Chapter 66 Forest

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Charlie pov.

Moving way faster than a person his size should Hagrid came running towards them.

"Back off! Yer scaring the kids." Hagrid yelled while lifting one of the giant wolves by the fur on its neck. The half-giant picked up the wolf like it was no more than a puppy.

Fang barked at the wolves as if agreeing with Hagrid before making his way to Charlie and Draco, the large dog sniffed both of them making sure they are okay.

While Hagrid lectured the wolf in his hand the other two wolves also sat down and lowered their heads, the wolf hanging in the air by Hagrid's hand whined as he was being lectured.

Just a few moments ago these wolves were the scariest thing that Charlie has ever seen but now they look no different than a puppy who got caught chewing up the rug. He didn't even know that wolves can also pull off puppy eyes.

Beside him Draco is not also not faring any better, ever since the tiger showed up the blond has been shocked into silence and even now hasn't found his voice back.

After Hagrid felt like he lectured the wolves enough he turned toward them. "No need to be scared, these pups just look scary but believe me these guys won't hurt ya. They only came to you because they thought you were in danger and you kids needed protecting." Hagrid spoke while laughing, like being chased by giant wolves was somehow funny.

While Charlie still had doubts about this whole thing but he just nodded because he didn't have the energy to argue with the half-giant in front of him. After running for his life and taking care of Draco, Charlie feels exhausted and just wants to drop dead on his bed and not wake up.

Somehow Hagrid didn't notice the giant tiger sitting between them until now. "Who is this beauty? I have never seen you around the forest. But she is quite something, I didn't even know that kitty cats can get this big."

The white tiger suddenly growled at the half-giant.

"Oh my mistake, you are a fella. You are quite the looker, so much that I thought yer was a lady." Hagrid said while being embarrassed.

"You must spend a lot of time grooming. Your fur is exquisite, so beautiful and snowy white. Do ya mind if I feet it?" Hagrid eagerly asked.

Charlie is stunned, only Hagrid could find a giant tiger in the middle of the forest and ask if he could pet it. Charlie was expecting the tiger to attack or growl at the half-giant but the tiger instead sat back on his hind legs accepting Hagrid's absurd request.

Hagrid carefully and gently ran his large hands through the tiger's fur. "Yer so soft and squishy. Sometimes I wish I could clean myself like that but the only one slobbering all over me is Fang. Believe me, no one wants that."

Charlie doesn't even know what is going on anymore, is he dead? Or is all of this a dream? He wondered as he saw this weird scene unfold in front of him.

The white tiger had enough of Hagrid's requests got up and gave one last look to Charlie before running off into the forest.

"Bye white kitty. I hope we meet again running around the forest." Hagrid enthusiastically yelled while waving at the tiger as he disappeared into the forest.

After that Hagrid decided that this was enough for their detention in Forbidden Forest. So Charlie and Draco followed the half-giant and Fang as they made their way back to the castle.

When Charlie asked about Hermione and Neville, Hagrid told them he already sent them back before he came looking for the two of them.

Charlie silently walked behind Hagrid as the detention was a little too much for him and to think he was actually excited to go inside the Forbidden Forest. He taught it was going to be a grand adventure but it just showed Charlie how useless he was when he came face to face with real danger.

As they got out of the forest and towards the castle Charlie felt like someone is watching him, he turned back only to see the white tiger sitting at the edge of the forest watching them as they went back into the castle.

The tiger looks magnificent just sitting there under the moonlight, the white fur gleaming under the cover of the night while his beautiful green eyes watched over them.

Charlie turned back and followed Hagrid into the castle, while thinking about the tiger Charlie somehow made his back to the Gryffindor dorm without even realising it.

As he entered the common room he saw Rose sitting in her favourite chair reading a book, as soon as she heard him enter she closed the book. Charlie gave a nod to Rose before sitting on the chair beside her.

Charlie silently stared into the fireplace for a while before he finally spoke "There was no need to wait for me, my dear sister."

Rose snorted "I was worried about the Forbidden Forest not you, I knew that there is a chance that you might burn the entire forest down." She said playfully.

But when Charlie didn't reply her voice became serious "Did something happen in the forest? You are acting weird." She asked as she turned his head towards her.

"Nothing happened. By the way, what our mother's animagus form?" Charlie suddenly asked.

"You know it's a regular tiger. She showed us that lots of times. The tiger even has her green eyes. Why are you suddenly asking about this?"

"No reason. I had an eventful night so I am going to bed. We will talk tomorrow, sister." With that, Charlie made his way to his dorm room.