 1000 points, bringing them to 4125. Jason was currently sitting in the Inn watching Chris,

"What was that that day, the red energy seemed unstable but now it's confined, or rather sealed...,... And another disturbing thing is that his mana which was too low before has slightly increased, if looked to have been increasing during the incident but the moment that guy did what he did, along with the red energy, it got confined" Jason mumbled looking up and then Chris let out a small grunt.


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