While Huang Luan and Wu Song are riding in the taxi back to the centre of Osaka, Huang Luan decides to check out the Chat Group.
Going through the chat logs, Huang Luan finds out that Kazuma has been sleeping in the Group Space because it's better than sleeping in a cold stable. Similarly, Onizuka has also been sleeping in the Group Space, for a similar reason, it's better than his current room at the school he works at.
As she finishes reading through the logs, Huang Luan finally decides to join in.
Retired Loli Sovereign: "Hey, whatever happened to that student you mentioned before? The suicide thing."
Great Teacher Onizuka: "False alarm. We were all panicked when we saw the note. But it was a bit of a misunderstanding and now I have to take all the students to Okinawa. Speaking of, can I borrow some money?"
Retired Loli Sovereign: "No."
[Sacchin has joined the Dimensional Chat Group.]
Upon seeing the notification, all the grey offline names in the group light up.
Advocate of Gender Equality: "Sounds like a girl's name. Please don't be another loli."
Great Teacher Onizuka: "I feel ya man. I'm not even asking for some busty bombshell, just someone normal sized at the very least."
Yokai Supreme Commander: "But that doesn't mean we don't want someone who looks like a supermodel."
As the conversation gets derailed further and further, to the point where half the group forgets about the new member, a girl inside a cardboard house in the back alley of Misaki Town is staring at the floating holographic screen in front of her. She is wearing a school outfit, consisting of a white shirt with a yellow jumper over it, a cute blue bowtie, and a blue miniskirt. She has heavily twin-tailed brown hair and red eyes.
"Satsuki, what wrong with the wall? You've been staring at it for a while now," asks a woman with purple eyes and long bright purple hair kept in a long braid.
"Sion, you don't see this, uh, thing floating here?" Satsuki points to the floating Chat Group.
Sion, along with Riesbyfe, a woman with white hair tied in a ponytail, look in the direction Satsuki is pointing but neither of them can see anything other than a cardboard wall.
"Do you need to see a doctor?" Riesbyfe asks.
"Wait, we don't have any money to take her to a doctor," Sion says.
"Why is the first thing you think of is taking me to a doctor!?" Satsuki asks.
"If you're seeing something then it probably isn't magecraft since we would know. And if it's not magecraft, then the next thing I could think of is that your sick and hallucinating. Do Dead Apostles even get sick?" Riesbyfe asks.
"Who cares!?"
"I don't believe so. If Satsuki is really sick then it's quite unfortunate. I feel like she always gets the short end of the stick," Sion says, ignoring Satsuki.
Being reminded of her poor luck, Satsuki slumps to the ground with her hands and knees. But she sees that the Chat Group in front of her has followed her view. Looking at the conversation in the Group Chat, she can clearly see that they've moved on and are talking about their plans for the weekend. The members of the chat have obviously forgotten about Satsuki. Isn't it sad, Sacchin?
Satsuki wonders 'How do I even type in this Chat Group?'
Sacchin: "How do I even type in this Chat Group?"
Teriri: "Do we all forget about the new member? I feel a bit bad for her."
Witch of the Void: "Why not introduce yourself first."
Sacchin: "Oh, right. I'm Yumizuka Satsuki. I used to be a high school student, but I haven't gone in a long time, not since becoming a Dead Apostle."
Mr Fool: "Dead Apostle?"
Advocate of Gender Equality: "If I remember this right, they're basically Vampires. Someone like Konata or Huang Luan can probably google for a better answer."
Sacchin: "Well, that's pretty much it."
Opening the ever-trusty Google, Huang Luan searches for Dead Apostle, but she instead opened to the truth that Google doesn't always have the answer.
Retired Loli Sovereign: "Doesn't exist here."
Konakona: "I've got it. So yeah, they're basically what you think of when you hear the word Vampire. Stronger at night, they can effectively live forever but needs blood to survive. They're also stronger the closer it is to the full moon. Their regenerative ability isn't really healing but rather their bodies moving back in time to before they were injured. There are a few more things but it isn't really important right now."
Black Star: "How much fighting experience do you have?"
Sacchin: "Uhh… not too much. I mean, I've fought before, but I've never killed anyone before. Why?"
"Black Star: "I was just curious. On the Rankings, you're above Natsuki."
Witch of the Void: "What?"
Konakona: "It should be because of her Reality Marble."
Great Teacher Onizuka: "Reality Marble? What's that?"
Konakona: "It's the Magecraft closest to True Magic. A Reality Marble materialises and projects the inner world onto reality. Simply put, it can temporarily overlay the world with something else."
Witch of the Void: "I think I get the concept but what's Magecraft and how does it differentiate from Magic?"
Konakona: "IDK, I'll look it up."
Sacchin: "How can I make it so I don't look crazy to my friends when using the Group Chat?"
Retired Loli Sovereign: "You can move the chat onto your cell phone. This way it will just look like your using your phone too much."
Sacchin: "I didn't know phones could run stuff like that."
Advocate of Gender Equality: "Wait, what year is it for you?"
Sacchin: "Eh? 2004."
Advocate of Gender Equality: "She definitely doesn't have a smartphone."
Konakona: "I mean, I don't have one either. I just have a regular old flip phone. But I can confirm the Chat works with them. But it isn't very easy to type so I just let the Chat float around in the side of my vision or put it on my PC."
Lightning Archpriestess: "Having a smartphone is pretty convenient, if you can I'd suggest you get one."
Advocate of Gender Equality: "Not everyone has the ability to buy a phone. We don't even have phones here."
God-Emperor of Man: "I don't need a phone, that's what I have subordinates for."
Black Star: "Can you even use a phone?"
God-Emperor of Man: "A long time ago I used to use one, a very long time ago."
Retired Loli Sovereign: "Just a heads up, if you have the Chat Group tied to a physical device then other people can see it."
Sacchin: "Too late. Sion and Ries are watching. At least they don't think I'm hallucinating anymore. Now they think I'm being scammed."
Retired Loli Sovereign: "Now that you mention it, we definitely look suspicious. Pop in out of nowhere and force people to join. And we haven't even explained what this Group is about yet, the doubles down on the suspicion if you ask me."
Retired Loli Sovereign: "The rundown is simple. Read the pinned message."
Advocate of Gender Equality: "How lazy."
God-Emperor of Man: "How lazy."
Black Star: "How lazy."
Mr Fool: "How lazy."
Great Teacher Onizuka: "How lazy."
Konakona: "How lazy."
Yokai Supreme Commander: "How lazy."
Retired Loli Sovereign: "Do you guys only know how to copy each other?"
Konakona: "I found the stuff about True Magic. To keep it simple for people like Onizuka and Kazuma. Magecraft is closer to the general perception of what Magic is, it's basically using magical energy to reproduce what people can already do given enough time and resources. Magic on the other hand is the realm of miracles that cannot be reproduced regardless of time or resources"
Konakona: "According to the wiki, there are five True Magics but only three have any real information. There's the Second Magic, known as Kaleidoscope, its full effects aren't documented, but its domain is the Operation of Parallel Worlds. The Third Magic, known as Heaven's Feel, it allows for the materialisation of the soul and gives the user unlimited magical energy. The Fifth Magic, known as Magic Blue, seemingly related to time but not quite."
Konakona: "I don't actually understand any of that, I was mostly copy-pasting it with a bit of paraphrasing."
Advocate of Gender Equality: "Why are you assuming I'm on the same level as Onizuka? At the very least I know about the Nasuverse."
Great Teacher Onizuka: "Hey! I thought we were pals!?"
Advocate of Gender Equality: "This is a separate matter."
Witch of the Void: "Back to the previous topic, using the terminology of Satsuki's world, then I believe most of what is considered Magic in my world would be called Magecraft in her world. On a personal level, I'm very interested in going to Satsuki's world to learn more, but my current position won't allow me to leave."
Yokai Supreme Commander: "Have we all forgotten the biggest question? What are the three sizes of the new member and how tall are they?"
Great Teacher Onizuka: "That's right! That completely slipped my mind."
Sacchin: "..."
Teriri: "You can ignore them. They're just a bunch of perverts."
Konakona: "In case anyone was wondering, she's a normal person as far as physical characteristics go."
Advocate of Gender Equality: "Better than another loli."
Retired Loli Sovereign: "Do have a problem with us? My hands are a bit shaky right now, so I can't promise I won't accidentally mute you. Did you know if you're muted you can't be in the Group Space?"
Advocate of Gender Equality: "I'm sorry, please forgive me."
[Requirements have been met. System Quests will now be issued periodically.]
[A new Quest has been created.
Quest Name: 4th Fuyuki Holy Grail War.
Quest Giver: Dimensional Chat Group.
Description: Win the Holy Grail War and submit the Holy Grail to the Dimensional Chat Group.
Bonus Objectives: No group member dies. Don't trigger a response from the Counter Force. Purify the Grail.
System Difficulty Ranking: C - A
Number of Participants: Three randomly selected Group Members. One member will be selected as a Master, one will take the place of the Servant, and the last will serve as additional assistance (Mascot).
Eligible Masters: All Group Members, except God-Emperor of Man (Please fix your current condition).
Eligible Servants: Retired Loli Sovereign (Foreigner), Black Star (Archer, Berserker, Caster, Foreigner), Teriri (Rider, Assassin), Witch of the Void (Caster), Yokai Supreme Commander (Saber, Caster, Assassin), Sacchin (Berserker).
Additional Assistance (Mascot): Retired Loli Sovereign, Teriri, Konakona, Witch of the Void.
Reward: 5,000 Points, an additional 100% increase for every Bonus Objective met. Additionally, the System will invite a new member to join the group.]
[Rolling dice… Participants have been selected. Master - Sacchin. Servant - Retired Loli Sovereign. Additional Assistance (Mascot) - Teriri.]
[Time until Participants are transferred: 7 Hours, 59 Minutes, 59 seconds. Please arrange your affairs before leaving. If all participants are ready they may leave ahead of the scheduled time.]