Prologue (2)

I rushed towards one of the huts, trampling on a few dead bodies as I did - I could've jumped over them, but the warmth of the blood that covered their bodies was ever so tempting-.

Once I got to the only hut that wasn't up in flames, I found the door to be locked.

'That's odd,' I thought as I pushed my weight against it.

"Someone's at the door," whispered someone softly on the other side of the door, the sound of several others breathing audible behind it.

"C-Can y-you guys o-open up?" I stuttered.

It was rather odd to hear myself stutter. Almost as odd as how erratic my breathing had become.

'It must be the excitement,' I thought.

"Its Balin," whispered another voice, the door still sealed shut.

"It's better that menace die right now. It was probably him who called the goblins anyway," replied another voice.

From the sound and tone of the voice, I could clearly tell it was the village elder.

"P-Please open," I shouted, something wet rolling down my cheeks as I banged on the door.

"Argaha," shouted a goblin a few meters behind me, my shouts seemed to have grabbed the attention of a few of the goblins.

An uncontrollable urge to smile overcame me, I tried my best to keep my excitement down, but the prospect of seeing the village elder dead nearly brought me to an erecti- I mean joy.

I dashed behind the hut, making sure to knock on the door one last time to leave the impression that there were people inside it to the goblins.

"That demon ratted us out!" shouted the village elder from within, followed by what sounded like the banging of a door.

After several minutes of ramming into the door, the goblins finally breached through.

Screams and wails filled the air, the villagers were like choir playing a holy tune-. I almost ran in to see the looks on their faces but decided otherwise, due to my shivering legs hampering me from moving anywhere.

'Must be excitement,' I assured myself once more as I tried to calm down.

Although soft, I could hear the sound of flesh tearing and blood spattering.

A squelching sound also emanated from the hut, I wasn't sure if that was someone being defiled, or if it was the sound of flesh being punctured.

After a few minutes, it went deathly quiet, the holy tune had died down, and my shivering had stopped.

At this point, streams of salty water flowed down my face.

'Is this what the elders called a climax?' I wondered as I wiped the liquid away.

I could hear several footsteps approaching me, once more my body began shivering, excitement building up once again.

"P-Please," I whispered, the words seemed to come out of their own accord.

'A side effect of climax?' I pondered as the goblins broke out into laughter.

My crotch suddenly felt warm, a liquid-like substance dripping down my shivering legs.

'Ahh, this must be a climax, no?' those were my last thoughts.

Or so I thought.

Right as a goblin was about to gore through me with his spear, a black wisp of light shot out from my hand, zipping towards the attacking goblin.

A warm fuzzy feeling engulfed my body, surrounding me in what I could only describe as pure bliss.

The goblin fell to the ground, its skin quickly dissolving until all that was left were mere bones.

The other goblins seemed to grow excited by this new turn of events, because they began shivering and running around, screaming an unpleasant tune.

The fallen goblin stood up, its skeletal frame surrounded by a thin layer of black smoke.

It merely stood there, staring at me as if waiting for something.

"I-I don't want to die," I said to it, moving a few inches back out of instinct.

What happened next was truly amusing, the undead goblin ran towards its former comrades, impaling them with its spear.

The other goblins didn't seem to like this at all, hacking and lunging at it in retaliation. But due to its lack of flesh, the attacks simply went through the spaces in between its bones.

Slowly but surely, the night was painted crimson in fire and blood.

Goblin screams filled the air - their tune really was unpleasant- followed by the sound of blood splattering.

As I stared at the carnage, a goblin ran past me. Its innards falling out of its gut as it tried to escape Skelly- that's what I'm calling the undead goblin-.

Its intestines wrapped around its foot as it ran, tripping it over just in time for it to receive a spear to the head.

The smell of blood, shit, and piss made my stomach churn - did it smell delicious?- either way, the meal I had eaten earlier came rushing out of my mouth.

'Perhaps this is a natural human phenomenon when you smell something good,' I thought to myself, wiping the residue off my mouth.

Anyway, I was saddened to see that Skelly had fallen back to the ground, his frame now an inanimate pile of bones.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted, my breathing picking up its pace once more.

After looking around to make sure no goblins were alive, I began my search. Who knows, perhaps some people had survived.

I looked through several huts until eventually, I found a body eerily similar to that of my mother. However I couldn't really tell, half its face was burnt, and most of its limbs were missing.

I crouched down to better examine the clothing, it was covered in blood, with a slimy white substance mixed into it.

More salty water began flowing down my face as I realized that it was indeed my mother. Wiping away the fluid, my body began moving of its own accord, perhaps I was now searching for my father.

'Ahh, was he trying to run away?' I thought as I saw my father's dismembered upper body lying down one of the paths that lead out of the village.

"W-What am I going to do now," I sniffled, before breaking out into what I can only assume was an ugly laugh.

More water fell down my cheeks, my face now felt warm, and my breathing had become labored.

I fell to the ground, my vision going blurry after lying down for a few minutes.


The next morning I awoke to the bumpy motion of a carriage going down the road. As I slowly opened my eyes, a few dirty faces came into view.

"W-Where am I?" I asked, however everyone remained quiet.

Spots of blood were visible on some of their clothes, 'perhaps they were also attacked by goblins,' I thought to myself as I turned to look at the front of the carriage.