My New Life


"peter..peter wake up" a soft and gentle voice calls

'huh.... who's peter'i thought while opening my eyes

"PETER you're going to be late " i jumped out of bed at the loud shout looking where the voice coming from

I looked at my left and saw a middle aged woman lookong at me while saying"wake up young man you are going to be late for your school trip"

"Yes aunt may"i responded at refelx'huh how the hell do i know that she is called may'

"Okay now wakey wakey" she said walking out of the room

I fell back on my bed trying to sort out my thoughts 'that's not my ceiling where the hell am i

Suddenly i felt a surge of pain going through my head like a drill trying peirce my skull i fell out of bed while clutching my head as a lot of visions going through my mind... a lot of emotions

"Argh....huh huh hoof what the hell was that did i just reincarnate as peter parker and why did i just get back all my memories now"

I get up while grunting "ahrgh that was fuckin painful definitely don't wanna experience it again" i walk to the bathroom,i open the sink tap and throw some water on my face,i look up to see my self in the mirror and i definitly look like a peter parker, brown hair with brown eyes a slightly handsome face but a skinny as fuck body

"This guy was vegetarian or somthing"(no offence) i say as i look at my body

I sigh as i go back the bedroom, i open my wardrobe to wear something,why the hell did i have all those baggy clothes, i think they make look bigger, anyway

I wear my clothes then i go downstairs"morning uncle Ben mornin aunty"i say while taking a seat

"So i heard you're going to visit oscorp tower"asks uncle ben while reading the newspaper and drinking his coffe, he looks old with wrinkles all over his face and white hair

"Yeah i feel a little excited about going so i can see the projects there"i say when aunt may comes and put some pancakes on my plate "well we all know that anything has science in it you will feel excited about it " says aunt may,she then turn back to cooking

'i really have been taking this very smoothly, as if i lived all my life as peter which is true right now in a way i still don't how i was reborn as him but i can't say i hate it first of all iam in my favorite universe where there is all the superheroes i lov...oh shit'

"Thanks for the food aunt i need to go now" "have a nice day champ" i nod at uncle ben,then i went outside

'fuck fuck iam in the marvel universe where there's biengs that can melt me with Thier fart

and what would happen if some one read my mind will they know that iam not from that universe i already think the ancient knows about..'

[Ding system starting.....]

[Ding welcome host to the gamer system you dont need to panic because i will make sure nothing bad happens to you ehh not so sure ]

"DAFUck...."suddenly i feel calm and i can think clearly 'what kind of cliche situation is this really a "system" '

[ ouch host this "system" is really hurt even though i dont feel emotions]

"okay first of all can i talk to in my head I don't go around people thinking iam crazy"

[ yes host you can]

'okay very good i need to catch the bus'i ride the bus going to school,i take a seat beside and old man

'okay now system what are you!"

[ like i said before host iam the gamer system my only purpose is to make sure you don't die by a fart like you said before while i won't make you invincible immediately with me your potential is limitless ]

' can you stop boasting about yourself already and stop calling me host i have a name, so you said you are a gamer system,is it like those i read in novels or am i missing something ?'

[ Right ho.. peter i can list all the features i have for you ]

'kay show what you got '

[ you can see your status there also a quest panel where i can give tasks and you can earn rewards after finishing those tasks...]

'that's it !?'

[ yep ;) ]

'sighh.. for fuck sake anyway the bus just arrived i need to go'

"oh peter parker get in fast boy you were pretty late you know that" said my biology teacher " okay sorry i was late coming right away "i get in the bus where i see all my "classmates" i walk in looking for an empty seat but i look where a leg in my path seemingly trying to trip me, i just ignore it while having a seat beside my best friend ned

" tsk got lucky this time parker" said flash yeah u can guess who "the bully"

"fuck off flash ".i said while raising my middle finger i can see mj or mary jane setting beside him she was peter parker crush but poor guy didn't have a chance with her anyway i dont give a shit about her now i know she is one of the most beautiful girls here but she got no brains who's in thier right mind date someone like flash

"sup ned did you play videogames all night yesterday too or what, you look tired ?" i said to my best freind who is sleeping

"zzzzz" he responded "well nevermind you can sleep untill we arrive"

"okay boys and girls we are going to oscorp tower so be ready cause there a lot of things nerdy people will find entertaining" said our teacher while the bus driver already started driving " i bet parker is more excited than his frist time having sex ha! who am i kidding he doesn't even what a pussy look like" said flash making the whole bus laugh ' dafuq that was lame as fuck those ass licking idiots are just laughing '

" yeah you're right flash i bet no one will feel excited when the pussy he is going to fuck is your mom's" "damn" said one of our classmates

"you take that back parker or i swear you're get your ass kicked"

"Students Enough!" shouted our teacher

i smirked at flash who is glaring daggers at me while MJ trying to calm him down

[damn his face is even redder than MJ hair ]

'so show me my status system but first do you have a name '

[ no peter you can choose one for the great me]

'hmmm i think welf is good ' smirk

[ what this not suitt..]

'yeah yeah whatever show me my status '

[ grumbling.. fine ]

[ Name: Peter Parker

Race : Human (ass)

Level 1 :0\100








LUK:5. (average human points =10)



attributes point (AP):10


Skills skill points (SP) : 0

Gamer's Mind (passive)LVL MAX:

makes you calm and collected in dire situations so you dont act like a fool

"thats why i felt calm when you talked to me "

[ peter there also a starter pack gift would like to open it ? ] 'sure'

[Ding gift opend you got

- 5AP

-Random skill ticket :

givea you a random skill

-x5 healing potions (small):

heals 50 points of your health

- nano armor:

full body suit can take any shape you want


'nice.. welf use the ticket '

[Ding skill ticket used : DNA Manipulation]

DNA Manipulation LVL 1 :

Give you the apility to alter your dna and makes your DNA adabtive any thing

also give VIT+5

'whistle....! i see what you did there welf heheh'

"students we arrived everyone let's go"

'time to get bit by a radioactive spider' i smirked while getting off the bus.