chapter Forty three... Numb

Chris looked around at all the dead people, most caused by the shock wave explosion while the rest like Miss Anders and Josh were supposedly caused by this girl,

"Jason" Chris shouted seeing the state he was in,

"Help him, he only has a minute left" Garry said and Tom which was their teammate in the first exam, came and began to heal him,

"Chris, you can't win, I know that's not gonna stop you...but just hold him for a while, I want to fight him myself" Jason requested and passed out again,

"Sure" Chris said and Kai finally arrived,

"TORA" he shouted and immediately cut his hand letting his blood flow out from it,

"Kai, you're here too, I thought I killed you last time" Tora said w ith a crazy smile as he readied his scythe, in Kai's hand now were two blood red short swords that seemed to be made entirely out of blood,

"I'll make you pay for what you did" Chris said and ran at him and so did Kai, Tora threw two of her dagger in the air and slashed towards Chris but he blocked it with his sword,

'You're open now' Chris thought but then Tora threw a front flip and kicked the two blades at Chris, they came from different directions so Chris had no choice but the block one and place his body right so it won't hit any of his vitals but Kai came in and hit the blade away throwing his at Tora, he then followed up on his earlier attack by striking Tora but spun her scythe so fast it looked like a fan, the blade hit it and bounced of and so did Kai's strike,

"Got ya" Tora said as he threw his scythe down at Kai's head but Chris intervened by extending his sword and blocking the attack after he tied it to Tora's leg and threw him up in the air,

"Now" Chris said and Kai threw several blades at Tora who was still dazed by Chris's attack, but then Tora threw his scythe at Kai, clearing all the blades in that area, he then dodged the rest and landed unscathed,

"How, it's like she's seeing it coming" Chris said panting,

"It's because she is.. His ability is foresight, he can see into the future, the real problem is how far" Kai said forming a long sword with his blood,

'At this rate I might get Anaemia' Kai thought and went to attack Tora again. Tom was still busy Healing Jason,

"Is he gonna live" Garry asked worried,

"I've successfully killed the poison but he still has so many stab wounds, it will take some time" Tom said sweating, even his powers was giving out. Kai suddenly stood up straight and said,

"Chris get back" but Chris didn't listen and just stared at Kai confused,

"I can take her on my own" Kai said and formed his two short blades, he bent his knee,

"This time I'll kill you" Kai said with a devilish voice as veins began to show around his eyes as it darkened, he reached Tora and the two of them began to do what would be humanly possible, they were both moving so fast, Chris and the others could barely keep us, it was at that moment Chris realized,

"He was going easy" He said and decided to let Kai handle it, he went to check on Jason and surprisingly he wasn't dead, in fact his body was almost completely healed but Tom's power didn't restore his lost energy and weakness due to the fight,

"I'm OK now" Jason said standing up and taking up his sword,

"Stop, Kai cam handle it, if you go there, you'll die" Tom said holding him down,

"But I have to snap him out of it" Jason said pushing Tom away, he sluggishly walked to Tora,

"Stay back now" Kai commanded and performed a roundhouse kick sending Tora away but he still stood up smiling,

"Why won't you die" Kai shouted in annoyance. While the two were fighting, Chris was searching the area, removing rubble and broken pasts of the arena,

"Where are you" Chris shouted searching but he couldn't find who he was looking for but then,

"C-C-Chris" He turned his head to check and fortunately it was who he was looking for,

"Carin" Chris shouted removing the giant rock that was on top of the lower part of her body only to see that her bottom half had been crushed,

"No" Chris said looking at Carin and even though she was in so much pain, she bore a smile,

"I'm...glad... I got... To see... You before... I...Died" Carin whispered but Then Chris hugged the upper half,

"No, no, no, Cain stay with me, stay with me, it's going to be ok" Chris said as tears rolled down his cheeks,

"I have one thing to tell you, even though... Now its too... Late... Chris... I...I love you" Carin said and closed her eyes,

"I love you too Carin, I love you" Chris said and picked her body up, inside Chris, there was a very loud sound, like that of a beating heart,

"awww, looks who carrying their love, if only she hadn't died" Tora said stabbing Kai through the heart with her scythe,

"Carin?" Garry said with anger in his eyes and then he began to float. The smoky figure that was fighting Mike dropped down as well and stood beside Tora,

"He was too strong, I couldn't beat him so I sealed him with my boss" He said and turned to see Garry floating with water coating his body like an armour,

"Another demi-human" The smoky figure said kneeling,

"This fight isn't for me, kill the kid with the dead girl in his hands and let's go" He said and suddenly smoke began to surround Garry and they both disappeared,

"That leaves only you" Tora said looking at Chris's pain filled eyes,

'Garry, Kai, Jason, Carin... Carin...' Chris thought and a numb expression appeared on his face and the zig zag like supposed birthmark started to light up, he dropped Carin beside Tom and Jason and then walked to Tora,

"Quite brave, I like it" Tora said and threw two blades at Chris but before they even got close, they burnt up completely leaving nothing but ashes in it's place,

"Hmmm?" Tora said not breaking his smile, he ran at Chris rolling his scythe and then slashed downwards but Chris caught the blade and folded his fist making the scythe break,

"What the..." Tora was interrupted by a punch which he dodged though because of his foresight ability but then when she used it again,

"Oh shit" He said and folded into a ball, immediately a small amount of heat wave was released from Chris's body burning Tora a little but not too much,

'This guy's strong, he's probably the phoenix Zero keeps talking about' Tora thought as he opened his eyes only to meet another fist that passed through his chest with no resistance, it was like putting your hand inside a bucket of water,

"What the hell" Tom said witnessing what just happened, Chris dropped her on the floor and said,

"Take Carin's body and Bury it somewhere worthy" And then wings sprouted from his back.


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