Chapter 35 Trip

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



The first thing Harry saw after leaving the bank is little Lily walking alone in the street taking in the sights while enjoying her scone of ice cream. She must have gotten away while his grandfather was busy with the twins.

As Harry saw his little sister he also felt something on her, after using his magical senses Harry found an invisible magical snake coiled around his little sister's neck.

Seeing this Harry quickly took Lily aside in a secluded corner of the alley. At first, Lily was shocked to find herself magically picked off the ground but that shock quickly turned into excitement as soon as she saw Harry.

"Harry fly! make Lily fly again" she pleaded as soon as she got on the ground.

Harry didn't give in to his sister's cuteness this time. "Lily why do have a snake hiding around your neck?"

"Snake asked Lily for help, Lily rescued the cute snake from a bad man." She answered proudly while stroking the invisible snake.

"This bad man was he working inside the pet store?" Harry asked to which she answered with a nod "How does Harry know that the bad man was hiding in the pet store?"

Harry sighed, the person who caught this snake must have thought that it was just a normal snake and didn't realise the fact that it was a young magical snake. The snake is pretty intelligent to recognise that Lily is a speaker and tricked her into releasing it.

Harry lifts his hand and the invisible snake coiled around his sister's neck flew out and coiled around Harry's hand. The snake is shocked to suddenly be on someone else and hissed threatening at Harry but froze when Harry started speaking the snake tongue.

$where are you from? Tell me and I will send you back to your home$ Harry said to the snake.

$ Another Speaker! I must be truly blessed to not only get out of my cage and meet not one but two speakers in the same day$

$ No need to be shocked, most of my family can speak this noble tongue. Now tell me where should I send you so you can live freely?$ Harry asked again.

$If it pleases you, noble speaker, I would like to stay with the young one, she is warm and cosy and the magic here is also a lot stronger than the forest I used to live in$ the snake pleaded with Harry.

"Harry please let the snake stay, Lily will take care of the cute snake" Lily too started pleading with the snake.

Little Lily gave Harry the full pleading puppy eyes, seeing this the magical snake which was no longer invisible also tried to copy her by trying to make its eyes look bigger. Under this relentless assault, Harry finally relented.

"Okay, you can keep the snake, but Lily what did I tell you about speaking to snakes?"

"That Lily should not do that in front of others or outside the house" she quickly answered but froze when she realized her mistake.

"That's why as punishment you will have to tell mom about the snake and get her permission all by yourself, you got that?" To which she reluctantly nodded.

Harry return the red-scaled snake on his sister's neck which once again turns invisible. After that Harry took Lily back to their grandfather who was looking for the six-year-old.

Harry returned to Madam Malkin's store to find Rose getting measured for her school robes and Draco and Charlie in between another one of their arguments. The two boys were in each other's faces like usual but stopped as soon as he entered.

As soon as Draco saw Harry he turned silent and quickly left the store with his robes after giving Harry a hurried nod.

"Harry!" Charlie moaned. "Why did you have to come back now? I was winning"

Harry just smirked and ruffled Charlie's hair and made it even messier than usual.

"That prick always made the excuse that we didn't have a wand but now I finally have a wand and once again you let him get away" Charlie complained.

"So you are finally going to duel with Draco, how about I teach you some duelling spells." Harry offered.

"Really? Then I want to learn the best spells, I want to beat that pompous prick with style." His brother almost yelled in excitement. But before Harry could say anything they heard their grandmother's voice.

"You will do no such thing, the boy already causes enough trouble as it is, there is no need to add dangerous spells into the mix" Grandmother said as their mother and grandmother entered the store.

Seeing this Charlie didn't say a word and quickly went to Madam Malkin to get measured. After that, it was Harry's turn.

After seeing Harry Madam Malkin is shocked "So the rumours were true, you look more like a sixth-year student rather than a little first year." She said out loud in her surprise.

While Harry's mother only smiled at this, his grandmother on the other hand replied like she was expecting this to happen.

"Exceptional people have a way of standing out from the rest from very early on, and House Potter has a long history of producing exceptional witches and wizards."

Harry could only cough in embarrassment at such baseless praise, his body matured faster due to all of the enhancement rituals but he can't tell others that, so he just silently stood there.

Madam Malkin also chose to just brush past that and continued "It been a while since I last saw you, Lady Potter. I still remember when you came to my store with your son and now I making robes for your grandchildren."

Grandmother nodded "Even though we had trouble with children until James came along I was very fortunate when it came to my grandchildren, so I want only the best for them so the price is not of any concern."

"Mother!" Harry's mother interrupted "we agreed to be reasonable and only buy things that the children truly need"

"Of course, this much is very reasonable for our House, we can't send our children to Hogwarts dressed below their standing." Grandmother said with a straight face.

Lily Potter sighed and reluctantly accepted the situation instead of once again fighting with his grandmother.

Harry thinks that their family name must carry an innate connection with stubbornness, how else can his entire family be like this that they stir up trouble even in most mundane things like a shopping trip.