chapter 2 - wild prince

15th year of the Darius dynasty

In a city that surrounds a mountain so big and majestic that it is not even possible to see the peak of the mountain because its base is already as big as the city and the top of the mountain already surpasses the clouds and reaches the void outside the planet, the city ​​for the most part is bathed in the silvery color of iron that highlights the huge mountain made purely of black iron and looking indestructible, the city surrounds every meter of the mountain as if the city itself were part of the Mountain and the city stretches across Miles and Kilometers, the city itself is the size of a modern land country, the citizens wore silver clothes with red accents that covered every inch of their bodies and looked like a second skin to those who lived there, women with mature bodies and blessed people walked in droves through the streets along with clothes that enhance the Divine body they had, most men had big muscles and all were over 1.80m

It was like watching a parade of warriors and goddesses, all those people had something in common besides stunning beauty and a mature body at the height of youth and bodily health, they carried firearms, pistols, rifles, shotguns and bladed weapons together. in armor with very hard plates made of iron mined in the mountains, those people walked from one side to the other, sometimes in groups or alone

As these people walked peacefully through the streets of the gigantic city, in front of a windowless establishment with only 1 door with red shutters that glowed with a red glowing light, a fight was taking place or a massacre, a boy looking to be 15 years old was beating non-stop strong men with matching armor looking like soldiers of an army, the boy was strong, his clothes showed his strong and perfect physique, along with his face until ordinary, it didn't match his spartan soldier's physique, his red hair was messed up and swayed like a lion's mane while punching a soldier's sole plexus, the place was protected by a hard steel plate that looked impenetrable, but when the boy hit the plate, it appeared to be made of paper as it was crumpled and flattened by the boy's fist, the soldier flew backwards and crashed into the crowd, the affected people complained and wanted to beat the soldier even more, when  noticing the soldier's uniform, froze in fear, people who didn't care and ignored that massacre now paid their full attention to that fight, because that soldier had the uniform of a captain of the imperial army of the Darius dynasty, that dreaded captain now had a countenance not of an honorable soldier who leads thousands into war, but the countenance of a beaten and miserable beggar

His whole body was now wrecked with his arms at abnormal angles and his face bruised beyond measure, which would leave permanent scars on his handsome face, along with his torn uniform and broken armor, when people saw the captain's condition, they turned his eyes on the person who left him like that, then they saw, a 15-year-old boy who was 1.78m tall in clothes identical to the rest of the entire crowd but with the difference of an imposing and scary monster drawn on the back of the costume. boy and covered the entire back of his muscular torso, his perfect muscles were stiff as he held an ordinary soldier in a combo of well-placed punches in fragile parts of the body like his knuckles and chin, his crimson red hair reaching to his shoulders they swayed over his tanned skin and his eyes black as the densest of night were calm, something they didn't engage with with his fierce smile that looked like a feline beast playing with its prey, he wore  his hands to hit killer sequences on the soldier's body, there were other soldiers behind the poor bastard who was receiving the punch sequence but they were no better than the fellow being beaten, they all had their bodies scarred by a violent struggle and they were panting heavily and their breaths were wheezing with each puff of oxygen.

They were standing helplessly to help their battered colleague, they were even relieved that it wasn't them in their colleague's shoes, but the relief died when the muscular boy landed a powerful right hook in the soldier's face that the boy guided the punch him to the stone floor and smash his head into the ground and land another right punch, crushing and sinking and even cracking the stone floor with that punch from the boy who blew up the soldier's right cheek, the soldiers who once recovered breath, now they breathed heavily as they trembled in fear looking at that boy who destroyed their captain and their lieutenant with a brutal sequence of punches, just punches and they didn't know what their superiors would be like if that boy used his strong, resilient feet during the battle

The boy looked at the soldiers with murderous eyes and with a dense killer will, many were scared because at 15 years old this boy already had that amount of dense killer will, know that to have a killer will, you have to kill an abnormal amount of beings alive, that boy before already showed that he was used to beating people brutally and now showed that he had already killed people, many there while fearing the boy's past also praised him because this boy of such a young age already beat trained soldiers like Scared children, this boy would not be punished, but decorated by the army and could even receive gifts and special training if he decided to pursue a military career, know that most people there could not repeat the boy's feat, as the soldiers of the empire were demons of war that lived to kill and were not easily defeated, so seeing that boy destroy those soldiers gave a feeling  I'm inspirational

The Boy looked at the soldiers and said with frightening coldness along with a frightening smile at the end:

"The bitches want more!?"

The horrified soldiers responded quickly as they prostrated themselves at the boy's feet, they even bury their heads in the ground and bang their foreheads repeatedly as they spoke:

"""Not your highness!!!!

Have mercy your highness!!!!!

It's all our fault your highness!!!!"""

When the soldiers repeated the words all together and loudly, all those present who watched the massacre suddenly froze at the soldiers' pleas, that boy was no ordinary boy, but a royal, a prince and a fort. prince who was only 15 years old and already torn apart trained soldiers like frightened children, all the spectators heard a "click!"  In their minds and in one voice, everyone there prostrated themselves before the boy and exclaimed:

"Your invincible highness on the iron plains!"

It was like a ripple effect, all the people who heard the words, stopped what they were doing and exclaimed the same words, everyone within a radius of 1/km of prostrated to the boy and repeated the words

The boy seeing that, just snorted with contempt and entered the establishment again, everyone in the street got up and continued what they had to do and many were running to tell their acquaintances that they had seen a prince of the iron empire and saw him destroy soldiers of the empire like frightened children and still make them prostrate before him

Across town, billions of people chatted and gossip nonstop about a prince of the imperial family slaughtering a captain and a lieutenant of the dreaded {army of iron bloods} like drunken beggars

Currently the prince was in the establishment, he was in a luxurious room lit by red runic stones that glowed a red color that resembled lava but had a bloody crimson touch like a lava made not of extremely hot iron and gravel but boiling blood, this light illuminated the entire room

The room looked like a king's bedroom, gold and silver decorations alongside overpriced liquor bottles and wines as old as the very empire in which it now stood, on a large, spacious bed that would accommodate 10 people easily and comfortably. even prince now had 12 women on top of him, these women had beautiful bodies with skins of different colors, from a dark-skinned woman with wavy hair to a blonde with snow-white skin and even non-humans like Bestial women like a half rabbit woman, a half cat and a half dragon woman, there were also elves with 1 white elf, 1 black elf, 1 mixed elf daughter of a mixture of black and white elves and a blue elf who was a water elf that produced a natural lubricant with his body and with the Prince's command he used his body to massage the bodies of other women and lubricate the entire body, even the intimate region of women

Currently the prince had fun using the body of the White elf who was penetrated by the prince and at the same time had her breasts sucked and nipped by the other women along with warm, wet kisses that the black elf gave her mouth, an orgy with drinks and wild sex took place in that luxurious room, the prince was currently in a brothel in a wealthy section of the {iron plains} City of the {iron bloods empire}

He who owns the brothel and the women he is currently satisfying with his Meat Spear are slaves he bought when he was 3 years old, he bought them all as children and even were younger than him, he bought and trained them as Valkyrie soldiers, the strength of these women clashed with the prince himself, it was for these women that he decided to beat those soldiers and show his figure in public, those soldiers visited this brothel and were problematic clients for the prince, he decided to reveal and he just left a warning for them, Of course he didn't say he was the prince and the soldiers ignored him, the Valkyries are like bouncers for the prince's brothel and always kicked out or quarreled with the soldiers who crossed the limits imposed by the prince every time they they rented a woman

Of all the Valkyries, the one who fought the most with the soldiers was the White elf, she always followed them and even fought with them because they beat women and even did terrible things to their bodies, they wanted to do, but were prevented for the elf and for the other Valkyries, today the soldiers surpassed a limit that even the prince could not overlook, they tried to R*p* the elf and on the day the prince was going to visit the Valkyries because besides slaves and security guards from the Prince's brothel ,they were the Prince's wives and mistresses and he loved them as if they were the most precious treasures he has in his life, the soldiers ambushed the elf in a room using the pretext that they would use hot wax to punish one of the women in the brothel, hearing this the elf went after them to stop the soldiers, but then they knocked out the elf and as they prepared to take her to bed, the prince who was previously accompanying the elf, delivered a bloody string of punches to the man who  and would carry the elf to bed, the man had his 2 kneecaps destroyed and his arm joints shattered along with a spinal cord tear and a punctured heart and lung, this man was the captain who was thrown against the crowd

The elf was now being rewarded by the prince and her whole body received loads and loads of pleasure given by the princes by the other Valkyries, this reward was a way to apologize to the elf for neglecting her complaints against the soldiers

It wasn't just the elf who was rewarded, but all were

The prince just left the brothel at dawn and even though he had sex over and over again, he still had the look of someone who took a morning walk not 10 hours of sex without breaks

When he left, the brothel was still open as it works 50 hours a day 100 days a monthly cycle, while he was leaving he noticed that there was no one on the street, not even animals the rats were there, the soldiers' blood was still there, dry and staining the floor, the prince notices this and says in a loud, authoritative voice as an order:

"Before they take me to my dad...clean this floor"

When he finished speaking, a circle with runes and ancient drawings appeared and the blood staining the street evaporated and where the prince crushed the lieutenant's head and cracked the ground, the crack was fixed, all this happened while the Prince's figure disappeared from street and people who previously wanted to cross the street or to enter the brothel and other buildings or used that street as a shortcut to other places went back to using it, no one questioned why they were prevented from passing through a blue wall made of lightning and thunder ,everyone knew that a member of the royal family was there and the palace was there to get that member of the royal family, no one complained or questioned, they just obeyed, that same night the Prince's brothel was filled with customers and all the liquor stock it was emptied that night and after that day the brothel would be full of customers and make millions every night for an inordinate amount of time.

Meanwhile inside the huge mountain, at the top to be more exact, a crimson red iron Castle decorated the top of the colossal mountain, above the Castle was the void, where it was possible to see the stars and other planets in varied and different ways. geometric shapes

Inside the Castle in the throne room, a man very similar to the prince in a more adult and strong version with a combed beard that highlights his majesty with the only difference being the red eyes that the prince did not inherit from his father, to his right was a beautiful woman, she would be an abysmal beauty because her eyes are a deep dark shade that absorbs the light along with her silky and shiny hair that resonates with the light shining like a black diamond, this woman looked like a goddess of the night, beside left of man, a girl Extremely similar to the goddess of the night on the right of man but with the only difference being her bloody scarlet eyes that favor her beauty and convey the appearance of a goddess with Angelic beauty but inside hides a powerful demon and evil, these 3 are the Prince's parents and sister, he also has 2 other sisters but they weren't present at the time.

As they waited for the prince, the emperor who sat in the middle tapped his right fingers on the arm of the throne showing that he was nervous and trying to hide his anger, the empress just looked at the magic circle in front of them with some apprehension and the princess showed a smile of satisfaction while waiting, after a few seconds the circle glows brightly in a blue color and a handsome strong boy appears a few seconds later, the boy was facing the royal throne which was made of red iron and was glued to the floor, he was looking to the throne with a certain desire, he wanted that office but not just the office, the women who were sitting on the throne, he wanted them and his eyes that show desire and greed shone even with the 3 realizing it, he didn't care, everyone there they already knew about the Prince's ambitions

Ignoring his son's longing look, the emperor just says in an authoritative voice:

"Who gave you the right to touch my iron servants..... Lucius?"

Prince Lucius answers coldly:

"Who says they're yours....old man?"