Offer Me Your Body

Annchi doesn't understand Fengying's treatment anymore. He looks like a depressed man. Very much different from his old self.

In the past, he was a man who had millions of dreams and hopes, a good man who highly respected his dignity and humanity. He was a handsome rich man who was the most polite and most appreciative of people Annchi had ever known.

But what? Now, he turned into a man who could see that he was riddled with thousands of wounds that had now pierced his chest.

Is it an old wound?

Or a new wound?

Who had inflicted such a deep wound on him?

The handsome face that used to be smiling beautifully, now only had a condescending smile on his face.

That all, slowly made Annchi's little heart hurt. On the other hand, even though she wanted Fengying to suffer and feel all that she had already felt, however, a strange feeling grew and blocked the joy of seeing Fengying sad.

"What is this feeling? Is it even after seven years, do I still feel all these irritating feelings? There's no way, I can't accept it, I have to crush these feelings into pieces. Because, in the end, only I will be hurt."

Annchi thought deeply, she had decided that right now she would never want to feel the feeling of love. Moreover, love the man she hates.

"Watch yourself, Annchi! You came here for revenge, didn't you-" Annchi's thoughts suddenly stopped when she saw Bai Jiming's handkerchief which was wrapped around Fengying's wound fell.

The man's hand was very strong, scratched, and bleeding. It hurts.

"S-sir, your hand..." Annchi tried to reach Fengying's hand which was still in a state of irritation at that time.

"What? Now you even look at my hand? Is this what the person who sent you taught me? To get my attention?" Fengying looked at his stepmother with a smile.

All of that was not what Annchi wanted. She had no intention of making Fengying feel that way.

"Hah, that's enough. Now I just want to say that your fiancé will be coming from Paris soon. We will have dinner on the weekend with her family. misbehave again, then." Madam Ji brought her mouth to Fenying's ear and whispered. "You won't get anything when my son takes over Ji's company," she continued with a smile.

Fengying gritted his teeth in annoyance. Yes, everything he did all this time was just to be the perfect son his father wanted him to be.

A perfect man who has a perfect family but is broken inside.

Fengying had no other choice. He had to follow everything Madam Ji said so that his father would not look down on him and his late mother.

"Then I'll go home first," said Madam Ji then immediately turned around and left Fengying's room.


"Shit. She started bringing in another woman to be my fiancee again. That sly woman."

Anchi didn't know what to do. She who had heard everything Madam Ji said slowly bit her lip.

In her little heart, she was still thinking about Madam Ji's words about the fiancé-to-be.

Not long after, Fengying turned to Annchi who was still there like a statue.

"Hey, you! Do you still want to be my Secretary?" Fengying asked as he sat on the sofa in his room.

Annchi was very surprised by what Fengying said. It turned out that he could still get a chance to take revenge on Fengying. However, the next word that Fengying spoke made Annchi feel like she was struck by lightning.

"If you still want to be my Secretary, then tonight, at Hotel Ji, room number 345, you must come and offer your body!"

It was Annchi who didn't expect such harsh words to come out of Fengying's sexy lips.


"Insolent! Is this how you treat people? Do you think women are trash? Let me tell you this, you are the real trash here, Master JI FENG-YING!" Annchi pointed at Fengying's chest while glaring at her in annoyance.

Fenying just smiled as he listened to Annchi's chatter to him.

"Then I'll excuse myself." Annchi immediately left from there feeling annoyed. At that time, she was already on the verge of crying for Fengying.

Fengying knew that everything he said back then was indeed very stupid. However, there was no other word he could use.

"Yeah, I'm trash," Fengying muttered as he covered his face with his palms.

"So how's it going? Are you going there?"

Fengying remembered something and looked at Jiming without saying a word.

"What's wrong? Why is Master looking at me like that?" asked Jiming who was still in a standing position.

"Do you think the woman from earlier..."

"Yeah, what's with that woman earlier?"

Fengying just looked at Jiming without continuing his question.

"No, it's nothing. All right, give me a report I have to work on."

Fengying couldn't bear to ask what she was about to ask.

Again, he imagined another woman as Annchi. He was confused with himself.

When can he forget Annchi? Will that day come? Or will he fall even deeper into Annchi's shadow?

Thinking of all that made Fengying's head throb.


While Fengying was finishing his work, Annchi had arrived in front of her house.

She didn't even go home first just because she wanted to quickly carry out the plan she had been thinking about for those seven years.

Annchi's face looked very annoyed with the tears that almost came out.


"Impossible, Fengying. Is this how he has behaved in seven years without seeing him? He's become a more and more naughty man. Damn! He's already made my blood boil. Whereas back then he was very handsome and always spoke in a melodious tone. No, not Annchi. You can't imagine his past at all. He's an asshole who's got your heart out for a bet with his friends. You can't remember the past anymore."

Annchi tried to regain her clear mind at that time. And without knowing it, a man just came and was behind him.


"Eh frog! Who-" Annchi turned around in annoyance while clenching her fists ready to beat whoever was behind her.

"Shock!" A sweet handsome man with a delicious bouquet of chocolates has just arrived from Paris.

"Oh my, Gong Fai."