Chapter 25 Mending

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Harry puts his holly wand aside and took out the Elder wand. He wandlessly used legilimency on the couple and he found that the situation of their minds is just as he predicted.

The minds of the longbottoms only retain surface-level activity and the rest of it seems completely dead. Harry being able to see the state of their mind is already far beyond the Healers of St Mungo's. All the mind healers in the hospital are only able to sense an empty mind when they try to heal the longbottoms.

Harry is able to go this deep inside their minds because he has achieved the third stage of Occlumency. Most wizards and witches don't even know that the third stage actually exists. To even have a chance of getting in the third stage a wizard first has to achieve perfection in the first two stages. Even the most talented and hardworking occlumency practitioners can't even perfect the first stage let only both of them.

But once a wizard achieves the third stage then he is completely immune to legilimency and is easily able to fight off the effects of most of the mind-altering potions. The wizard's mind becomes an impenetrable fortress that other than him no one can access in any way.

This stage also significantly enhances the effects of all types of mind magic for the wizard. In this state, the mental defences completely disappear from the wizard's mind because he does not need them anymore. If a legilimens attacks a wizard in this stage all they will see is a void inside the wizard's mind, they will not encounter any defences because no matter how or when they attack all they will only encounter this void nothing more.

The only two wizards other than Harry who achieved the last stage of occlumency are Voldemort and Dumbledore.

With the help of his powerful mind magic Harry is able to dig past the surface of the longbottoms and see the real core of their minds. While most of the parts of their mind seem to be dead that is not the case, their mind is in a state of shutdown.

Naturally, when a mind encounters too many pain signals coming from the body it either suppresses or even completely ignores those signals to protect itself from harm, but the torture curse doesn't allow the mind to do that and forces it to feel as much pain as possible.

That night the minds of longbottoms also faced this same situation, through their will and desire to protect their son the longbottoms held out for as long as possible but when their minds reached their limits some extreme actions were taken by their minds.

Their minds on the brink of breaking automatically turned themselves off to protect themselves. This is an extremely dangerous action because a mind that has been shut down like this can't wake itself up.

This is was done to save their minds from a complete breakdown but now they both are stuck as little more than zombies with just enough brainpower for their bodies to survive.

Such a mind is impossible to be awakened even with magic but that is where the Elder wand comes in. Harry raised the elder wand at Alice's face while putting in as much magic as possible then he spoke "Rennervate"

A big flash of red light came from the elder wand and for a moment covered the entire ward in blinding red light before disappearing just as quickly.

Harry nearly lost his footing and had to hold the bed to keep himself from falling. Never had a single spell taken so much out of him.

After finding his balance Harry once again used legilimency on Alice, while before if Alice's mind was a dark night sky with only a few stars shining on the surface, now the night sky was slowly starting to light up, more and more stars began lighting up and started shining in conjunctions with other stars.

While most of Alice's mind is still dark it is already showing signs of waking up, but a mind that for the most part has been asleep for years won't completely wake up and start functioning in just a few seconds, it will probably take days before it becomes functional in any way.

Harry had figured out this method to wake Neville's parents in the previous timeline years after absorbing Voldemort's knowledge of the dark arts and parselmagic but by that time it was already too late, their minds had been in that state for too long to ever be awakened.

Seeing that his method worked Harry quickly did the same for Frank, after waking frank's mind he is already exhausted and will be in a weakened state for one or two hours. So with the last of his strength Harry removed the concealment spells on the ward and called Hedwig to take him home.

In hindsight, Harry really shouldn't have done this today when he already used a lot of magic practising his elemental magic in the chamber then once again producing a giant basilisk from his fire when he got his wand.