Issue #3

Magneto raised his eyebrows as he stared at the young man in front of him.

'He is able to stand before me and my followers without fear? He even dares to call out my human name. He is either very confident or a fool. But this fool looks a bit familiar.'

Magneto tried to recall where he had seen Jack before but he couldn't remember. He gave up on trying to figure it out and instead began to question why Jack had stopped him.

"You have decided to stand in my way. And judging from the logo on the jet you came out of, you are an Avenger. Why would an Avenger stand in my way and even more foolishly enter my craft all alone? Who are you?"

Jack looked at the members of the Brotherhood that stood around him. Instead of answering his question directly, Jack began to speak randomly.

"Sabretooth, the animal. A Wolverine with a better healing factor and more bloodlust.

Pyro, the maniac. A mutant that controls all fire as if he is a fire deity.

Mystique, the shapeshifter. Lived longer than even you and could most likely burn the entire world to the ground if she ever went wild.

Blob, the unmoveable. Can absorb large amounts of kinetic energy and redirect it.

Exodus, the devout. An Omega-level telepath that has lived longer than even Mystique. Probably the one most loyal to you.

Quicksilver, the flash. Moves at speeds that few can keep track of and even fewer can catch up to.

Scarlet Witch, the cursed. Has both powerful magic and a mutant power than when used together, make her very deadly yet unstable in early days."

Jack went on to describe all the other members of the Brotherhood that were onboard. The more he spoke, the thicker the killing intent in the room became. By the time he was done, the only two people that he had not identified were himself and Magneto.

"Boy. You have not answered my question and have revealed that you know far too much. I suggest you tell me how you came to know this knowledge before I let them do with you as they please," Magneto warned

"I said all this for a reason. As for who I am and how I know this, that is classified. If you were to lift your helmet, I could tell you directly thought," Jack spoke honestly.

Jack could feel Magneto look at him warily so he hurried to add, "You have Exodus here who is an even more powerful telepath than I am which prevents me from pulling any tricks and many more members that could kill me even if Exodus can't beat me instantly."

Magneto did not speak for a few minutes. Jack was not impatient and waited. If he spoke anymore, that would make him seem less trustworthy. Magneto finally made a move.

He looked toward Exodus and nodded. Magneto slowly began to lift his helmet until it was just barely off of his head. This gap was large enough for Jack to establish a connection but small enough where Magneto could cut it off at any moment.

Jack established his connection with Magneto's mind but could feel that it had been hijacked before he even fully established a connection with Magneto. It was obvious that this was Exodus.

'Are you serious? I know that psychic shields don't extend when I'm establishing connections but for him to enter without my permission so easily is terrifying.'

Jack quickly pushed Exodus to the back of his mind. He had a task to do.

Jack began to quickly feed Magneto all of the information he wanted to. Both Magneto and Exodus could see it all. A war, the instability of the Hellfire Club, a nation, a machine, who Jack was partnered with.

After passing over the information, Jack quickly broke the connection and let them process the information after giving them one last message.

'I'm her right-hand man and loyal to her just like Exodus is to you.'

Once Magneto was done looking through it all, the way he looked at Jack changed greatly. It was no longer like he was looking at a fool but a madman.

"You all have planned for this? Even the fall of the Hellfire Club?"

Jack nodded his head

"Of course. We must have plans for everything. While many of them may never be used, it is always better to be prepared."

"Hmm. And you both plan to just hand this over to us. Why?" Magneto asked

"You are more popular than her among mutants so you have more gathering power. You also have the military power to take it over and rule it.

While we could, it would be too troublesome to find other people to assist us. You already have a full organization beneath you."

Magneto stared at the boy in front of him before thinking over everything that he learned. And he began to a small bit of fear towards Emma and Jack.

'They are on a different level than Shaw and Charles. Even though I know I'm being used, I have no choice but to go along with their plans. They also don't speak of grand goals but only of their current plan to achieve them.'

"You said your name was Jack, correct?"

Jack nodded in response. Magneto stroked his chin.

"You look familiar. Where have we met?"

Jack smiled cheekily at this. By asking about this, it meant that Magneto had silently accepted their deal since he was no longer concerned about what he had just been shown.

"I understand how it is hard to recognize me since I've had a bit of a growth spurt. We met about 6 or 7 months ago. Xavier, Emma, and your daughter were there too."

Wanda took a minute to think about it before it suddenly came to her. She finally realized why Jack looked so familiar. Magneto also caught on about the truth of the matter and felt very reluctant in his heart.

'I should have fought harder for this child to join me.'

Once he cleared up one of the questions that were on his mind, Magneto waved his hand toward Jack as if he was dismissing him. Not bothered about the way he was being told to leave, Jack waited for the bay doors to open once again before he flew out and joined the other members of his squad in the air.

"What happened?" Johnny asked

"Not much. We had a little chat about why attacking innocent humans was bad. So now they are planning to head back to wherever they came from," Jack answered vaguely

The rest of the Avengers present nodded even though they still had questions in their hearts. The group then boarded the Quinjet once again before returning back to Avengers Tower to announce the completion of their first successful mission.