The next day....

Today is the third day of training. I intend to make my pyshical stats go to thirty today. And what better way to improve your physical body than going to the gym. It'll be weird seeing an almost eleven year old child lifting five pound dumbbells like it's nobody's business.

I also want to find a boxing teacher so if I lose both of my wands, i will be able to use my fists instead of lying there defenseless

Audience:But will the teacher accept you?

Me: i don't know, but somehow I will find a good reason for them to teach me.

I dressed up in my gym clothes then went out the house to the nearest gym. The clothing consists of a hoodie and a pair of running pants.

When I arrived at the gym, i saw a lot of people there working out. There are men lifting weights, running on a treadmill, stretching, some of them are even doing Yoga. Maybe I'll try that.

I then went to the reception and asked the clerk.

Me: Excuse me miss, can i get a membership at this gym please.?

The clerk looked at me and asked with amusement

Clerk: what's a lil kid like you doing here. Go back to you house and study or something.

???:What's going on here Ashley

A giant man appeared beside the clerk asked her. The clerk, now named Ashley said to the man.

Ashley: I dunno John, this kid appeared out of nowhere and said he wanted a membership. Can you believe this?

John turned around and stared at me and said.

John: You wanna exercise kid. Then follow me.

Ashley: You can't be serious John he's a child for goodness sake!

John: Don't worry Ashley, this kid knows what he is doing. he just came to the right place is all.

John walked away and I followed him to a room filled with exercising equipment. He then said.

J: Alright kid show me what you got. I want 30 pushups now.

I then went down on the push-up position and started doing 30 pushups with minimum difficulty.

J: Alright kid, you got some muscle in you. Now I want 30 sit ups now!

When Mr John ordered me. I immediately did 30 sit ups. Little did i know, i did a thirty minute workout session with him. He was shouting orders like a drill sergeant. I felt like I want to die but the goal of getting stronger kept me going. After that workout, if you can call it one, i was lying on the ground breathing very deeply. Mr John was standing over me smirking and said

J: You got guts kid. What's your name?

Me: Harry... Harry Potter. i wheezed out.

J: Well Harry, you deserve this membership if you can survive my training session.

Mr John then handed me the member card.

Me: Thank you Mr John.

J: It's whatever kid.

Me: Mr John, can i find a boxing teacher?

J: And why is that.

Me: I wanna learn boxing so I don't get beat up or bullied by my cousin again.And also to defend those who can't defend themselves.

I said that with passion in my eyes. Mr John smirked at me and said,

J: Well your on luck kid. Cuz I'm the best boxing teacher you can. But I will only teach you if you are serious about this. My training can be hellish, but if can help you a lot. Are you ready for this?

Me:Yes Mr John. I'm ready for this! *determined*

J: Well then let's begin. Pick up those gloves right there. I want you to do a combo that i will show you and punch that punching bag till i stop you.

And thus begin my training session with my new boxing teacher Mr John. He is a very strict teacher, but he is a patient and an experienced teacher as well.

During this session,Mr John showed me a lot of moves during this session and I learned patiently. So by the end of the day, my skill in boxing is like this.

[Intermediate boxing Lvl 7 EXP 0/500

This skill helps you defend yourself. and also beat up bullies.

50 damage per punch

35% more unarmed damage.]

With this skill, I can safely say that i will be able to beat up Dudley and his gang. When I do beat them up, that'll teach them a lesson.

When I was about to leave Mr John stopped me and said

J: Hey kid, i just wanna say that i have never have a student like. Your a genius at boxing. You'll do great when you go pro. So what do you say, you wanna enter a competition.

Me: I'll think about it. I don't want to just charge in head on and expect me to win easily. i wanna prepare first. Plus, i have school, i wanna finish that first.

J: Speaking of schools. What school do you go to.

Me: Don't get surprised but I go to the Elyria Academy. Ever heard of it.

J:Dang kid, you go to the genius school. But I thought you go to Smeltings.

Me: I took the entrance exams, i wanna get out of that house. It brings back bad memories.

J:So you have that kind of family huh. Im sorry for asking.

Me: No don't worry Mr John, your my teacher,you need to know this.

J: Don't get all buddy with me. But I expect you do your best in that school. Don't stand out to much. You know what happens to those who show off right?

Me: Don't worry Mr John, with you teaching me, who can ever beat me.

J: Hahaha that's the mentality kid, but don't get to cocky now.

Me: Don't worry Mr John. I won't let it get to my head. I gotta go now Mr John, it's getting late. Goodbye, Mr John. See you tomorrow

J: See you tomorrow kid. Have a great night.

On the way back, I went to the library and return the intermediate management books and borrowed the advanced ones. Said hello to Ms Simmons and asked her

Me: Ms Simmons, did you get the school uniforms

S:Ah yes I almost forgot the uniforms, they are in this box, here you go.

She handed me a box that was written 'H.Potter'

S:There is a also a timetable and school books in there. Also you need to choose an additional language to learn. It is a requirement for graduating the academy. There are French, Japanese, Spanish etc.

Me: I'll choose French because I will be able to talk to the ministry over there.

S: Okay then, I'll tell that to the teacher.

Me: Who is my teacher?

S: His name is Prefessor Garrick. He is Her Majesty's personal assistant and confidant. Speaking of which, where is the letter of acceptance.

Me: Oh it's right here. When will Her Majesty see it.

S: As soon as tomorrow Mr Potter. Now go home it's getting late.

We exchanged goodbyes and I arrived home. After changing my clothes and eating dinner. I read the advanced management books and got it to Max Level.

After ticking the tasks off the list. I lied down on the mattress and thought.

Me thinking: The next day is the final day of training i better get up early. I better cast an alarm spell. I haven't even gotten a reply from Gorgun yet. But I can't complain, things are going well. Just how that Ms Figgs doesn't do anything or else I'm ruined.'

After casting the alarm spell to wake me up at 5 a.m. sharp. I shut my eyes and dreamt what will happen on the next day.


AN: Chapter twelve. Now it's dinner time. Hope you Hermione's enjoy this chapter. Signing off for now. BUH BYE.👋