Eating Out

The four from the Kawakami Temple, Tesshin, Lu, Momoyo, and Kazuko, along with Wu Song and Huang Luan are currently walking downtown.

"I'd like to apologise once again for our previous unsightly display," Wu Song says.

"No, I need to thank you. I got to see a cute little girl crying in the arms of another beautiful girl. And now I get to see them every day! Putting that aside, I'd like to request a spar with both of you," Momoyo says.

"This can be arranged. It's the least I can do as thanks for allowing us to stay at the Kawakami Temple," Wu Song says.

"Nah, too troublesome. But if you win my little game during lunch then I'll think about it," Huang Luan says from atop Wu Song's shoulders.

"Hey… I wasn't sure if I should bring this up… but Wu Song did you really believe Lulu-chan earlier? Even I could see something wasn't right there," Kazuko says.

"Of course not. I was simply playing along. She is a poor actor, this is no secret. It was obvious that Lulu was trying to shove the topic under the rug."

Compared to Wu Song's calm demeanour, Huang Luan's face contorts at her friend's betrayal, "I am not a bad actor!"

But Wu Song ignores her and continues, " It would be nice if you limit the spending of Liangshan Yi's money. The money you take ends up being deducted from my pay as the one in charge of watching over you. And I am still dissatisfied that the previous money you took ended up going to waste with your expulsion. But I don't believe I told any lies earlier." Although Wu Song made sure she neglected to mention that even if she knows that Huang Luan isn't being truthful, she still doesn't like hearing that Huang Luan hates her or seeing Huang Luan cry.

"If that's the case then I forgive you for lying about my superior acting skills. However, I have no intention to stop taking money from Liangshan Yi, it's much easier than converting my treasury into modern cash," Huang Luan says, leaning over the back of Wu Song's head. "But more importantly, where are we going to go for food?"

"A family restaurant called Wagnaria. I've never been there, but I heard it's an interesting place," Tesshin says.

Hearing the name, a few images pop into Huang Luan's head. Visuals of a certain anime from her previous life. "A child waitress and a waitress who carries a sword around. A waitress that has androphobia, as well as a lolicon waiter. Did I get that right?"

"You are aware of the place?" Tesshin asks.

"Aware, yes. Been there, no. I agree it sounds like an interesting place, but if the lolicon does something I take no responsibility for the outcome," Huang Luan says.

"I've been there a few times since the girls there are cute. The food isn't bad either and Shakadou has worked there in the past too," Momoyo says.

"I've also been there with Cap and Yamato. Cap thinks everyone who works there is interesting, but I think the waiter is a little creepy. I'm pretty sure I overheard him praising water fleas as cute before," Kazuko says.

"I'm suddenly very worried about this dinner trip…" Lu says.

Arriving in front of Wagnaria, Huang Luan hops down from Wu Song's shoulders and leads the group in.

"Welcome, a group of six?" asks the small waiter, although she is quite a bit taller compared to Huang Luan. Her nametag reading Taneshima Popura.

Nodding, Tesshin says, "That's right."

"Alright, right this way," Popura says, leading the group towards a booth in the corner.

But she is soon interrupted by Huang Luan, "Hey, this is the non-smoking area. We need the smoking area."

"But…" Popura doesn't continue, but her face clearly shows concern for the health of who she believes to be a child.

"I'm not of the Visionary Pathway but I don't need to be to know what you're thinking. You shouldn't judge others based on their appearance. But I'm in a good mood, so I'll forgive you," Huang Luan says.

"You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have judged you based on you're appearance. I'm also concerned about my height. Then I'll bring you to the smoking area." Although she doesn't really understand the first part of what Huang Luan said, Popura does understand that Huang Luan isn't as young as she appears and can relate.

Bringing the group over to a booth into the smoking area, Popura hands them six menus, "Please enjoy your stay."

The booth is located in the corner with a circular table with the booth wrapped around it. From left to right sits Momoyo, Tesshin, Lu, Kazuko, Wu Song, and Huang Luan sitting on Wu Song's lap. Tesshin and Lu ignore Huang Luan's seating choice, Kazuko wonders if it's comfortable, while Momoyo is looking at them with an envious gaze.

After a couple of minutes, everyone decides on their order as they call a nearby waitress, Todoroki Yachiyo, a pretty girl with a gentle smile on her face with mid-back length golden-brown hair, but for some reason, she has a katana by her waist. "Ready to order?"

"Katsu Chicken," Huang Luan says.

"A Strawberry Parfait, "Wu Song says.

"I'll get the Hamburg Steak," Kazuko says.

Momoyo leans closer to Yachiyo, "Roast Beef and your lovely smile."


Smacking the back of Momoyo's head, Tesshin says, "Don't mind her. I'll both have the Sauteed Udon."

"And I'll have the Stir-Fried Vegetables," Lu says.

"Ah… alright. Then to confirm, Katsu Chicken, Strawberry Parfait, Hamburg Steak, Roast Beef, Sauteed Udon, and Stir-Fried Vegetables. Correct?" Yachiyo asks.

"Yeah, that sounds right," Huang Luan confirms.

"Alright, we'll bring your meals out as soon as they're ready," Yachiyo says, bringing the list of orders back to the kitchen.

As they wait for their food, the Tesshin and Huang Luan order sake while Momoyo settles for Kawakami Water, Wu Song gets a fruit smoothie as her parfait arrives, Lu orders green tea, and Kazuko gets a sports drink.

"Huang Luan, I wasn't aware you were related to Liangshan Yi. Knowing you, you probably aren't planning anything, but I want to ask, just in case. Is the Liangshan Yi here because of the Kuki's Bushido Plan or is it just a coincidence?" Lu asks.

"I have a friend, she owns a nice little shop and she has this saying. 'There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world, what does exist is the inevitable.' Although I would say there are exceptions to this, I do generally believe this statement of hers to be correct. But I did really only come here to attend school," Huang Luan says.

"And I am here to watch over her," Wu Song says.

Seeing Yachiyo coming over with their food, Tesshin says, "Well, let's just leave it at that. Our food is about to arrive so let's just enjoy our meal. We'll be living together from now on so it's best to get along."