Issue #1

A small ball of plasmoid landed appeared in front of Jack's face before it exploded into a bright and colorful firework. But luckily for Jack, he had used his dark energy to block the blast and absorb the light.

The only damage he received was hearing a small firework going off in front of him.

"Snaps. Gotta move faster than that," Jack said before dodging a punch from behind

The girl of Algerian descent who tried to attack Jack from behind appeared in front of him after her blow missed. But she was not one to give up.

Monet unleashed a flurry of blows in hopes of landing one of Jack's body but not a single one of them was able to hit him.

"Saint. This is a team exercise for a reason. You won't be able to land a blow on me by just trying to punch me," Jack said before creating a large amount of snow above the girl and letting it all fall on her.

Before Monet was able to dig herself out, Jack hurried to retreat from two diamond figures appearing from his sides.

"Eczema, Copycat. Good job trying to take advantage of me being distracted but choosing the diamond form wasn't the best idea. You should have chosen something lighter for then changed into diamond at the last moment for the increased strength."

Jack sent a wave of frost towards a torrent of flames that were fired at him from behind while creating two walls of ice to protect himself against the mutants that were approaching his sides.

Penance tried to cut through the wall but it was way too thick for her claws to be able to rip it apart quickly. Skin on the other hand just gave up due to knowing he couldn't break through it.

"Garnet, you need to know your limits. Elephant, you need to try harder. 20-Packs, watch the flames. You're burning the lawn."

Jack continued to taunt and train the various teens for another 30 minutes until he finally called an end to the training session.

Each of the members of Generation X was either kneeling and barely able to stand or was lying on the ground in exhaustion. Jack looked at all the tired students and felt proud.

"Come on, everyone. I even went easy on you today. I only used my ice powers."

This earned him a round of groans from the students which made the smile on Jack's face et even wider.

Generation X was supposed to be the new 'New Mutants' that Emma and Banshee wanted to train over the summer vacation. The group consisted of mostly problem children with one or two being exceptions.

But both of the pair had suddenly gotten much busier so for the past week, Jack had been in charge of training since he had plenty of free time.

"Saint. Follow me. The rest of you can hit the showers," Jack told the others

Monet grunted before she stood up and followed Jack off the field while the others all let out shouts of joy as they continued to lay on the ground.

The pair entered the mansion before walking through several hallways until they finally reached Jack's office. After taking 2 months to decide what Jack's role would be at the school, besides spartan trainer, Xavier had finally decided to let Jack be the guidance counselor.

Since he was able to form connections with the children more easily, Xavier and Ororo thought this would be the perfect job for him. And Jack agreed.

After entering the office, Monet walked over to the same spot she had been sitting at for the past few sessions without a word. She no longer needed to be prompted to sit down anymore.

Jack took the seat opposite of her and looked at the girl without a word. They both knew why he had called her there so he wanted her to admit it.

Monet was defiant and stared Jack in his eyes for over 10 minutes before she finally looked away and admitted her fault.

"I'm sorry," Monet said in a quiet voice

Jack nodded but didn't respond. He waited for the girl continue speaking.

Monet had to collect her emotions before she could continue speaking. She knew what was expected while they were having their sessions and knew she always felt better after she spoke up.

"I hate how she was talking to me like that. It's as if she is treating me as her pet and not me. Like she treated..."

"Like she treated your sisters when they were impersonating you?" Jack finished her sentence for her

Monet nodded her head

"Let's put aside that Jubilee treats you like she treated your sisters. Do you hate how she treated your sisters when she thought they were you? What if she just treated Claudette that way and not you?" Jack turned the attention of the conversation partially

Monet had to think about it for a moment. And when she came up with an answer, she felt even more ashamed.

"No. I actually like that she is careful around my sister but still treats her so sweetly," Monet admitted

"So then why does it bother you when she accidentally treats you like that? Because she was used to them being you for over 2 months while you were Penance."

"Because it feels different to me. It feels humiliating. I'm the perfect mutant. I have always been the best at whatever I put my mind to. I am beautiful, rich, and a true member of royalty," Monet said with tears in her eyes, "And I hate that someone who is nothing like me can think they can still help me."

"I can understand that. You have worked hard to get to where you are. But that still doesn't mean you are above needing help. You just don't want to admit that you need help," Jack pointed out

Monet nodded but sat in silence. Seeing her like this, Jack knew he wouldn't be able to talk with her anymore. She was retreating back into her shell.

'This is good progress, though. She is able to talk for longer and about things she is uncomfortable with.'

Jack stood up and pat the girl on her back.

"It's fine. Why don't you head back to your room and get some rest? You made great progress today," Jack said as comforting as he could

Monet nodded before grabbing some tissues and wiping her face. She then took out some makeup and a mirror before making sure nothing got ruined when started tearing up.

After making sure everything was fine, Monet walked out of the office with the same arrogant and noble expression that she had before.

Before she closed the door, Monet said, "I'll make sure to properly apologize to Jubilation." Monet hurried to close the door before Jack could respond.

Seeing her act so shy yet arrogant, Jack smiled before heading over to his laptop to check on the status of the clones he was creating in one of Sinister's old labs.

"Looks like Bob will be done in 3 months. The others are a bit more complicated and will take me about 6 months before they are done. The Joseph clone is still unstable so I don't even know when i will be able to properly replicate him."

After checking on the status of the various clones he was working on, Jack closed down his laptop before leaving his office to grab a bite to eat.

'I'm in the mood for some Korean BBQ,' Jack thought to himself as he walked out the door and was about to take off

But before he could fly, there was a loud boom and a burst of light in the middle of the field. Jack looked at the scene with interest,

'Thank goodness! The X-Men and X-Force have taken over most of the missions I was going to do after I gave them the info I had. Even though training kids is fun, I need a new fight in my life.'

When the light disappeared, there were 2 women standing in the field. One of them had fiery red hair while the other had silver-blonde hair. Both of them appeared to be around 20 years old. When they saw Jack, their eyes swelled with tears before shouting

"Jack Frost!"

"The Hero!"