Issue #4

The group arrived at Avengers Tower in the same location where they left. Just as they had arrived, both of the Avengers Squads that were attacking the facilities had taken off in their respective Quinjets.

Once SHIELD heard about the Inhumans potentially having their own nation filled with tech never seen by the American government, they had to act fast. They cared less about Black bolt's life and were more concerned about ensuring a positive relationship with the Inhumans.

Both facilities that were going to be assaulted were along the east coast. One was located in Philadelphia and the other was in Atlanta. Hawkeye's Zulu Squad would be heading to the former while Alpha Squad would go to the latter.

Yelena had been struggling with how to bring up a certain topic without offending anyone but she had to bite the bullet. "Clint. Do you really think we can take this facility with just a few agents and ourselves? If they are hunting superhumans, shouldn't we have brought some more heavy hitters?" she whispered to him

Yelena was a spy and assassin. She preferred being cautious and not moving as recklessly as they were. The Avengers and SHIELD hadn't met Crystal for more than a few hours before they decided to order the raids. They were basing the teams on old information they had on Leviathan.

Clint agreed with her but knew they couldn't afford to split their teams even more.

"I agree it would be better if we waited and got more info but we are not in charge, Cap is. We have no choice but to move like this at this moment. As for the squad, we were the best choice," Hawkeye tried to explain, "We needed to leave someone behind that could watch over the Inhumans that we brought back in case they are trouble. That's Delta Squad's job. As for Kilo... they are actually the weakest. Comparing their two heavy hitters to ours, we come out on top."

Yelena nodded but still did not feel at ease about this mission. She couldn't force others to change the plans instantly just because of her gut feeling but she trusted her 6th sense thus, she sent a text to her sister.

[Can your squad be on standby? I have a bad feeling about this mission on our end.]

[Dubai of 65 bad or Paris of 77 bad?] Natasha quickly replied

[Brisbane of 68]

[Sounds bad. I'll make sure we are ready to deploy. Want me to have Jack nearby in case you guys need rescue ASAP?]

[No. He might be needed there. He can reach here in seconds anyway so I'm not worried about that.]

Natasha didn't respond again but Yelena didn't mind. After sh etext her sister, she felt more at ease.

'Hopefully, this is like Atlanta of 96 and I'm just worrying too much.'

-- 20 minutes later --

"Brisbane of 68! Definitely Bridbane of 68!" Yelena screamed at herself while she ducked behind cover and had bullets raining down around her

[What was that?] Falcon asked over comms

"It was just me thinking about how I can kill Captain America and the heads of SHIELD without becoming a fugitive?" Yelena heard fewer shots being fired so he moved her wrist around the box and fired a small missile. When she hid her arm again, a loud explosion could be heard along with the screams of several men in pain.

[How's everyone holding up?] Hawkeye asked over the radio

"Garage is not secure. Half my agents are down or dead, we are unable to tell. More keep coming and we are running out of cover. So out of everyone, I think I'm doing the best."

[I'm in the air. I got 4 helicopters with guns and missiles on them. They also have gunners on the sides. I can't come down to provide any support for now.] Falcon said. Gunfire could be heard coming from his mic while he spoke

[Me and Namor are trying to keep him down in the basement and out of the way but this guy is tough. Energy-based powers, super strength, and some sort of sonic or ballistic scream. Agh!]

[Ms. Marvel? Namor? Shit! Is anyone able to provide support? My agents and I are near the armory and surrounded on both sides.] Hawkeye tried to call out for his two members before adding the Avengers Tower to the call. They needed support or they were going to get wiped out.

[Already getting ready to move... Jack! Torch! No! We don't.... and they're gone. Those two just teleported away with Crystal and her dog. I'm having Cloak warp us. Is the roof clear?]

[I can start opening... and the roof is filled with ice and fire now. All targets on it have been taken care of. I'm seeing Jack break through the roof with his body while Crystal and Torch are still in the air.]

[Glad to know they got there safe. I can kill them later. Torch, backup Falcon in the air. Keep the skies clear. Frost, head to the basement and check on the two down there. Hawkeye and White Widow will be safe for now.]

[Got it, boss lady] Johnny replied

[Roger!] Jack broke through 7 floors after he broke through the roof.

When he arrived in the basement, he saw a man in a full black suit holding Namor by the throat while Ms. Marvel was in a corner of the room. At least Jack saw her legs. There was blood and rubble near the leg. Namor was trying to pry the man's hand off of his throat.

"Namor is still in fighting condition. Ms. Marvel is down. Unknown if she is dead or alive."

[Confirmed. We have just arrived and are moving out. Thanks for the entrance. She-Hulk, basement. Cloak and Dagger go help Hawkeye. I need to go save my baby sister like always.]

Jack looked at the man in black with vigilance and caution. As much as he hated to admit, Namor was physically stronger than him so the chances of him prying Namor free were slim. Just as Jack was pondering his next move, he felt a thud behind him and saw debris flying.

"Glad you're here. This guy want to dance, She-Hulk."