Issue #9

Jack finally returned his attention back to Steve. Even if Tony was the one who wanted the meeting and would be trying to crucify him, it was Steve who had given him the courage and permission.

'Rogers, you are far too passive. Trying to keep everyone happy will only end up with you disappointing everyone, including me.'

Jack could understand Steve's mindset and where he was coming from but that didn't make this situation any better. Steve didn't try and fix this situation before the meeting happened which meant that he was also consenting to and supporting it.

"Steve. What is this all about?"

Steve could barely give himself to look into Jack's eyes. He was afraid that he would see the disappointment in them. But what he saw was far worse.

There was no hatred or disappointment. Jack's eyes were looking at Steve with the cold indifference of looking at a stranger he was passing by on the street.


Steve sent a look at Natasha asking for help but the redhead turned away. Knowing he had to finish what he started, Steve finally replied to Jack.

"We found some inconsistencies with the backstory that you have provided us," Steve started but was quickly interrupted by Jack

"I don't believe I gave anyone a backstory when I was recruited. In fact, I remember 4 people breaking into my home to recruit me.

And you decided to investigate me, Steve? What caused the sudden distrust?"

Jack pointed out the flaws and issues with what Steve said in moments which killed whatever small momentum he had been building.

Not knowing how to continue, Steve looked toward Tony as if silently saying 'you wanted to do this, you take over from here.'

Knowing that it was his turn to speak, Tony stood up without pause.

"The one that started the investigation was me since I have never trusted you. I don't trust people that don't reveal their true identities to their allies. Especially those that use demon magic. And the backstory we are referring to is the backstory about you being a bastard child of Winston Frost that reappeared after 20 odd years. We know that it is fake, Jack Smith"

Jack finally turned to his true opponent and rolled his eyes at the man before him.

"Many people have private lives that they don't wish to get involved with others. Just like how at any other job, you may work with a person for years but never know that person has 17 dogs and likes to pole dance. A little something called privacy," Jack said with disdain in his voice.

"As for the backstory you found, that is one that was made up but not for your sake or to hide my true identity but because my true identity became difficult to use.

My original name was Jack Smith. The only name my parents felt the need to give me was Jack so when they abandoned me only hours after giving birth to me, the state gave me the surname Smith

I grew up in orphanages and foster homes for 16 years where I had seen just how bad people can really be before I was adopted through the Massachusetts Academy by Emma Frost when she found out I was a mutant.

She trained me in using my powers for a few months before I was caught in an accident that sent me to Limbo. That was also where I learned demon magic from first-hand experience. You know a bit about Limbo, Clea?" Jack asked the silver-haired woman who nodded,

"So yeah I went to Limbo, basically Hell. Filled with demons trying to kill me. And I was trapped there for 8 years. For 8 years, I battled with my life on the line every day in order to survive.

And my effort was rewarded. Not only did I survive, but when I got out, not even a second had passed in the outside world.

So the family I found in Emma that I thought I would never see again or would see very differently when I got out was the exact same as I left her. But I wasn't.

To others, I had suddenly gotten older. But it wasn't like just my body aged while my mind was left alone. I had experienced 8 years in Hell.

And I couldn't just live with that identity. So I asked Emma to help me get a new one. And when she said I could truly become her brother, I accepted it.

So that's how I got the identity of Jack Frost. Because of an accident causing me to live 8 years of my life in a different dimension when only 1 second passed by in this one."

After he finished talking, the room descended into silence.

It was true that no one had ever truly asked him about his story before but Jack truly had a superhero origin story filled with tragedy. It was understandable why he wouldn't want to speak about his past.

Tony wasn't giving up though.

"That still doesn't explain why you are so close to Victor von Doom. Or why you try and get close with all the kids of the Avengers," Tony tried to mount a different argument when he saw his main point had already been lost

"Because someone that has helped Susan give birth, twice, no matter the reason can't be considered all bad. He has an ego that barely loses out to you, Stark, but I don't have any personal beef with him.

As for the children, I don't get close to them. All of their parents have asked me to watch their kids. And I watch them so willingly because I find joy in making them happy.

I grew up and saw just how miserable the lives of some children can be. Children that were taken away from their families because their parents would rather have a meth lab in their home or let strangers touch them so they can get a discount on their next fix than properly take care of their child.

I've personally experienced a grown man striking me as a child and being unable to do anything about it other than cry to myself and wonder why my family didn't want me.

So when I am asked to watch over some kids for a few hours, I don't half-ass it. I make sure that the kids go back to their parents and tell them they had a wonderful time not to gain the parents' trust, but to inspire them to do like me so every day the child is that happy."

Jack felt the corners of his eyes moisten so he hurried to freeze them. He wouldn't let Stark get the pleasure of seeing his tears.

Unable to retort to this, Tony sat back in his seat. The key points he thought would be useful in exposing Jack had actually shown him in an even better light than before.

With Tony out of ammunition, Jack decided to unload his own onto the group

"But I must ask, Tony... this was supposed to be a squad leader only meeting. So why are all these other unnecessary and irrelevant people present?" Jack asked with a Cheshire cat grin

Hearing this, the expressions on everyone's faces changed as they all looked toward Tony. Natasha closed her eyes to focus for a few seconds before opening them and staring at Tony with bloodlust.

"Tony. Why are there over 20 agents around us?" Natasha asked while informing the rest of what she had just discovered. She let her guard down while they were in the meeting, but ordinary agents were unable to hide from her senses that had been honed after so many years.

"Don't look down on him with just that, Natasha. He also has Hank shrunk underneath the datapad I haven't picked up, Reed in the vent over there, with Jack-o-Lantern and White Prince standing outside the door," Jack threw more fire onto Tony

He had a firm belief. 'If you're gonna shot the king, kill the king. Because the king will come back with a vengeance.

And Jack was ready to burn everything Stark had built up to the ground.