Issue #2

Jack pulled out his black blade from the body of another demon. He looked around and saw that the other demons had already scattered and made a run for the hills.

"Tsk. They are lucky I have already 'eaten' my fill and can't get anything good from them." Jack said before looking around for the least damaged body. He found his dinner before summoning the wings from his back and flying back to his hideout.

Jack returned to a small treehouse in a large tree. This was where he had been staying for the past 6 months. It overlooked the location where he had been summoned but was also far enough up where he could sleep without worry.

Over the last 6 months, Jack had gone from being the prey of the demons there to being a predator. Although he wouldn't be able to kill some of the strongest demons in Limbo, he was more than a match for the armies of weaker demons.

This was all thanks to his new power [The Hellforged Beast] that he got from using [Fusion] on most of the abilities he got from demons and the animals of Earth. Now, he no longer had to worry about being killed due to his weak body.


After cooking his dinner and a quick nap, Jack looked down at where the portal would have opened up before he went to take a nap. After so many months of being in Limbo, he was no longer as desperate to leave. In fact, he was thriving there.

Whether it was something in his brain that snapped or something that finally fell into place, Jack felt a thrill from all the battles. Whenever he went to battle against demons, Jack's blood began to pump wildly. It was like he was born to live in Limbo instead of Earth.

When Jack woke up from his nap, it was already after midnight. At least what he thought was midnight.

The sky was still bright due to the three full moons in sky. Jack looked down from above with a look of boredom on his face.

'It seems like I have gotten a bit stronger. This still isn't enough though. I also need more magical power. '

Jack's new goal had been set. He wanted more powers from unique demons and magical abilities and knowledge that was unique to the dimension.

The next morning, Jack woke up early. He quickly got out of bed and got dressed. His new clothes were made from the fur of demonic animals. Jack quickly wrote a note and put it down where the portal might have opened.

The note said that they were in right place and that he had left the location for a few days. This was to ensure that they did not open it up and leave him behind.

After leaving the note, he flew towards the east. This is the direction that he had been exploring during his time there. As for why he went east, that was where he saw had the largest population of demons. It meant that his chance of finding what he wanted and meeting strong opponents had increased.

Jack flew for a week. He had met several small communities but once he got closer, he noticed they were all refugees from previous battles. Since they were simply demons that had gotten away, Jack had no interest in them.

It was only after a week that Jack had discovered something new.

'A castle? Most demons live in wild or at best, small homes. Whoever lives in a castle is either probably very powerful or very intelligent. Either way, I need to go and check it out.'

Jack was going to land on top of the castle walls but before he could, he hit a barrier. Jack then felt a jolt going through his body as he went tumbling toward the ground.

'Every day, I get more and more grateful for fusion. Falling from 5 stories in the air would have surely killed me.'

Jack then began to observe the barrier that had knocked him down. It did not completely protect the castle but instead only protected the top of the castle. The walls had engravings on them but he was able to get closer to the walls than he did the roof.

'Anti-air barrier? Does this area have lots of aerial predators? But I haven't seen any. And from what I can tell, there was no equipment up there.'

What Jack did not know is that rumors of him had spread among the survivors of his attacks. Those then spread to other demons. The entire eastern area of Limbo had heard of the mindless, pale-skin demon that would fireballs of thunder-fire from the air before swooping down and consuming the corpses of the fallen while ignoring the survivors.

Thus, the mage that had set up shop in this castle had created the barrier as a form of protection against the demon of the sky, Jack. In a completely ironic way, the barrier had actually worked and protected the mage from Jack.

While Jack was checking out the walls, two figures watched him from the shadows.

"Shit! That thing that rumored demon was actually a human. I wonder which dimension he is from," a man in a black and yellow costume said to his partner

"Doesn't matter. Since he has entered Ul'ir's territory, that means we have to capture him or kill him. Otherwise, that demon will have our hands," the woman responded while grabbing at the collar around her neck

The man nodded. The demon that had captured them had been using them to hunt down any start humans that had wandered into Limbo to use as experiments. The lucky ones, like them, were turned into slaves. The unlucky ones would be experimented on until they died miserable deaths.


Just as Jack was about to knock on the castle doors when he senses some killing intent behind him. With a turn, Jack shot two fireballs into the woods which caused a large explosion. Still sensing the killing intent, Jack didn't let down his guard.

"Sorry about that! It is a reflex when I feel danger. I'm sure you all understand that," Jack said in the demon language and English. The killing intent felt different than normal demons that were full of pure bloodlust. This killing intent had intelligence behind it.

Two figures emerged from the woods. One of them was a woman that had icy wind blowing around her body. The other was a man that had several spears of darkness floating behind his head.

"Oh. Humans. Well, this is gonna be fun!" Jack exclaimed as he charged toward his new prey

(Was debating it but decided release this chapter and write another one for the usual release time in the morning... well in the morning)