Chapter twenty six... Anger issues

Everyone were currently waiting to see the strength of a Leutenant,

"he's dead"

"Isn't that the kid that had the balls to disrespect the Head general"

"And now he disrespect the Leutenant?, he should just pray that Spencer doesn't find out"

"Isn't that the son of the Leutenant?, I heard he was a third year" people were commenting while Jason just shook his head and the the Leutenant raised his hand then a stone raised in the air and within a nano second, the stone hit Chris in the belly making him to bend in pain holding his stomach,

"I meant no disrespect sir, I was just asking about..." Chris was interrupted by another stone that hit his head causing him to flip and fall to the floor, Garry was about to interfere but then Jason stood in his path,

"Think this through" He whispered but Garry just walked past him with a water ball in hand,

"I said I meant no disrespect" Chris said with an angry grunt and he stood up clenching his fists,

'Why do I feel so angry all of a sudden, I know he hit me for a stupid reason but this rising anger' He thought trying to control his anger but then several stones raised up in the air,

" People like you make me sick, can't even own up to their own mistake and apologise, you disgust me" The Leutenant said and put his hand forward then all the stones atrted to shoot towards Chris at an amazing speed and it seemed like Chris was about to breath as his body was beginning to emit heat waves, suddenly Chris passed out and all the stones fell to ground, Harry was seen outside the assembly hall,

"What the f..." Some students said not understanding what just happened, even the Leutenant was confused, suddenly a chocking aura filled the room that got even the Leutenant scared.

  Five minutes ago, five people were in a dark green room discussing,

"Sir, the Admiral informed us he had a mission for you" A sergeant said, his head a little down,

"Oh really, I thought that old geezer forgot about me" the head general said taking a puff of his Cigar and then he threw it to the ground,

"What is it?" He asked cracking his neck and using his tablet,

"he said you should investigate the terrorist organisation known as 'Red lotus', the one that attacked the school that day" Immediately he said this, the head General squashed his tablet and threw it to the floor still bearing his numb face,

"Well then, where is Leutenant Crow" He asked standing up,

"He's at the assembly hall, he's welcoming the students" A sergeant said and the Head general turned around to leave,

"Should I call on him" The same sergeant asked,

"Na, I need to collect the card to the personal teleporter" He replied and left. After a while of walking,

"How big is this F*king school" He said looking around and then he heard chatter coming from the assembly hall,

"There it is" He said and walked in only to see Crow with a thick black stone in hand,

'Isn't that his spirit weapon' He said and looked around noticing Chris on the floor and the other students in one corner,

'Let's test how fast you've grown' He thought to himself and then Amplifying his leg with Ki and using his super body, he boosted from the door to  the other end, hitting Chris on the back of his neck, hitting the stones down and pushing Garry away as he noticed the concentrated water dagger,

"Crow, what do you think you were about to do" The head general said and then the Leutenant got on one knee holding his neck from the pressure,

"I'm sorry... Head general Oscar" He apologised and then the pressure and the suffocating air went away,

"No worries, you can punish the student later but now come with me" And he was gone like the wind,

"All students, to you dorm rooms, classes will not hold until after one week, enjoy yourself, the winners will be announced tomorrow" Leutenant Crow said and walked away with his head a little down.

After the hall was cleared Chris woke up with his neck sore,

"Hey guys" Chris said scratching the back of his head,

"Why... You..." Jason paused and just walked away shaking his head,

"Why didn't you just apologise" Carin asked frowning and then suddenly Chris's nervous smile turned into an angry face,

"I don't know, that sudden anger, like he did something unforgiveable, like I needed to kill him, I don't know, if the Head general hadn't done that, what would have happened" Chris said clenching his fists and the usual overly enthusiastic John jumped in from nowhere and started to throw fists in the air,

"You were so brave, you were like WUSH WUSH, and he was like WAPAM" he said throwing another fist and after they had a good laugh, they all went to their various dorm rooms, but before Chris entered his room, he could see a girl with red hair licking her lips and looking at him lustfully but he simply ignored.


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