
the sound of the ambulance filled the gray night.

"Hey, a quick look at her!"

"Oh no, she's covered in blood. How's this? We have to get her to the hospital quickly!"

At that time, everything Annchi felt was so fast. The pain all over her body from being hit by a car on New Year's Eve made her unable to move. Her vision was blurred by the lights of the ambulance that was approaching her.

"It hurts, it hurts. What the..."

A man was seen crying at the time.

"Fengying? Why are you crying? It's all because-"

"Cough, cough, wueekk!" Thick blood slowly leaked out of Annchi's mouth accompanied by a sharp pain in her chest.

"My breath... I can't anymore. If only I could get a second chance."

"Oh, no. She's not breathing anymore."

Annchi finally closed her eyes and was declared dead at that time.


"Ugh~ my head. Where am I now? Why is everything glowing? Am I dead now?"

"Yes, you're dead but, you could say you're not dead either. Now I'm going to offer you something that will change your future."

Annchi was surprised to hear what the formless voice that was out of nowhere said at that time.

"What do you want? Can I come back to life? What do you mean?"

Annchi hesitated after that, she couldn't believe the strange voice she heard.

"You, you want to take revenge on the person who made you what you are today?"

Deg. Deg. Deg.

The question that was asked by that formless voice, was immediately planted deep in the bottom of Annchi's heart. She immediately saw the face of Fengying-the man who had said bad things to her. After all, they were lovers who loved each other.

In Annchi's heart, when she heard Fengying's confession, it was like a dream to her.

Fengying's good treatment, affection, attention, everything Fengying did for Annchi was just a play as a bet with his friends.

Annchi also stabilized her heart at that time. With all the pain of feeling toyed with even by the man she thought would never make her cry, the dead woman then looked straight ahead.

A sharp gaze with a heart that can't be shaken by anything anymore. That was when Annchi made up her mind to take revenge on everyone who had made her cry, especially Fengying.

"Okay, I accept everything you have to offer."

"Hahaha, good, very good. You won't regret it, will you? Because I will take something from you someday in return," said the formless voice while laughing loudly.

Without thinking, Annchi immediately agreed with what the voice offered.

"Alright, on the count of three, you'll be alive again."





Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of footsteps could be heard clearly in Annchi's ears at that time.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a tall, burly man still wearing his high school uniform.

The man smiled sweetly while stroking Annchi's hair, who was still collecting life after rising from the dead.

"Annchi, hey, you don't sleep here! What should I do if the teacher comes and punishes you? You know, I will never let anyone make you sad."

Fengying's face at that time was very close to Annchi's.

Not long after, Annchi's consciousness returned.

She immediately stood up from her seat and immediately cried loudly.

"Whoa, hic, hic."

Fengying was confused when he saw Annchi who immediately started crying after waking up from her sleep.

"Hey, Annchi, what's wrong? Don't be like this, I don't know if you don't tell me something."

Annchi's heart hurt at that time, she then came back to the reality where she had heard everything Fengying said to his friends who used to bully her.

The anger mixed with disappointment that welled up in Annchi's heart, she couldn't hold back anymore.

All this time, she had always been able to withstand all the insults directed at her. However, when Fengying-the man who always defended her and even confessed her love for Annchi regardless of her physical appearance, it was as if Annchi had stopped breathing.

"Hey, you-"

Fengying's hand was pushed away by Annchi. Fengying had never seen the expression Annchi had on her face at that time.

The sad and disappointed look on Annchi's face made her heartache when she saw it.

"What's wrong with Anchi?" Fengying was very confused about what happened at that time.

Not long after, Annchi asked Fengying a question that immediately made him very happy.

"Fenying, is it true that you love me?" Annchi looked at Fengying with her eyes puffy from crying at that time.

"Of course, I love you very much," Fengying replied with a smile on his face.

"Liar!" muttered Annchi while smiling bitterly at Fengying.

After asking all that Annchi immediately said goodbye to go home right then and there.

Fengying with a worried face then chased Annchi to the front of the school gate because she was the one who left without a word to her.

"Annchi, wait!" shouted Fengying as he ran to her.

Annchi turned around with a blank stare.

"What's wrong, Fengying? I'm going home."

"Ugh, so it's like this. I'll say something for a bit tonight. Do you have time to meet me? I-I want to give you something!"

Fengying looked nervous at that time. With that face flushed with embarrassment, making him look like a cute kitten.

Anchi looked deeply into his face.

"Does it have to be like that he planned all this? I'm so sick of that fake expression he's showing."

"Okay, just a minute. Where should we meet?"

"At the playground, I'll be waiting there. We'll see the New Year's fireworks together," Fengying said with a sweet smile.

"Okay, then I'm going!"

Annchi went through the school gate at that time.

Fengying was still in an embarrassing position as he watched Annchi-the woman he liked come home, not knowing that that day would be the last day he saw that sweet and cute Annchi.


"Is what you said true, Dear? You want to study abroad?"

"Yes, Mother. I will go abroad until I get a job later," answered Annchi, who at that time was putting her clothes in a suitcase.

"Okay, honey. I will always support whatever you want. As long as you are happy," Mrs. Liu replied, patting Annchi's shoulder.

Now, it's 9 o'clock in the evening. It was the time for Fengying and Annchi to meet.

At that time, Fengying at home was prepared with a completely different appearance.

The new clothes he's wearing and the makeup that makes him look like an artist.

"Okay, that's all. I have to go now. It's a shame if a woman has to wait for a man, hehe," Fengying said while looking in the mirror.

After that, Fengying went along with Annchi who also left for the airport.


"Airplane bound for Paris will depart soon, passengers hope..."

The notification sound that Annchi heard at that moment turned faint as she listened to the sound of the mobile phone written the name of Fengying there.

Fengying, who had been waiting for half an hour, sensed that something was off, so he called Annchi. However, Annchi did not pick up the phone at all.

"It's enough!"

Annchi immediately turned off her cell phone and threw it in the trash.

That was the last time they met. Fengying feels abandoned by Annchi and Annchi feels that she has been betrayed by Fengying.