Chapter 89 Questions

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Harry is still in a daze as he watches Fleur leave the room. He couldn't help but sigh, he is a grown man and not some hormonal teenager but what does he do after seeing his ex for a long time? instead of figuring out how this is even possible, he was busy snogging her like there is no tomorrow in some storage room.

It would be so simple just to blame his young body for this but Harry knows that's not the truth. Fleur always has this effect on him, he always has trouble controlling himself when he is with her. Even after all this time that connection between them is still strong as ever. Harry's body, mind and magic just respond to her like no other.

Fleur was Harry's only serious girlfriend, lover, date, relationship, etc, his only serious anything really. Of course, he dated a few others but they were just brief flings, nothing even came close to what he has with Fleur.

Harry and Fleur just connect on a level that he never felt for anyone else. That's why there was never any lack of passion between the two of them. It would more accurate to say that sometimes they had too much passion and excitement in their relationship.

And both of them are far too stubborn for their own good. Harry was always more focused on achieving his goals and fixing the problems with wizarding Britain than on their relationship and Fleur always believed that Harry already had done enough for them and it is not his responsibility to fix wizarding Britain's problems.

She wanted him to just move away from all that, so they could both live their own lives with each other away from the problems of the rest of the world. Of course, most of her suggestions for their little dwelling were somewhere in France.

Due to their differing opinions and their inherent stubbornness, Fleur and Harry mostly had an on-again-off-again type of relationship. It was one of their off time when Death made its offer to Harry.

It's often said you don't know how much a person means to you until you lose them. Harry had always heard something along those lines but never truly understood those words until he came back in time. It took him losing everything to understand how much some people mean to him, how much Fleur means to him.

After the war, Harry never let anyone get close to him, he didn't want to care about anyone because those he cared about ended up dying one way or another. So he tried to keep everyone at a distance, even Fleur.

But even with the highest mastery over mind magic you still can't completely control your feelings and emotions. You can suppress those feelings to some degree but you can never get rid of them. So even if he tried to deny it he couldn't help but care about Fleur, but even after realising that he still lied to himself that what they had was nothing more than a fling that was never going to last anyway.

Only after coming back did Harry realise how much Fleur means to him but there was no use thinking about that. What's lost is lost, he could only move forward with his new life.

Harry shook his head, this is not a time to obsess over Fleur, he has to figure out how can she even remember him. He was the only one who is supposed to remember what happened during that timeline. If there are more people out there who also remember then it could cause all sorts of problems.

What if one of the core death eaters remembers what happened, what if Voldemort suddenly started to remember things? This could all go to hell without Harry even noticing.

So he quickly summoned the resurrection stone and it instantly appeared in front of him, he took hold of the stone and activated it.

For others, the stone is nothing more than a glorified alluring death trap but for its master, it is so much more. Harry didn't call a soul back from the dead instead he called Death itself.

But to be fair Death doesn't come running every time Harry calls, it's up to Death if it wants to answer the call or not. And it's not like Harry is interested in dealing with Death anymore than necessary.

One moment Harry was standing in the storage room and the next he is standing in the abyss with Death standing right in front of him.

"I have been expecting you, Harry" Death greeted him in its beautiful voice. "I see you have some questions for me"

Harry simply nodded instead of saying anything because Death clearly knows why he is here.

Seeing that Harry is not wasting any time, Death for once didn't play with him and directly answered. "The girl remembers what happened because both of your souls resonate with each other. It would be more accurate to say that she remembers that time through you. She only remembers the time that no longer exists because you remember"

"How is that even possible?" Harry asked.

"Because of the connection between your souls, the girl experienced the memories of her life from that time through her dreams. She literally dreamt about her past life in her sleep" Death answered.

"That doesn't even make any sense" Harry couldn't help but say.

Death chuckled "Dreams don't have to make sense. That's why they are called dreams in the first place"

Harry ran his hands through his hair in frustration due to Death's nonsensical answers. "Okay, so you said she remembers because both our souls resonate with each other, how does that happen?"

Death almost looks like it is smiling "How else? it happened because of love"