Will be creating one of these pages for each volume and updating them per chapter. So when I get to Volume 2, this page/chapter will no longer be updated. This will contain spoilers in the story so you have been warned
Main Character: Jack Smith
Codename: N/A
Nicknames: N/A
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Spanish
Height: 5'10
Education: Currently enrolled at the Massachusets Academy
Relationships: Parents: Unknown, Guardian: Massachusets Academy
Affiliation: Massachusets Academy
Current Residence: Massachusets Academy
Appearance: Jack is a teenager that appears to be 15 or 16 years old. He has olive-colored skin with black hair and matching black eyes. Jack has the body of a person that regularly works out. Several would describe him as attractive.
Personality: Jack has high levels of self-esteem and pride which some may consider as his weakness. He is firm in his beliefs but also willing to admit when he is wrong or in need of help. Dislikes those that are long-winded and prefers getting straight to the point with others. Many consider him blunt or rude but he is unwilling to change for others.
Powers and Abilities:
- Power Absorption: Jack has the ability to gain the powers, abilities, and skills of any living being that he has killed. He gains the strongest power/ability or the skill that the user is best at. It is unknown if powers are lost if the original owner of the power comes back to life
Absorbed Powers/Abilities/Skills:
- Ant's Stength (weak): Can lift 10 times his own body weight
- Wall walking: Can walk along solid surfaces at any angle as if he was walking along the ground
- Beetle Armor (weak): Jack gets a strong armor that can resist common weapons and attacks. Also resists fire and heat-based attacks
- Beetle Wings: Jack can grow a set 6 of functioning, insect-like wings that allow him to fly
- Spider Web: Can generate spiderwebbing from his wrists
- Smell and Hearing of Wolf: Will have the same sense of smell and hearing as this wolf which will allow you to track targets for miles or detect threats that are approaching you
- Wolf's Predator Instinct (Passive): You will possess the predatory instincts of a wolf that will allow you to become a master of hunting and tracking.
- Night Vision: You will possess the ability to see in the dark as clear as you can during the day
- Retractable Fangs: You will gain the ability to grow and shrink your canines as well as sharpen them to a much higher degree
- Retractable Claws: You will gain the ability to grow and retract claws within your fingers
- Feline Flexibility (Passive): With the body of a feline, you will have the ability to bend and twist your body beyond the normal limits
- Echolocation: The user can use ambient sounds to sense their surroundings to a degree just short of seeing
- Salamander Regeneration (Passive): The user is able to regenerate limbs and limbs over a period of a few weeks
- Herculean Strength: The user is able to lift and exert strength equal to 1000 times their body weight
- Taipan Venom: The user is able to emit deadly venom from their fangs and claws. Warning! This venom is very deadly and will kill most humans within moments of being infected with it
- Bio-Shock: The user is able to emit a single, powerful electric shock once before having to take an hour to recharge.
- [(X-Gene) Telepathy (Level 3): This is the ability of a mutant gene. Allows for a high degree of telepathy that surpasses most users with the exception of the most powerful of alpha level telepaths and all omega level telepaths.]
Plot: Xavier, Magneto, and Emma Frost have gone to the Fosters Foster Home in order to recruit a young Jack to their different teams.